Landmark | A saved location with a name. Includes coordinates, address, and other
data related to the location. |
Landmark category | An attribute that is assigned to a landmark. This typically helps to
describe the landmark (e.g. House, Shop or Restaurant). |
Landmark collection | A collection of landmarks (in implementation, maps directly to a landmark
database). |
Position | Coordinates in a reference system. |
ID | The identifier of a landmark or a category in the landmark database. |
Landmarks Framework | An S60 component, which implements Landmarks Engine, landmarks parsing
functionality, etc. |
Map and Navigation Framework | Map and Navigation Framework enables S60 applications to use map, navigation
and geocoding features offered by third party Provider applications. The framework
exposes its basic features via AIW menus and services. Also native Symbian
call-based APIs are provided for direct access to map and navigation services
from client applications. |