Status Pane API: Purpose

The status pane displays status information of the current application and state, as well as general information about the device status, e.g. the signal strength and battery charging. It occupies the top part of the screen. The status pane contains more sub panes. Status pane contents controls provide an API to change the content of the title, context and navigation panes.

The status pane contains the following sub-panes:

Every application has its own status pane instance. Status pane and status pane contents controls are created by the application UI framework when an application is constructed. The status pane layout is read from AVKON resources. The layout resource contains also information about the control that is put inside the sub panes.



Classification and release information

Status Pane API is an SDK API and part of S60 release 3.x.

Copyright © Nokia Corporation 2001-2008
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