
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002 * ============================================================================
00003 *  Name     : AknPopupLayout.h
00004 *  Part of  : Avkon
00005 *
00006 *  Description:
00007 *     Layouts from pop-up windows. Mostly used for implementing list queries,
00008 *     options menus, grouped soft notifications and other popup windows.
00009 *  Version:
00010 *
00011 *  Copyright © 2002 Nokia Corporation.
00012 *  This material, including documentation and any related 
00013 *  computer programs, is protected by copyright controlled by 
00014 *  Nokia Corporation. All rights are reserved. Copying, 
00015 *  including reproducing, storing,  adapting or translating, any 
00016 *  or all of this material requires the prior written consent of 
00017 *  Nokia Corporation. This material also contains confidential 
00018 *  information which may not be disclosed to others without the 
00019 *  prior written consent of Nokia Corporation.
00020 * ============================================================================
00021 */
00023 #ifndef __AKNPOPUPLAYOUT__
00024 #define __AKNPOPUPLAYOUT__
00026 #include <aknutils.h>
00027 #include <e32std.h>
00029 struct TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef;
00030 class CEikListBox;
00031 class CAknPopupHeadingPane;
00032 class CWindowGc;
00033 class CCoeControl;
00034 class CEikonEnv;
00035 class TAknWindowComponentLayout;
00037 const TInt EAknPopupLayoutsDynamic = 0x80;
00038 const TInt EAknPopupLayoutsFind = 0x100;
00058 struct TAknPopupLayoutsNode;
00059 struct TAknPopupLayoutsNode
00060 {
00061         TAknPopupLayoutsNode *iNext;
00062         TInt iId;
00063         CCoeControl *iControl;
00064 };
00065 enum TAknPopupLayoutsNodeList
00066 {
00067         EListNode = 0x5555,
00068         EHeadingNode,
00069         EWindowOwningNode,
00070         EMessageBoxNode,
00071     EFindBoxNode
00072 };
00074 class AknPopupLayouts
00075     {
00076 public: 
00085     enum TAknPopupLayouts
00086         {
00087         // these are the standard popup windows
00088         EMenuWindow, // CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox
00089         EMenuGraphicWindow, // CAknSingleGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox
00090         EMenuGraphicHeadingWindow, // CAknSingleGraphicHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox, CAknSingleHeadingPopupMenuStyleListBox
00091         EMenuDoubleWindow, // CAknDoublePopupMenuStyleListBox
00092         EMenuDoubleLargeGraphicWindow, // CAknDoubleLargeGraphicPopupMenuStyleListBox
00093         EPopupSNotePopupWindow,
00094     EMenuUnknownColumnWindow,       // for apps that use Column listboxes inside popup list
00095     EMenuUnknownFormattedCellWindow,// for apps that use Formatted cell listboxes inside popup list
00097         // these are versions of the popup windows which does not resize
00098         // themselves if you insert items. (they're full size from the
00099         // beginning)
00100         EDynMenuWindow = EMenuWindow + 0x80,
00101         EDynMenuGraphicWindow,
00102         EDynMenuGraphicHeadingWindow,
00103         EDynMenuDoubleWindow,
00104         EDynMenuDoubleLargeGraphicWindow        
00105         };
00107 public: // interface for controls
00117     IMPORT_C static void HandleSizeChanged(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
00118                                            TAknPopupLayouts aLayout,
00119                                            TAknPopupLayoutsNode *aListOfControls);
00120     IMPORT_C static void HandleSizeChanged(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00121                                   TAknPopupLayouts aLayout,
00122                                   CAknPopupHeadingPane *aHeadingOrNull,
00123                                   CEikListBox *aListBox,
00124                                   CCoeControl *aWindowOwningControl);
00128     IMPORT_C static void HandleDraw(CEikonEnv* aEikEnv,
00129                            CWindowGc &aGc,
00130                            const TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00131                            CEikListBox *aListBox,
00132                            CAknPopupHeadingPane *aHeadingOrNull);
00135 public: // interface for adding heading
00139     IMPORT_C static void ModifyWindowGraphicForHeading(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef);
00140     IMPORT_C static void ModifyWindowGraphicForMessageBox(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, TInt aNumOfLines);
00142 public: // The implementation of different popup window styles.
00146     IMPORT_C static void CalcPopupMenuWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00147                                              TRect aClientRect, 
00148                                              TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox);
00152     IMPORT_C static void CalcPopupMenuGraphicWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
00153                                                     TRect aClientRect, 
00154                                                     TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox);
00158     IMPORT_C static void CalcPopupMenuGraphicHeadingWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
00159                                                            TRect aClientRect, 
00160                                                            TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox);
00164     IMPORT_C static void CalcPopupMenuDoubleWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
00165                                                    TRect aClientRect, 
00166                                                    TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox);
00170     IMPORT_C static void CalcPopupMenuDoubleLargeGraphicWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
00171                                                                TRect aClientRect, 
00172                                                                TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox);
00176     IMPORT_C static void CalcPopupSNoteGroupWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00177                                                    TRect aClientRect, 
00178                                                    TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox);
00183     IMPORT_C static void SetupMenuPopupWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00184                                               TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox, 
00185                                               TBool aHeading);
00189     IMPORT_C static void SetupPopupMenuGraphicWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00190                                                      TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox,
00191                                                      TBool aHeading);
00195     IMPORT_C static void SetupPopupMenuGraphicHeadingWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00196                                                             TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox, 
00197                                                             TBool aHeading);
00201     IMPORT_C static void SetupPopupMenuDoubleWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00202                                                     TInt aNumberOfLinesInListBox, 
00203                                                     TBool aHeading);    
00207     IMPORT_C static void SetupImageSelectionMenuPopupWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
00208                                                             TInt num, 
00209                                                             TBool heading);
00213     IMPORT_C static void SetupPopupSNoteGroupWindow(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef,
00214                                                     TInt num,
00215                                                     TBool heading);
00218 public: // interface to setup listbox and popup heading pane. (used by HandleSizeChanged)
00219     IMPORT_C static void HandleSizeAndPositionOfComponents(const TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef, 
00220                                                   CCoeControl *aContentInsidePopup,
00221                                                   CAknPopupHeadingPane *aHeadingOrNull);
00222     IMPORT_C static void SetupDefaults(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef);
00223 public: // Utilities
00227     IMPORT_C static TRect WindowRect(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef);
00231     IMPORT_C static TRect MenuRect(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef);
00235     IMPORT_C static void CheckRange(TInt &aValue, TInt aMin, TInt aMax);
00239     IMPORT_C static void MenuPopupWindowGraphics(TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef &aDef);
00241     static TRect RectFromLayout(TRect aParent, const TAknWindowComponentLayout &aComponentLayout);
00242     };
00249 struct TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef
00250     {
00251     EXPORT_C TAknPopupWindowLayoutDef();
00252     TAknLayoutRect iListRect;
00253     TAknLayoutRect iHeadingRect;
00255     TAknLayoutRect iCover;
00256     TAknLayoutRect iSecond;
00257     TAknLayoutRect iFirst;
00258     TAknLayoutRect iOutline;
00259     TAknLayoutRect iInside;
00261     TAknLayoutRect iVertLineExt1;
00262     TAknLayoutRect iVertLineExt2;
00264     // the window position relative to clientrect
00265     TRect iWindowRect;
00267     // popup_menu_window position relative to iWindowPos
00268     TPoint iPopupMenuWindowOffset;
00269     TInt iMaximumHeight;
00270     };
00272 #endif

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