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00001 /*
00002 * ==============================================================================
00003 *  Name        : SenSoapConstants.h
00004 *  Part of     : Web Services Framework / Utils
00005 *  Interface   : 
00006 *  Description : This header provides SOAP specific constants.
00007 *  Version     :
00008 *
00009 *  Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
00010 *  This material, including documentation and any related 
00011 *  computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 
00012 *  Nokia. All rights are reserved. Copying, including 
00013 *  reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any 
00014 *  or all of this material requires the prior written consent of 
00015 *  Nokia. This material also contains confidential 
00016 *  information which may not be disclosed to others without the 
00017 *  prior written consent of Nokia.
00018 * ==============================================================================
00019 */
00021 #ifndef SEN_SOAP_CONSTANTS_H
00022 #define SEN_SOAP_CONSTANTS_H
00024 // CONSTANTS
00027 _LIT8(KSenSoap12ContentTypeHeaderValue, "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8");
00028 _LIT8(KSenSoap12AcceptHeaderValue,      "application/soap+xml");
00029 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopeName,             "Envelope");
00030 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopePrefix,               "S");
00031 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopeQName,            "S:Envelope");
00033 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopeXmlns,            "");
00034 _LIT8(KSenSoap12EnvelopeXmlns,          "");
00035 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopeHeaderName,       "Header");
00036 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopeHeaderQName,      "S:Header");
00037 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopeBodyName,         "Body");
00038 _LIT8(KSenSoapEnvelopeBodyQName,        "S:Body");
00039 _LIT8(KSenSoapFaultName,                "Fault");
00042 _LIT8(KSenSoapActionHeaderName,         "SOAPAction");
00043 _LIT8(KSenSoapActionHeaderValueEmpty,   "\"\""); 
00046 _LIT8(KSecurityName,                "Security");
00047 _LIT8(KBinarySecurityToken,         "BinarySecurityToken");
00048 _LIT8(KSecurityXmlNs,               "");
00049 _LIT8(KSecuritySchemeXmlNs,         "");
00050 _LIT8(KSecurityXmlNsPrefix,         "wsse");
00052 _LIT8(KSecurityAttrType,            "Type");           // name of the XML attribute 
00053 _LIT8(KSecurityAttrTypeText,        "PasswordText");   // for default type: wsse:PasswordText
00054 _LIT8(KSecurityAttrTypeDigest,      "PasswordDigest"); // digest type: wsse:Digest
00056 _LIT8(KSecurityTokenReference,      "SecurityTokenReference");
00057 _LIT8(KSecurityUtilityXmlNs,        "");
00058 _LIT8(KSecurityUtilityXmlNsPrefix,  "wsu");
00060 _LIT8(KSecurityUtilityId, "Id");
00061 _LIT8(KSecurityUtilityWsuId, "wsu:Id");
00064 const TInt KStateParsingSoapHeader  = 20; // ignore state   (even number)
00065 const TInt KStateParsingSoapBody    = 40; // ignore state   (even number)
00066 const TInt KStateParsingSoapFault   = 5;  // save state     (odd number)
00069 // CONSTANTS
00070 _LIT8(KFaultCodeLocalname,      "faultcode");   // "faultcode" is intended for use by software to
00071                                                 // provide an algorithmic mechanism for
00072                                                 // identifying the fault.
00074 _LIT8(KFaultStringLocalname,    "faultstring"); // "faultstring" is intended to provide a human
00075                                                 // readable explanation of the fault and is not
00076                                                 // intended for algorithmic processing.
00078 _LIT8(KFaultActorLocalname,     "faultactor");  // "faultactor" is intended to provide information
00079                                                 // about which SOAP node on the SOAP message path
00080                                                 // caused the fault to happen.
00081                                                 // The value of the "faultactor" is a URI
00082                                                 // identifying the source of the fault.
00084 _LIT8(KDetailLocalname,         "detail");      // "detail" is intended for carrying application
00085                                                 // specific error information related to the SOAP
00086                                                 // Body. It MUST be present when the contents of
00087                                                 // the SOAP Body could not be processed
00088                                                 // successfully.
00090 // SOAP 1.2 (
00091 _LIT8(KFault12CodeLocalname,    "Code");                // "Code" has a mandatory "Value" element
00092                                                 // information item and may have an optional
00093                                                 // Subcode element information item.
00095 _LIT8(KFault12SubcodeLocalname, "Subcode");             // "Subcode" has a mandatory "Value" element
00096                                                 // information item and may have an optional
00097                                                 // Subcode element information item.
00099 _LIT8(KFault12ValueLocalname,   "Value");               // In "Code" element:
00100                                                 //    The type of the Value element information
00101                                                 //    item is env:faultCodeEnum. SOAP defines a
00102                                                 //    small set of SOAP fault codes covering high
00103                                                 //    level SOAP faults.
00104                                                 // In "Subcode" element:
00105                                                 //    The type of the Value element information
00106                                                 //    item is xs:QName. The value of this element
00107                                                 //    is an application defined subcategory of
00108                                                 //    the value of the Value child element
00109                                                 //    information item of the Subcode element
00110                                                 //    information item's parent element information
00111                                                 //    item.
00113 _LIT8(KFault12ReasonLocalname,  "Reason");              // "Reason" has one or more "Text" element
00114                                                 // information item children. Each child "Text"
00115                                                 // element information item SHOULD have a
00116                                                 // different value for its "xml:lang" attribute
00117                                                 // information item.
00119 _LIT8(KFault12TextLocalname,    "Text");                // "Text" has a mandatory attribute information
00120                                                 // item  with a [local name] of lang and
00121                                                 // [namespace name] of 
00122                                                 // "".
00123                                                 // Note that the definition in of the lang
00124                                                 // attribute information item requires that the
00125                                                 // [prefix] is "xml" or any capitalization thereof.
00126                                                 //
00127                                                 // "Text" is similar to the 'Reason-Phrase' defined
00128                                                 // by HTTP [RFC 2616] and SHOULD provide
00129                                                 // information explaining the nature of the fault.
00130                                                 // It is not intended for algorithmic processing.
00132 _LIT8(KFault12NodeLocalname,    "Node");                // "Node" is intended to provide information about
00133                                                 // which SOAP node on the SOAP message path caused
00134                                                 // the fault to happen.
00135                                                 // "Node" contains the URI of the SOAP node that
00136                                                 // generated the fault.
00138 _LIT8(KFault12DetailLocalname,  "Detail");              // "Detail" MAY be present in a SOAP fault in
00139                                                 // which case it carries additional information
00140                                                 // relative to the SOAP fault codes describing
00141                                                 // the fault. For example, the Detail element
00142                                                 // information item might contain information about
00143                                                 // a message not containing the proper credentials,
00144                                                 // a timeout, etc. The presence of the Detail
00145                                                 // element information item has no significance as
00146                                                 // to which parts of the faulty SOAP message were
00147                                                 // processed.
00149 // SOAP Fault Codes in SOAP 1.2 (
00150 _LIT8(KDataEncodingUnknown,     "DataEncodingUnknown");
00151                                                 // A SOAP header block or SOAP body child element 
00152                                                 // information item targeted at the faulting SOAP
00153                                                 // node is scoped (see 5.1.1 SOAP encodingStyle
00154                                                 // Attribute) with a data encoding that the
00155                                                 // faulting node does not support.
00157 _LIT8(KMustUnderstand,          "MustUnderstand");
00158                                                 // An immediate child element information item of
00159                                                 // the SOAP Header element information item
00160                                                 // targeted at the faulting node that was not
00161                                                 // understood by the faulting node contained a SOAP
00162                                                 // mustUnderstand attribute information item with a
00163                                                 // value of "true".
00165 _LIT8(KReceiver,                "Receiver");    // The message could not be processed for reasons
00166                                                 // attributable to the processing of the message
00167                                                 // rather than to the contents of the message
00168                                                 // itself. For example, processing could include
00169                                                 // communicating with an upstream SOAP node, which
00170                                                 // did not respond. The message could succeed if
00171                                                 // resent at a later point in time.
00173 _LIT8(KSender,                  "Sender");      // The message was incorrectly formed or did not
00174                                                 // contain the appropriate information in order to
00175                                                 // succeed. For example, the message could lack the
00176                                                 // proper authentication or payment information. It
00177                                                 // is generally an indication that the message is
00178                                                 // not to be resent without change.
00180 _LIT8(KVersionMismatch,         "VersionMismatch");
00181                                                 // The faulting node found an invalid element
00182                                                 // information item instead of the expected
00183                                                 // Envelope element information item. The namespace,
00184                                                 // local name or both did not match the Envelope
00185                                                 // element information item required by this
00186                                                 // recommendation.
00188 enum TSOAPVersion
00189         {
00190         ESOAP11 = 1,
00191         ESOAP12
00192         };
00194 #endif // SEN_SOAP_CONSTANTS_H

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