#include <ctype.h>
toupper (int c); |
#include<ctype.h> //toupper() #include<stdio.h> //printf() int test_toupper() { struct st { int input; int output; }; struct st arr[]= { { q, Q }, { G , G }, { 9 , 9 }, { % , % }, { \t , \t }, }; int i = 0; int size = 5; for( i=0; i<size; i++) { int ret = toupper(arr[i].input);//call to the API with the chars in arr[] if( ret != arr[i].output ) { printf("\n%c cannot convert ", arr[i].input); } else { printf("\n%c ", arr[i].output); } } printf("\n"); }
q G 9 %
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