
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 * ============================================================================
00003 *  Name        : SendUiConsts.h
00004 *  Part of     : SendUi
00005 *  Interface   : 
00006 *  Description : Uid definitions for SendUI services.
00007 *  Version     : 1.0
00008 *
00009 *  Copyright © 2002-2007 Nokia. All rights reserved.
00010 *  This material, including documentation and any related 
00011 *  computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 
00012 *  Nokia. All rights are reserved. Copying, including 
00013 *  reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, any 
00014 *  or all of this material requires the prior written consent of 
00015 *  Nokia. This material also contains confidential 
00016 *  information which may not be disclosed to others without the 
00017 *  prior written consent of Nokia.
00018 *
00019 * ============================================================================
00020 */
00022 #ifndef SENDUICONSTS_H
00023 #define SENDUICONSTS_H
00025 //  CONSTANTS 
00026 #define KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue              0x10001028
00027 #define KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue             0x1000102A
00028 #define KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue              0x10001029
00029 #define KSenduiMtmSmsUidValue               0x1000102C
00030 #define KSenduiMtmMmsUidValue               0x100058E1
00031 #define KSenduiMtmIrUidValue                0x100053A4
00032 #define KSenduiMtmBtUidValue                0x10009ED5
00033 #define KSenduiMtmPushMtm1UidValue          0x10009158
00034 #define KSenduiMtmPushMtm2UidValue          0x10009158
00035 #define KSenduiMtmPushMtm3UidValue          0x10009158
00036 #define KSenduiMtmPushMtmUidValue           0x10009158
00037 #define KSenduiMtmBioUidValue               0x10001262
00038 #define KSenduiMailEditorUidValue           0x101F4CD6
00039 #define KSenduiMMSEditorUidValue            0x100058DE // Deprecated since 3.2
00040 #define KSenduiMMSNotificationUidValue      0x100059C8
00041 #define KSenduiMtmFaxUidValue               0x1000102B
00042 #define KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUidValue       0x101f7c5c
00043 #define KMmsUploadService1                  0x101F8835
00044 #define KMmsUploadService2                  0x101F8836
00045 #define KMmsUploadService3                  0x101F8837
00046 #define KMmsUploadService4                  0x101F8838
00047 #define KSenduiMtmRoUidValue                0x101F6DC2
00048 #define KSenduiMtmPostcardUidValue          0x10207245
00049 #define KDrmLinkSenderValue                 0x10207388
00050 #define KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUidValue      0x1020745B
00051 #define KSenduiMtmUniMessageUidValue        0x102072D6
00052 #define KSenduiUniEditorUidValue            0x102072D8
00053 #define KSendUiGenericMtmPluginUidValue     0x102823B7
00055 // Technology types
00056 #define KSenduiTechnologySmsUidValue        0x10008A30
00057 #define KSenduiTechnologyMmsUidValue        0x100058E2
00058 #define KSenduiTechnologyMailUidValue       0x10001671
00059 #define KSenduiTechnologyUniEditorUidValue  0x102072D5
00060 #define KSenduiTechnologyIrUidValue         0x1000539F
00061 #define KSenduiTechnologyBtUidValue         0x10009ED6
00062 #define KSenduiTechnologyIMUidValue         0x2000B4E8
00064 // MTMs
00065 const TUid KSenduiMtmSmtpUid            = { KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue         };
00066 const TUid KSenduiMtmImap4Uid           = { KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue        };
00067 const TUid KSenduiMtmPop3Uid            = { KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue         };
00068 const TUid KSenduiMtmSmsUid             = { KSenduiMtmSmsUidValue          };
00069 const TUid KSenduiMtmMmsUid             = { KSenduiMtmMmsUidValue          };
00070 const TUid KSenduiMtmIrUid              = { KSenduiMtmIrUidValue           };
00071 const TUid KSenduiMtmBtUid              = { KSenduiMtmBtUidValue           };
00072 const TUid KSenduiMtmPushMtm1Uid        = { KSenduiMtmPushMtm1UidValue     };
00073 const TUid KSenduiMtmPushMtm2Uid        = { KSenduiMtmPushMtm2UidValue     };
00074 const TUid KSenduiMtmPushMtm3Uid        = { KSenduiMtmPushMtm3UidValue     };
00075 const TUid KSenduiMtmPushMtmUid         = { KSenduiMtmPushMtmUidValue      };
00076 const TUid KSenduiMtmFaxUid             = { KSenduiMtmFaxUidValue          };
00077 const TUid KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUid     = { KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUidValue  };
00078 const TUid KSenduiMtmBioUid             = { KSenduiMtmBioUidValue          };
00079 const TUid KSenduiMtmRoUid              = { KSenduiMtmRoUidValue           };
00080 const TUid KSenduiMMSNotificationUid    = { KSenduiMMSNotificationUidValue };
00081 const TUid KSenduiMtmPostcardUid        = { KSenduiMtmPostcardUidValue     };
00082 const TUid KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUid    = { KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUidValue };
00083 const TUid KSenduiMtmUniMessageUid      = { KSenduiMtmUniMessageUidValue   };
00086 // ECom services
00087 const TUid KMmsDirectUpload             = { 0x101F87F5                     };
00088 const TUid KMmsIndirectUpload           = { 0x101F87F7                     };
00089 const TUid KMmsUploadService1Id         = { KMmsUploadService1             };
00090 const TUid KMmsUploadService2Id         = { KMmsUploadService2             };
00091 const TUid KMmsUploadService3Id         = { KMmsUploadService3             };
00092 const TUid KMmsUploadService4Id         = { KMmsUploadService4             };
00093 const TUid KMeetingRequestSender        = { 0x101FD69A                     };
00094 const TUid KDrmLinkSender               = { KDrmLinkSenderValue            };
00095 const TUid KGenericMtmPlugin            = { KSendUiGenericMtmPluginUidValue};
00097 // Technology types
00098 const TUid KSenduiTechnologySmsUid          = { KSenduiTechnologySmsUidValue        };
00099 const TUid KSenduiTechnologyMmsUid          = { KSenduiTechnologyMmsUidValue        };
00100 const TUid KSenduiTechnologyMailUid         = { KSenduiTechnologyMailUidValue       };
00101 const TUid KSenduiTechnologyUniEditorUid    = { KSenduiTechnologyUniEditorUidValue  };
00102 const TUid KSenduiTechnologyIrUid           = { KSenduiTechnologyIrUidValue         };
00103 const TUid KSenduiTechnologyBtUid           = { KSenduiTechnologyBtUidValue         }; 
00104 const TUid KSenduiTechnologyIMUid           = { KSenduiTechnologyIMUidValue         }; 
00106 // Message data types
00107 const TUid KSenduiMsgDataBase           = { 0x101FD695                     };
00108 const TUid KSenduiMsgDataMeetingRequest = { 0x101FD696                     };
00110 // Editors
00111 const TUid KSenduiMailEditorUid         = { KSenduiMailEditorUidValue      };
00112 const TUid KSenduiMMSEditorUid          = { KSenduiMMSEditorUidValue       }; // Deprecated since 3.2
00113 const TUid KSenduiUniEditorUid          = { KSenduiUniEditorUidValue       };
00115 #endif      // SENDUICONSTS_H
00117 // End of File

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