The term messaging comprises text messaging, picture messaging, multimedia messaging, instant messaging, and e-mail. Text messaging is enabled by the Short Message Service (SMS). Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) enables digital input.
SMS enables the sending of text messages between devices such as mobile devices or computers. SMS is used as one bearer of Smart Messaging. Smart Messaging is a concept developed by Nokia for sending and receiving ring tones, picture messages, operator logos, business cards, and calendar requests.
MMS is a multiform method of communication that combines forms of rich content, such as audio and video clips, photographs, and images, with text messaging.
Instant messaging (IM) is real-time messaging. A basic requirement for IM is that the user knows whether the recipient is online (available). IM is typically used in chat applications.
When providing e-mail services to mobile device users, the S60 platform relies upon the services provided by remote e-mail servers. It supports the POP3, IMAP4 and SMTP protocols for connecting to these servers.
For more information on the S60 platform messaging services, see Messaging application services.