cmplugindialcommondefs.h File Reference

API published in: S60 3rd Ed FP 2

Link against: cmmanager.lib

Capability Information

Required Capabilities



Reading 'private' user data such as user names or passwords: ReadDeviceData

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  CMManager


enum  CMManager::TCmCallType { CMManager::ECmCallTypeAnalogue, CMManager::ECmCallTypeISDNv110, CMManager::ECmCallTypeISDNv120 }
 These enums are used to represent the conn. More...
enum  CMManager::TCmCallSpeed {
  CMManager::ECmSpeedAutobaud = 0x00000000, CMManager::ECmSpeed9600 = 0x00000001, CMManager::ECmSpeed14400 = 0x00000002, CMManager::ECmSpeed19200 = 0x00000003,
  CMManager::ECmSpeed28800 = 0x00000004, CMManager::ECmSpeed38400 = 0x00000005, CMManager::ECmSpeed43200 = 0x00000006, CMManager::ECmSpeed56000 = 0x00000007
 These enums are used to represent the connection speed. More...
enum  CMManager::TConnectionMethodCsdHscsdCommonAttributes {
  CMManager::EPluginDialAttribStart = 10000, CMManager::EDialOut = 10001, CMManager::EDialCallType = 10002, CMManager::EDialMaxConnSpeed = 10003,
  CMManager::EDialDescription = 10100, CMManager::EDialType = 10101, CMManager::EDialDefaultTelNum = 10102, CMManager::EDialDialResolution = 10103,
  CMManager::EDialChargeCard = 10104, CMManager::EDialUseLoginScript = 10105, CMManager::EDialLoginScript = 10106, CMManager::EDialAuthentication = 10107,
  CMManager::EDialPromptForLogin = 10108, CMManager::EDialLoginName = 10109, CMManager::EDialLoginPassword = 10110, CMManager::EDialDisplayPCT = 10111,
  CMManager::EDialIFParams = 10112, CMManager::EDialIFNetworks = 10113, CMManager::EDialIFPromptForAuth = 10114, CMManager::EDialIFAuthName = 10115,
  CMManager::EDialIFAuthPass = 10116, CMManager::EDialIFAuthRetries = 10117, CMManager::EDialIFCallbackEnabled = 10118, CMManager::EDialIFCallbackType = 10119,
  CMManager::EDialIFCallbackInfo = 10120, CMManager::EDialCallbackTimeout = 10121, CMManager::EDialIFServerMode = 10122, CMManager::EDialIPAddressFromServer = 10123,
  CMManager::EDialIPAddress = 10124, CMManager::EDialIPNetmask = 10125, CMManager::EDialIPGateway = 10126, CMManager::EDialIPDNSAddressFromServer = 10127,
  CMManager::EDialIPNameServer1 = 10128, CMManager::EDialIPNameServer2 = 10129, CMManager::EDialIP6DNSAddressFromServer = 10130, CMManager::EDialIP6NameServer1 = 10131,
  CMManager::EDialIP6NameServer2 = 10132, CMManager::EDialIPAddressLeaseValidFrom = 10133, CMManager::EDialIPAddressLeaseValidTo = 10134, CMManager::EDialConfigDaemonManagerName = 10135,
  CMManager::EDialConfigDaemonName = 10136, CMManager::EDialEnableIPHeaderComp = 10137, CMManager::EDialEnableLCPExtension = 10138, CMManager::EDialDisablePlainTextAuth = 10139,
  CMManager::EDialEnableSWComp = 10140, CMManager::EDialBearerName = 10141, CMManager::EDialBearerSpeed = 10142, CMManager::EDialBearerCE = 10143,
  CMManager::EDialInitString = 10144, CMManager::EDialBearerService = 10145, CMManager::EDialBearerProtocol = 10146, CMManager::EDialRLPVersion = 10147,
  CMManager::EDialIWFtoMS = 10148, CMManager::EDialMStoIWF = 10149, CMManager::EDialAckTimer = 10150, CMManager::EDialRetransmissionAttempts = 10151,
  CMManager::EDialResequencePeriod = 10152, CMManager::EDialV42Compression = 10153, CMManager::EDialV42CodeWords = 10154, CMManager::EDialV42MaxLength = 10155,
  CMManager::EDialUseEdge = 10156, CMManager::EPluginDialAttribRangeMax = 19999
 These are the common attribute of every dial in/out bearer types. More...


const TUint32 CMManager::KCallBackTimeOut = 60000000
 callback timeout in microseconds
const TInt CMManager::KEndOfArray = -1
 indicated the end of the array in the following max speed array sets
const TInt CMManager::KCsdAnalogue []
 the set of max speeds available for CSD analogue
const TInt CMManager::KCsdAnalogueWcdma []
 the set of speeds available for CSD wcdma analogue
const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn110 []
 the set of speeds available for CSD idsn 110
const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn110Wcdma []
 the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 110 wcdma
const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn120 []
 the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 120
const TInt CMManager::KCsdIsdn120Wcdma []
 the set of speeds available for CSD isdn 120 wcdma
const TInt CMManager::KHcsdAnal []
 the set of speeds available for HSCSD analogue
const TInt CMManager::KHcsdIsdn110 []
 the set of speeds available for HSCSD isdn 110
const TInt CMManager::KHcsdIsdn120 []
 the set of speeds available for HSCSD isdn 120

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