Startup list Management API: API description

Startup List Management API defines rules and policies that allow a third party application to make modifications to the device’s startup list during the installation / uninstallation process. The API does not define any classes, but it defines a set of resource file structures and enumerations that each client must declare. This API does not require other SDK APIs.

Use cases

The only use case of this API is to offer third-party developers a mean to get their own application started during a device start-up.

API class structure

This interface has no classes.

A resource file, the structure of which is defined in StartupItem.rh, is needed to define executable(s) started at boot time.

BYTE versionIndicates the version of the API. Do not use.
LTEXT Executable_nameFull path to the executable.
WORD recoveryRecovery policy used in case of failure in executable launch.

The TStartupExceptionPolicy enumeration, which is defined in StartupItem.hrh, is used to define the recovery policy in case of failure when launching the executable at device boot up. At the moment, only the value EStartupItemExPolicyNone can be used.

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