The S60 platform provides a developer platform for mobile devices. The platform is implemented in a range of devices and provides application developers with a set of libraries, applications, and technologies. The S60 platform runs on the underlying Symbian OS.
The following introduction to mobile application development with the C++ programming language for the S60 platform allows you to develop and run your first two applications with the Carbide.c++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
Although you do not need prior information about the S60 platform or Symbian OS, you should have some knowledge about the following:
C++ programming
Basic principles of object-oriented design
For more information on S60 projects, see Tutorial 5: S60 project contents.
You need the following hardware and software to develop applications and test them on a computer:
A computer that meets the hardware and software requirements listed in the S60 5th Edition SDK for Symbian Release Notes
S60 Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) for Symbian OS
Before you begin to develop applications for mobile devices, choose the target devices best suited for your application and then choose the corresponding development platforms. This allows you to install the appropriate S60 SDK version.
Note: The tutorials instruct how to use the S60 5th Edition SDK and Carbide.c++ for application development.
Carbide.c++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which contains the WINSCW compiler for building S60 applications for the emulator
Check the Perl version required by the S60 SDK from the Release Notes. For example, the S60 5th Edition SDK requires Perl version 5.6.1 build 635 for SDK build tools. Newer or older versions may not be fully compatible with the Symbian tool chain.
Java Runtime
Check the Java Runtime version required by S60 SDK from the Release Notes. For example, the S60 5th Edition SDK requires Java Runtime version 1.6.0_xx.
You need the following hardware and software to test applications on a mobile device:
A mobile device based on the S60 platform edition that is compatible with your development S60 SDK version
A connection between your PC and mobile device, such as a USB or Bluetooth connection.
For information on how to create the connection, see the documentation that accompanies the device. For example, use the version of Nokia PC Suite that is compatible with the device.
For more information on:
Tools, see Tutorial 1: Environment and tools
Binary compatibility and porting applications to S60 5th Edition devices, see Porting guide for S60 5th Edition
Symbian C++ development, see Symbian C++ QuickStart
On the Tool Details (Carbide.c++) page click Download now
Start installation by running the file. You can also save the file to your hard drive first.
If you encounter any problems, see How do I start programming for Symbian OS? on the Forum Nokia Wiki. You can also ask questions about SDK related problems (installation, tools configuration, emulator issues, and so on) on the Symbian Tools & SDKs discussion board on Forum Nokia.
Go to Tool Details (S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS) page.
Download and read the S60 5th Edition SDK for Symbian Release Notes.
Select the latest S60 SDK version and click Download now
Save and extract the zip file.
In the root directory, open the S60 5th Edition SDK Installation Guide.