
zError — Translates error number to string.




#include <zlib.h>
const char * zError(int err);

Return Value

The zError() function shall return a the string identifying the error associated with err, or NULL if err is not a valid error code.

It is unspecified if the string returned is determined by the setting of the LC_MESSAGES category in the current locale.

Detailed Description

The zError() function shall return the string identifying the error associated with err. This allows for conversion from error code to string for functions such as compress() and uncompress(), that do not always set the string version of an error.


To translate error number to string:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <zlib.h>

void Zerror( )
const char * str = zError(1);
printf("error message is %s",str);


error message is "stream end".


None defined.


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