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C++ Class Hierarchy
C++ Class Hierarchy
- __sbuf - Stdio buffers
- __sFILE - Stdio state variables
- _atexit
- _glue
- _reent
- AlarmClientUtils
- ASCliDefinitions - This is a utility class that retrieves the name and version number of the alarm server
- BaflUtils - Provides simple-to-use file system utilities
- BaSystemSound - API class to retrieve and modify the system sounds settings
- BigEndian - Inserts and extracts integers in big-endian format
- BTDeviceArrayCleanupStack - Cleanup utility for CBTDeviceArrays
- BTDeviceNameConverter - Utility class to convert between a wide TBTDeviceName and a narrow TBTDeviceName8
- ByteOrder - Reverses the byte order in 16 and 32-bit values
- CalCommon - Utility class containing common calendar-related enums
- CalCommon::TCalTimeRange - Class to implement a time range in the Instance view and Entry view
- CAnimationFrame::THandles - Structure used for passing a CAnimationFrame safely over a client/server connection
- CApaDocument::TCapability - CApaDocument capabilities
- CArrayFixFlat - Array of fixed length objects contained within a flat dynamic buffer
- CArrayFixFlat< TAny > - An array of fixed length untyped objects using a flat dynamic buffer
- CArrayFixFlat< TInt > - Template specialisation base class for arrays of TInt types implemented in a flat dynamic buffer
- CArrayFixFlat< TUid > - Template specialisation base class for arrays of TUid types implemented in a flat dynamic buffer
- CArrayFixSeg - Array of fixed length objects contained within a segmented buffer
- CArrayFixSeg< TAny > - An array of fixed length untyped objects using a segmented dynamic buffer
- CArrayPakFlat - Array of variable length objects packed into a flat buffer
- CArrayPtr - A thin templated base class for arrays of pointers to objects
- CArrayPtrFlat - Array of pointers to objects implemented using a flat dynamic buffer
- CArrayPtrSeg - Array of pointers to objects implemented using a segmented dynamic buffer
- CArrayVarFlat - Array of variable length objects implemented using a flat dynamic buffer
- CArrayVarSeg - Array of variable length objects implemented using a segmented dynamic buffer
- CAuthenticationFilterInterface::TAuthenticationParams
- CBaflFileSortTable - Bafl File Sort Table containing an array of UIDs
- CBaNamedPlugins::MFallBackName - Interface class with a single pure virtual function that generates a fallback name for plug-ins
- CBaNamedPlugins::TResourceFile - Information about a resource file containing the names of one or more named plug-ins
- CBase - Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- CASN1EncBase - Base class for all ASN.1 types that we can encode
- CASN1EncPrimitive - All ASN1 primitive type encoding classes derive from here
- CASN1EncBigInt - Class for encoding Big Integer objects only - use CASN1EncInt for TInts
- CActive - The core class of the active object abstraction
- CActiveCommsMobilityApiExt - Comms Mobility API extension for client running an Active Scheduler.. Whenever an Active Scheduler is present, this API is recommended over RCommsMobilityApiExt because of its simplicity
- CAsyncOneShot - An active object that performs processing that is only performed once
- CAsyncCallBack - An active object that performs its processing through an associated call back function, and which is only performed once
- CCoeEnv - Control environment
- CEikonEnv - An environment for creating controls and utility functions for manipulating them
- CIdle - An active object that performs low-priority processing when no higher-priority active objects are ready to run
- CIdleFinder - Provides information about the progress of an asynchronous contact database search, and can be used to get the results of the search
- CLogActive - Common active object behaviour
- CLogBase - Base class for the log engine implementation
- CLogView - Navigates a view on the log database
- CLogViewDuplicate - A view of events that are duplicates of an event in a view of recent events
- CMDXMLParser - Creates a DOM structure from a given XML file
- CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync - Active object utility class that can be used to add a data source or data sink to a controller plugin asynchronously
- CMMFDataPath - Abstract utility class that moves data from a single data source to a single data sink, via a codec if required
- CMMFDataPathEventMonitor - Active object utility class that can be used to monitor a datapath that is running in its own thread for events
- CMsvOperation - Defines an interface for use by objects which control asynchronous commands in the messaging system
- CImCacheManager - Provides management of the local cache of messages in remote mailboxes
- CImEmailOperation - Provides simple email messages creation functions, including creation of new messages, replies, forwarded messages, and receipts
- CImImap4GetMail - Encapsulates an operation to copy, move, and populate (i.e
- CImPOP3GetMail - Encapsulates an operation to copy/move POP3 emails from the remote inbox to any local folder
- CMsvCompletedOperation - Utility to create a messaging operation object for an operation that has already completed
- CMsvSendOperation - Utility to create an operation containing a sending operation which may be used to retrieve a standard progress structure
- CMsvOperationWait - Utility class used to wait until an asynchronous messaging operation has completed
- CMsvSession - Represents a channel of communication between a client thread (Client-side MTM, User Interface MTM, or message client application) and the Message Server thread
- CServer2 - Abstract base class for servers (version 2)
- CPolicyServer - A security policy framework built on top of the normal CServer2 class
- CTimer - Base class for a timer active object
- CActiveScheduler - Controls the handling of asynchronous requests as represented by active objects
- CAlgorithmIdentifier - Contains an algorithm ID and any encoded parameters required by that algorithm
- CAnim - Server side animated object base interface
- CAnimDll - Animation DLL factory interface
- CAnimation - Pure virtual base class for animations
- CBasicAnimation - Implementation of CAnimation for purely client side animations
- CAnimationFrame - Data format for individual bitmap format animation frames
- CAnimationTls - This is a wrapper around the thread local storage, which simplifies its use for obtaining a CAnimationTicker object that can be shared between animations
- CAnimator - Pure virtual base class for animators
- CApaModelHeader - An interface class that acts as a wrapper for an application model
- CApaProcess - Maintains a list of documents and all of the potentially shared resources used by documents
- CEikProcess - The controlling process for an application
- CApaWindowGroupName - Gives access to the name of a window group and the information encoded by that name
- CArrayFixBase - Base class for arrays of fixed length objects
- CArrayFix - A thin templated base class for arrays of fixed length objects
- CArrayFix< TAny > - A template specialisation base class for arrays of fixed length untyped objects
- CDesC16Array - An implementation base class for 16 bit descriptor arrays
- CDesC16ArraySeg - An array of 16 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer
- CDesC8Array - An implementation base class for 8 bit descriptor arrays
- CDesC8ArrayFlat - An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a flat buffer
- CDesC8ArraySeg - An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer
- CArrayPakBase - An implementation base class for all variable length, packed arrays
- CArrayPak - A thin templated base class for variable length, packed, arrays
- CArrayPak< TAny > - A template specialisation base class for variable length, packed, arrays
- CArrayVarBase - An implementation base class for variable length arrays
- CArrayVar - A thin templated base class for variable length arrays
- CAttributeLookupTable - Provides an attribute lookup table, which maintains a global set of unique IDs to be defined for document node attributes and language tags
- CBNFParser - Base class for parsers that use a BNF tree to parse an input stream
- CDTDModel - Creates a tree that represents a specified DTD
- CBTDevice - Encapsulates all information that must be known about a device
- CBaBackupSessionWrapper - CBaBackupSessionWrapper provides the APIs necessary to enable a backup or restore/install by allowing broadcast requests for some or all files to either remain untouched or have their locks released for an arbitrary period
- CBaNamedPlugins - A localised list of the names of the plug-ins available on the phone for a particular plug-in framework
- CBaseMtm - Provides a high-level interface for accessing and manipulating a Message Server entry
- CImap4ClientMtm - IMAP4 client MTM interface, providing access to the email services using the IMAP4 protocol
- CBaseMtmUi - Provides MTM-specific user interaction, such as editing, viewing, deleting, and copying of message entries
- CBitmapFrameData - Encapsulates the information required for one frame of an animation
- CBitmapRotator - The public API for clients to call the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap rotation
- CBitmapScaler - The public API for clients to call the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap scaling
- CBufBase - Defines the interface for dynamic buffers
- CBufFlat - Provides a flat storage dynamic buffer
- CBufSeg - Provides a segmented dynamic buffer
- CCalCategory - Calendar categories can be associated with a calendar entry
- CCalCategoryManager - A category manager used to manipulate the categories held by the Calendar store
- CCalContent - This class holds in memory 8-bit data of any type, or a link to 8-bit data such as a URI
- CCalDataExchange - This class provides functionality for importing and exporting vCal entries
- CCalEntry - Class representing a calendar entry
- CCalEntryId - Class representing a uniquely identifiable calendar entry in a calendar file
- CCalInstance - Class representing an instance of a calendar entry
- CCalIter - An iterator for iterating though all the entries in the calendar store
- CCalUser - Class representing a calendar user
- CCamera - Base class for camera devices
- CCamera::CCameraPresets - This API is used to simplify user - camera interaction by allowing simultaneous setting of various advanced camera hardware settings using a single parameter
- CCertificateAppInfoManager - This class is used to access a persistent store which contains the available applications on a device
- CCirBufBase - Base class for circular buffers
- CCirBuf - A circular buffer containing objects of a type defined by the template parameter
- CClickMaker - Key or pointer click plug-in provider interface
- CCnaConverterList - Provides a list of available converters, allowing clients to search for and obtain converters for specific source and target data types
- CCnvCharacterSetNames - A localised list of the names of non-Unicode character set encodings supported on the phone
- CCoeAppUi - Application user interface (app UI) base class
- CEikAppUi - Handles application-wide aspects of the application's user interface such as the menu bar, toolbar pop-up menus, opening and closing files and exiting the application cleanly
- CCoeControl - Control base class from which all other controls are derived
- CCoeFep - Abstract base class for all FEPs
- CCoeFepPlugIn - CCoeFepPlugIn Abstract base class for FEP plug ins
- CCoeFontProvider - A helper object designed to make obtaining a font easier, taking into account zoom factors
- CCoeStatic - Base class for creating singleton objects that will be stored by CCoeEnv
- CCoeTextDrawerBase - This is the base class for all text drawers implementing different text effects (for example shadow or glowing/outlined text)
- CColorArray - A dynamic array of mappings between logical and physical colours (TRgb values)
- CColorList - A palette that maps logical colours (TLogicalColor) to physical (TRgb) values
- CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView - Implements actions on records of the Connection Preferences table, to allow clients to set the preferred order in which connections are attempted
- CConsoleBase - A base class that defines a console interface
- CContactFieldStorage - Abstract base class for the different types of contact field data storage
- CContactDateField - Provides access to the date/time value stored in a contact item field
- CContactStoreField - Provides access to the binary field data stored in an 8-bit descriptor
- CContactItem - The abstract base class for contact cards, templates and groups
- CContactViewBase - The abstract base class for all contact view classes
- CContactFindView - Provides a view of an existing CContactViewBase-derived object, populated using search criteria
- CContactSubView - Provides a view of a range of contact items from a potentially larger underlying view (another CContactViewBase-derived object)
- CContactViewDef - Specifies a subset of fields to be loaded when reading a contact item
- CConverterBase - For Ecom Style Converters i.e.,for v9.1 and above CConverterBase2 should be used
- CConverterBase2 - Base Class for Ecom Style Converters The methods in CConverterBase2 are inherited from CConverterBase
- CConverterLibrary - A converter DLL's factory for individual CConverterBase-derived objects
- CDaIncremental - CBase-based class for classes that implement data model incremental operations
- CDaExporter - Exports a data application model to a text format
- CDaFileImporter - Base class for classes that import a file into a data application model
- CDaFileSeparatedImporter - Imports a text file into a data application model with specified column and record separators
- CDaStoreReclaim - Provides space reclamation or compaction on a permanent file store in incremental steps
- CDaRow - A row in a data application model
- CDaUndoStack - Allows delete operations on a data application model to be undone
- CDaUserColSet - Defines a set of columns that are suitable for displaying to the application's user
- CDataNoDelete - Provides a wrapper around an HBufC16: the buffer is not deleted when the object is deleted
- CDataDelete - Provides a wrapper around an HBufC16: the buffer is deleted when the object is deleted
- CFileDataDelete - Provides a wrapper around a filename: the referenced file is deleted when the object is deleted
- CDbColSet - Manages a set of column definitions which describe a table or rowset structure
- CDbKey - Represents the definition of an index
- CDbStrings - CDbStrings encapsulates functionality used for transferring an array of strings from DBMS server to the DBMS client
- CDelimitedDataBase16 - Dependencies : CBase, TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Provides functionality for creating and editing a delimited data object
- CDelimitedPath16 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase16 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path where components of the path delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396
- CDelimitedPathSegment16 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase16 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path segment where components of the path segment delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396
- CDelimitedQuery16 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase16 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited query where components of the query delimited by '&' as defined in RFC2396
- CDelimitedDataBase8 - Dependencies : CBase, TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Provides functionality for creating and editing a delimited data object
- CDelimitedPath8 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase8 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path where components of the path delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396
- CDelimitedPathSegment8 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase8 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited path segment where components of the path segment delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396
- CDelimitedQuery8 - Dependencies : CDelimitedStringBase8 Comments : Provides functionality to create a delimited query where components of the query delimited by '&' as defined in RFC2396
- CDir - Array of directory entries that has been read into memory from the file system
- CEComFilter - This class serves as the base class for ECom filter plugins
- CEZFileBufferManager - Concrete class to manage the input and output buffers for compression and de-compression
- CEZFileToGzipBM - The CEZFileToGzipBM manages the input and output buffers for compression
- CEZGzipToFileBM - The CEZGzipToFileBM class manages the input and output buffers for de-compression
- CEZFileToGZip - A CEZFileToGZip object allows compression of an uncompressed file to a zip file
- CEZGZipToFile - A CEZGZipToFile object allows de-compression of a compressed file
- CEZZStream - Represents a zip stream
- CEZCompressor - The CEZCompressor class provides in-memory compression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed data
- CEZDecompressor - The CEZDecompressor class provides in-memory de-compression functions, including integrity checks of the compressed data
- CEditableText - An abstract base class which defines the behaviour common to all editable text classes
- CEikAutoMenuTitle - A menu title that will be added to a standard resource-constructed menu bar
- CEikMsgWin - Base class providing functions to construct and display an information message
- CEikInfoMsgWin - Enables construction of an information message window
- CEmailAccounts - Creates, loads, saves and deletes email (IMAP, POP, and SMTP) accounts
- CFbsBitmap - Note that this class is not intended for user derivation
- CFbsColor256BitmapUtil - Copies a bitmap in any display mode of at least 256 colours into a 256 colour bitmap, optionally using a user-defined palette
- CFileBase - Abstract base class for file management
- CFileMan - Offers file management services which accept the use of wildcards; synchronous and asynchronous
- CFont - Abstract font interface
- CFbsFont - Font managed by the font and bitmap server
- CFormatLayer - Abstract base class for the paragraph and character format layers
- CFrameInfoStrings - Class used to maintain frame information stored in codec specific resource files
- CGifScaler - The public API for clients to call the GifScaler scaling and color quantization library
- CGraphicsAccelerator - Abstract base class for 2D graphics accelerators
- CHardwareGraphicsAccelerator - A factory for creating 2D graphics accelerator objects whose graphics operations are implemented in hardware, software or a mixture of both
- CGraphicsContext - Abstract base class for all graphics contexts
- CBitmapContext - An abstract, device-independent, interface to bitmapped graphics contexts
- CAnimGc - Animation graphics context
- CFbsBitGc - Concrete implementation of a bitmapped graphics context
- CGraphicsDevice - Specifies the interface for concrete device classes
- CBitmapDevice - Defines an abstract interface for the capabilities and attributes of a bitmapped graphics device
- CFbsDevice - Abstract base class for graphics devices to which bitmaps and fonts can be drawn
- CFbsBitmapDevice - A graphics device to which a bitmap managed by the font and bitmap server can be drawn
- CFbsScreenDevice - A graphics device interface that provides direct access to the screen, without the mediation of the window server
- CGridImg - Draws the contents of the grid
- CGridLay - Handles the layout of a grid, and controls how columns, rows and selections appear
- CGridPrinter - Handles printing and print preview functionality for grid
- CGulIcon - Packages two bitmaps, one each for an icon image and its mask
- CHTTPFormEncoder - A data supplier class that is used to build up data that is to be encoded to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- CHlpItem - Encapsulates an individual item in a help file
- CHlpList - A list of help items (CHlpItem objects)
- CImBaseEmailSettings - Parent class for CImPop3Settings, CImImap4Settings, CImSmtpSettings
- CImImap4Settings - Settings for connection to and use of an IMAP4 mail server and its mailboxes
- CImHeader - Encapsulates an Internet Mail (RFC822) header
- CImageDecoder - Provides access to the Image Conversion Library decoders
- CImageDisplay - The public API for clients to call the Image Display library
- CImageDisplayPlugin - This is the plugin API for the Image Display framework Intended for use by plugin writers only
- CImageEncoder - Provides access to the ICL (image conversion library) encoders
- CImageTransform - The public API for clients to call the Image Transform (scaling) library
- CImageTransformPlugin - This is the plugin API for the Image Transform framework Intended for use by plugin writers only
- CImageTypeDescription - Class used to manage the mapping between an image's type, sub-type and description
- CIpAddress - Utility class to hold an IP address as a string on the heap
- CLineReader - Line reader for a vCalendar or vCard parser
- CLogEvent - Encapsulates the details of an event
- CLogFilter - Specifies the conditions that events must satisfy to appear in a view
- CMMFBuffer - Abstract representation of a buffer to contain multimedia data
- CMMFDataBuffer - This class is an abstract class for databuffers that can be presented in the form of a descriptor
- CMMFDescriptorBuffer - This class is a wrapper class to give a descriptor the same API as a CMMFDataBuffer
- CMMFPtrBuffer - This class is a wrapper class intended to provide support for shared I/O buffers under EKA2 This class, unlike other data buffers does not own memory - rather it contains a pointer to already allocated memory The purpose of this class is that components such as codecs can use CMMFDataBuffers transparently without having to be concerned with whether the buffer is a standard buffer or memory residing in shared I/O
- CMMFYUVBuffer - Class to store a frame of video data using YUV data instead of an EPOC bitmap
- CMMFClip - Abstract class to represent a source or sink that contains a multimedia clip (i.e
- CMMFCodec - ECom plugin class for a codec that processes source data in a certain fourCC coding type and converts it to a destination buffer of another fourCC coding type
- CMMFDevSound - This is the interface from Symbian OS to the raw audio functions on the device hardware
- CMMFObject - Defines an object to which a client may have a direct handle
- CMMFObjectContainer - Container class to hold the CMMFObject-derived objects in the controller framework
- CMMFSwCodec - Class for a software codec used by the CMMFSwCodecWrapper class to make the CMMFSwCodec a CMMFHwDevice plugin
- CMMFUrlParams - Class to be used to configure a URL source or sink
- CMMFUrlSink - Concrete implementation of a URL data sink
- CMMFVideoHwDevice - CMMFVideoHwDevice is a base class for all video hardware devices
- CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice - A base class for all video playback (decoder and post-processor) hardware devices
- CMMRdsTunerUtility - The RDS class augments the tuner API to give access to the RDS capabilities of the device
- CMMTunerScannerUtility - This class augments CMMTunerUtility to provide station scanning functionality, whereby the frequency spectrum is searched, pausing for a specified amount of time when a station is found
- CMMTunerUtility - The MMF Tuner API is present to allow clients to control the tuner hardware present on a device
- CMdaAudioInputStream - The interface to an audio stream player passing raw audio data from the audio hardware to specified buffers
- CMdaAudioOutputStream - The interface to an audio stream player passing raw audio data from specified buffers to the audio hardware
- CMemPagePool - Uses memory to implement the MPagePool page pool interface
- CMessageDigest - Base class for message digests
- CHMAC - An HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code)
- CMD2 - An MD2 message digest
- CMD5 - An MD5 message digest
- CSHA - A SHA message digest
- CSHA1 - A SHA-1 message digest
- CMessageDigestFactory - Factory to create a CMessageDigest derived object according to the identity of the hash algorithm
- CMidiClientUtility - Utility class to provide a standard client interface to a MIDI controller
- CMimeInfo - Holds the localised names for a data type
- CMsvAttachment - Represents a single attachment and information about the attachment
- CMsvEntry - Accesses and acts upon a particular Message Server entry
- CMsvEntryFilter - Used to query the Message Server for entries that match the specification defined in the filter
- CMsvRecipient - Base class for information relating to a message recipient
- CSmsNumber - Recipient information for an SMS message
- CMsvScheduleSend - Provides a Server MTM's interface to the Task Scheduler for messaging scheduling
- CMsvScheduleSettings - Stores the MTM-specific (general) settings for scheduling messages on the Task Scheduler
- CMsvScheduledEntry - Abstract base class which stores the schedule data and recipients of a message
- CMsvSendErrorActions - This class determines what action to take if an error occurs while the Server MTM is sending a message (or messages)
- CMsvStore - Provides an interface over the message store that is associated with a message entry
- CMtmDllInfo - Encapsulates the registration data for a single concrete MTM component
- CMtmGroupData - Encapsulates the registration data for an MTM group
- CObex - This class is the common base class for CObexClient and CObexServer
- CObexBaseObject - Objects of this class are used to describe the objects to be transferred and those received via Obex
- CObexBufObject - Use this class to hold objects where the body part is stored in a CBufFlat object
- CObexFileObject - This class is a concrete derivation of the CObexBaseObject class
- CObject - Implements reference counting to track concurrent references to itself
- CPort - Base class for implementations of serial protocol module ports
- CSerial - Factory for a single CPort object
- CObjectIx - Generates handle numbers for reference counting objects
- COpenFont - Open Font System font abstract base class
- CPKCS10Attributes - Class for encoding a collection of certificate attributes and passing them to the CPKCS10Request class
- CPalette - Provides user-definable palette support to the GDI
- CParaFormat - A transient container of paragraph format attributes, including tab stops, bullet points and paragraph borders
- CParsedField - Represents a single token-value pair for a given field in a BIO/smart message grammar
- CPicture - Abstract base class for: drawing a picture to a graphics context, storing and restoring the picture
- CApaDoorBase - The base class for the graphic representation of an embedded document
- CApaDoor - A wrapper for an embedded document that can be displayed in a user interface as an icon or a glass door
- CApaModelDoor - A persistent representation of a door that also acts as a wrapper around an application's model
- CPostProcessorInfo - This class contains information about the post-processing functionality that a single post-processor or decoder hardware device has
- CPreProcessorInfo - This class contains information about the pre-processing capabilities that an encoder or a pre-processor hardware has
- CPrinterDriver - Provides access to a store containing printer specification data
- CRandom
- CSystemRandom - This default secure random number generator uses system state to generate entropy for the generation of cryptographically secure random numbers
- CRequestorBase - Each instance of a CRequestor class is used to hold the identity of one of the parties involved requesting the location
- CResolver - Abstract base class which is used to identify the correct interface implementation based on criteria supplied by the client
- CResourceFile - Accesses a resource file or resource file buffer and reads the resource data into a buffer
- CRxData - An abstract base class for the decoding of response data received by a protocol handler
- CSARStore - Controls the segmentation and reassembly (SAR) store, used for SMS segmentation and reassembly, and WAP reassembly
- CSDClientResultSet - Class to encapsulate a client recogntion result set This is a lightweight result set formulated for client consumption
- CSDGrammar - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Grammar
- CSDLexicon - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Lexicon
- CSDModel - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Model created during the training process
- CSDModelBank - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Model Bank used by the recognizer during the recognition process
- CSDResult - Class to encapsulate a Recognition Result
- CSDResultSet - CSDResultSet encapsulates a set of result objects returned by the recognizer at the end of the recognition process
- CSDRule - Class to encapsulate a Speaker Dependent Rule
- CSIP - Class for connecting to SIP server
- CSIPAddress - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP name-addr structure
- CSIPConnection - Class for monitoring connection's state and sending SIP requests outside the dialog associations
- CSIPHeaderBase - Class provides a generic interface for all the SIP headers
- CSIPAllowEventsHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Allow-Events" header
- CSIPAuthHeaderBase - A base class for SIP Authorization-, Proxy-Authenticate-, Proxy-Authorization- and WWW-Authenticate-headers
- CSIPCSeqHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting sequence number and method in SIP "CSeq" header
- CSIPExtensionHeader - The class stores unknown and extension headers that are either not supported by the current SIP codec implementation or not specified in current SIP RFC or both
- CSIPParameterHeaderBase - A base class for SIP headers that have structure "mandatory part"delimiter"parameters"
- CSIPAcceptContactHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Accept-Contact" header
- CSIPAcceptEncodingHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Accept-Encoding" header
- CSIPAcceptHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Accept" header
- CSIPAcceptLanguageHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Accept-Language" header
- CSIPAddressHeaderBase - A base class for SIP headers having syntax ( name-addr/ addr-spec ) *(generic-param)
- CSIPReferToHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Refer-To" header
- CSIPReplyToHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Reply-To" header
- CSIPContactHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "Contact" header fields
- CSIPContentTypeHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting media types and parameters in SIP "Content-Type" header
- CSIPEventHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Event" header
- CSIPFromToHeaderBase - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "From" and "To" header
- CSIPFromHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "From" header
- CSIPToHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting SIP "To" header fields
- CSIPRetryAfterHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Retry-After" header
- CSIPRAckHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting sequence number and method in SIP "RAck"-header
- CSIPTokenHeaderBase - A base class for SIP headers having form "Name: token *(COMMA token)"
- CSIPAllowHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Allow" header
- CSIPProxyRequireHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Proxy-Require" header
- CSIPRequireHeader - Class provides functions for setting and getting parameters in SIP "Require" header
- CSIPProfile - Class contains profile information of particular SIP service provider
- CSIPManagedProfile - Class contains profile information of particular SIP service provider
- CSIPRequestElements - Class provides functions for creation and manipulation of originator's and recipient's addresses in a SIP request
- CSIPResolvedClient - Interface that clients must realize in order to enable client resolution mechanism upon the reception of SIP request outside the SIP dialog
- CSIPResponseElements - Class provides services for creating and manipulating SIP responses This class is used for creating and manipulating SIP responses including status code, reason phrase and optional elements such user headers, content and its type
- CScheduledTask - The representation of a scheduled task that is passed to registered programs
- CSdpAgent - Makes Bluetooth service discovery protocol (SDP) requests to a remote device
- CSdpAttrValue - Base class for classes that encapsulate SDP attributes values
- CSdpAttrValueList - Base class for classes that specify lists of attribute data elements
- CSdpAttrValueDEA - A Data element alternative (DEA) value of an attribute: this is an attribute whose value is a sequence of data elements from which one data element is to be selected
- CSdpAttributeField - This class encapsulates the attribute field of Session Description Protocol for media and session level attributes
- CSdpBandwidthField - This class encapsulates the bandwidth field of the Session Description Protocol
- CSdpConnectionField - This class encapsulates the connection information field of the Session Description Protocol
- CSdpDocument - This class encapsulates the Session Description Protocol (SDP) document
- CSdpFmtAttributeField - This class encapsulates the attribute field of the Session Description Protocol for media format/payload type level attributes
- CSdpKeyField - This class encapsulates the encryption key field of the Session Description Protocol
- CSdpMediaField - This class encapsulates the media description field and related media specific subfields of the Session Description Protocol
- CSdpOriginField - This class encapsulates the origin field of the Session Description Protocol
- CSdpRepeatField - This class encapsulates the repeat times field of the Session Description Protocol
- CSdpSearchPattern - A list of Bluetooth service classes, represented as Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), to be matched in SDP Service Search Requests
- CSdpTimeField - This class encapsulates the time field and the related zero or more repeat times fields and an optional time zone adjustment field of the Session Description Protocol
- CSendAsAccounts - Provides human-readable names and IDs for the list of accounts for a given message type
- CSendAsMessageTypes - Provides human-readable names and UIDs for the filtered list of message types
- CSession2 - Represents a session (version 2) for a client thread on the server-side
- CShgFormulaViewer - Handles conversion of formula tokens (TFormulaToken) into localised strings suitable for display to users
- CShgName - A spreadsheet engine name entry
- CShgProtectionIter - An iterator over the protected or unprotected cell ranges in a worksheet
- CSmsAccount - Stores SMS service and Schedule Send settings to Central Repository
- CSmsAddress - CSmsAddress - address of the recipient or SC
- CSmsAlphabetConverter - Utility to provide piecewise character set conversion to / from unpacked user data elements
- CSmsCommandData - Mobile originated SMS sent to the network requesting an action or information on the status of a previously sent SUBMIT
- CSmsEmailFields - Encapsulates the address and subject fields for Email sent over SMS
- CSmsHeader - The SMS MTM encapsulation of an SMS message
- CSmsPDU - A generic interface to a GSM SMS PDU
- CSmsUserData - Operations on the User Data described in TP-UD
- CStoreMap - Store map used when externalising swizzled in-memory objects
- CStreamDictionary - Maintains two way associations between a UID (a TUid type) and a stream id (a TStreamId type)
- CStreamStore - Provides the core abstract framework for stores allowing streams to be created and manipulated
- CSystemClockSource - The CSystemClockSource provides a basic clock source implementation based on the system clock
- CTelephony - This class provides a simple interface to the phone's telephony system
- CTextField - Abstract class: derive from this to instantiate a particular type of field (eg date etc) Abstract base class for all field types
- CPageFieldBase - Stores a style for displaying the value of numeric fields
- CNumPagesField - A field which evaluates to the number of pages in the document
- CPageNumField - A field which evaluates to the current page number in the document
- CTextView - Lays out formatted text for display
- CTranpSession - Encapsulates the behaviour for sending a picture to a peer device and for receiving a picture from a peer device
- CTxData - An abstract base class for the encoding of request data to be transmitted by a protocol handler
- CTzConverter - Converts between time expressed in UTC and local time
- CTzId - Encapsulates a time zone identifier
- CTzLocalizer - Retrieves localized time zone information based on a time zone ID
- CUri16 - Dependencies : CBase, TUriC16
- CUri8 - Dependencies : CBase, TUriC8
- CVersitDaylight - Universal time offset information, including the daylight savings offset
- CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::CMonthPosition - Defines a week within the month, using the numeric occurrence of the week (between 1 and 5 inclusive) counting from either the start or end of the month, and defines an array of days within this week
- CVideoEncoderInfo - This class contains information about a video encoder hardware device and its capabilities
- CViewContact - The representation of a contact item used in contact views
- CWTLSName - Stores the type of a WTLS name and the underlying encoding of the type
- CWeekDayArray - Defines an array of the days in the week on which a 'weekly' or 'monthly by position' repeat event occurs
- CWsGraphic - Client representation of a window-server-side piece of artwork owned by this Client
- CWsGraphicBitmap - Client representation of a window-server-side CFbsBitmap owned by this Client
- CWspHeaderEncoder - This class can be used to encode one header field at a time, with all its values and parameters
- CX509AccessDescription - This class provides the access method OID and access location as used by X.509 private internet extensions (authority information access)
- CX509CertChain - Abstract base class for X.509 certificate chain validation; derive from this to suit your profile
- CX509DHDomainParams - Encapsulates the compulsory Diffie-Hellman domain parameter values P and G (See RFC 2459)
- CX509ExtensionBase - A certificate extension base class
- CX509AltNameExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines an alternate name
- CX509AuthorityKeyIdExt - An X.509 certificate extension that provides a way to find the public key corresponding to the private key used to sign the certificate
- CX509KeyUsageExt - An X.509 certificate extension that defines the uses to which a key may be put
- CX509SubjectKeyIdExt - An X.509 certificate extension that provides a way of identifying certificates that contain a specific public key
- CX509GeneralSubtree - Provides access to the general name and the min/max lengths of the subtree
- CZipArchive - This class represents a zip archive
- CZipFile - A CZipFile represents a ZIP archive contained in a single file
- CZipFileMember - Class encapsulating the representation of a compressed file contained in a CZipFile archive file
- Xml::CMatchData - CMatchData class provides detailed parser information for XML framework
- Xml::CParser - If you need to parse xml this is the class you need to use
- CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction - Provides the interface for clients to access MTM-specific functions, and present these functions to the user
- CBioInfoFileReader - BIO information file (BIF) reader
- CBNFNode - Backus-Naur Form (BNF) node that forms part of a BNF tree (CBNFParser)
- CDTDNode - Document Type Definition (DTD) node that forms part of a DTD tree
- CCalChangeNotificationFilter - Class to encapsulate call back registration parameters
- CCalInstanceView::TCalSearchParams - Parameter struct for storing search data
- CCHFEcomDataSupplier::TParams - Parameters to pass to the data supplier factory function
- CCirBuffer - Circular buffer of unsigned integers
- CCnaConvInfoFileReader2 - Encapsulates a collection of converter properties (CCnaConverter) read from a converter information (.rsc) file
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SCharacterSet - Stores information about a non-Unicode character set
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices - Holds an ascending array of the indices of the characters in the source Unicode text which could not be converted by CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode() into the foreign character set
- CCoeControlArray::TCursor - This class is an iterator for the CCoeControlArray class
- CCoeFep::MDeferredFunctionCall - Enables FEPs to have some code called but not in the context of the current call stack, hence the name "deferred"
- CCoeFep::MModifiedCharacter - FEPs send character codes to the application underneath them using SimulateKeyEventsL()
- CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapBearer - Encapsulates the bearer set (CONNECT_PREF_BEARER_SET) and IAP (CONNECT_PREF_IAP) fields
- CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIapConnectionPref - Encapsulates the rank (CONNECT_PREF_RANKING), direction (CONNECTION_PREF_DIRECTION), and dialog preference (CONNECT_PREF_DIALOG_PREF) fields, plus a TCommDbIapBearer object
- CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIspBearer - Frame left in place for BC with 6.1
- CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::TCommDbIspConnectionPref
- CContactActiveCompress
- CContactActiveRecover
- CContactDatabase::TSortPref - Specifies the field type and order preferences used for sorting items in the contacts database
- CContactItemFieldDef - A field definition
- CContactRemoteView - An instantiable remote contact view class
- CContactTextDef - Defines a way of grouping fields to form a string which represents a contact item
- CContactVCardConverter - Plug-in vCard to CContactItem converter
- CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction1Params - Holds the two parameters passed to the helper method GetContactIdsL() from the reserved function CContactViewBase_Reserved_1()
- CContactViewBase::TVirtualFunction2Params - Holds the two parameters passed to the method GetContactsMatchingFilterL() from the reserved function CContactViewBase_Reserved_1()
- CFont::TMeasureTextInput - Input parameter block
- CFont::TMeasureTextOutput - Output parameter block
- CFont::TPositionParam - Complicated parameter block used for contextual glyph selection, ligature creation and diacritic placement when drawing text in complex scripts
- CFont::TPositionParam::TOutput - Output of GetCharacterPosition and GetCharacterPosition2
- CFragmentedString - Utility that allows a single string to be built from an array of consecutive sub-strings
- CFragmentedString::TStringMark - A mark at a string position
- CGraphicsContext::TDrawTextParam - Parameters to control the drawing of text
- CHFPanic - Contains a list of panic codes and a Panic function that is used internally by the framework
- CImTextServerSession - Creates/opens socket and sends and receives data
- CLayoutData - Layout data: no longer used
- CleanupArrayDelete - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupArrayDeletePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a delete type operation on an array of class T type objects
- CleanupClose - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupClosePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a close type operation on the class T type object
- CleanupDelete - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupDeletePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a delete type operation on the class T type object
- CleanupRelease - A utility class used by the templated function CleanupReleasePushL() to create a TCleanupItem item that will perform a release type operation on the class T type object
- CleanupStack - A collection of static functions that are used to add resources to and remove resources from the cleanup stack
- CLogFilterList - A set of event view filters
- CMarkedStack - Provides a templated stack that allows items in the stack to be marked
- CMarkedStack::TMarkPoint - Represents a mark
- CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBitstreamCounters - Bitstream statistic counters, used for following decoding progress
- CMMFDevVideoPlay::TBufferOptions - Buffer options used with SetBufferOptionsL()
- CMMFDevVideoPlay::TComplexityLevelInfo - Information about a single computational complexity level
- CMMFDevVideoPlay::TPictureCounters - Picture statistic counters
- CMMFDevVideoRecord::TPictureCounters - Class to define the picture counters available through GetPictureCounters
- CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult - Indicates the result of processing data from the source buffer to a destination buffer and provides functions to compare the result code
- CMMFSwCodecWrapper - Class to make a CMMFSwCodec into a CMMFHwDevice ECOM plugin
- CMsvEntrySelection - Encapsulates an array of entry IDs
- CMsvFindResultSelection - Collection of results from a text search operation
- CMsvFindText - A utility class which searches through given plain text or rich text for a specified text string
- CMsvOffPeakTimes - Array of off-peak time data
- CMsvSendOperation::TSendOperationProgress - Send progress
- CMsvSysAgentActions - Defines an array of schedule send conditions that must be satisfied before a message sending attempt
- CMtmDllInfoArray - Collects the registration data for concrete MTM components, as encapsulated in CMtmDllInfo objects, into an array
- CnvUtfConverter - Converts text between Unicode (UCS-2) and the two Unicode transformation formats UTF-7 and UTF-8
- CnvUtilities - Provides static character conversion utilities for complex encodings
- CnvUtilities::SCharacterSet - Stores information about a non-Unicode character set
- CnvUtilities::SMethod
- CnvUtilities::SState - Character conversion data for one of the character sets which is specified in a modal character set encoding
- CObex::TSetPathInfo - Describes the information set or received in a SETPATH command
- CoeSoundPlayer - Utility class for simple sound playing
- ColorUtils - Provides static functions for manipulating colours
- CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase - Base class for all MetaDatabase records
- CommsDat::CCDRecordBase - Base class for wrapper containers for supported CommsDat recordtypes Alternatively the class CMDBGenericRecord can be used to express any record
- CommsDat::CMDBGenericRecord - Container for data and type information in a MetaDatabase record For use to contain user-defined records as an alternative to declaring a specific record class of type CCDRecordBase
- CommsDat::CMDBRecordLink
- CommsDat::CMDBRecordSetBase - Use this class to express a list of records MetaDatabase Element type Records can be ordered using the standard RPointerArray functions
- CommsDat::SGenericRecordTypeInfoTag - To express type information for all MetaDatabase fields
- CommTimer - Static utility class for global timer handling designed for use by Serial Server plug-ins (CSYs)
- ConeUtils - Provides file and path utility functions
- conn::MActiveBackupDataClient - MActiveBackupDataClient is a Mixin to be implemented by an Active Backup client
- conn::MCommand - A client command
- conn::MFactory - The command factory
- conn::MHeader - The message header
- conn::MMessage - The message class
- conn::MServerSocketObserver - The observer of the server socket, gets notified of events relative to the server socket
- conn::TFreeSpaceCache - This class is used to store a cache of the previous results of an IsFreeSpaceAvailable operation within a component which may call IsFreeSpaceAvailable again
- conn::TServerInfo - Stores information regarding the server socket
- ContactGuid - A globally unique identifier enquiry utility
- CPKIXCertChain - This class implements a PKIX certificate chain
- CPKIXValidationResult - Stores the information regarding the results of a validation of a PKIX certificate chain
- CPlainText::SScanData
- CPlainText::TImportExportParam - Parameters for importing or exporting text using CPlainText::ImportTextL() or CPlainText::ExportTextL()
- CPlainText::TImportExportResult - Results of importing or exporting text using CPlainText::ImportTextL() or CPlainText::ExportTextL()
- CPolicyServer::TPolicy - Object specifying which security checks to perform on each request number and what action to take if the check fails
- CPolicyServer::TPolicyElement - Class specifying a security check and the action to take
- CRemConAbsVolController - Client-instantiable type supporting sending AbsVol API responses
- CRemConAbsVolTarget - Client-instantiable type supporting sending AbsVol API responses
- CRemConCoreApiController - Client-instantiable type supporting sending Core API commands
- CRemConCoreApiTarget - Client-instantiable type supporting sending Core API responses
- CRemConStatusApiController - A controller which sends Status API commands
- CRemConTrackInfoController - Client-instantiable type supporting sending TrackInfo API commands
- CRemConTrackInfoTarget - Client-instantiable type supporting sending TrackInfo API responses
- CRuleMarkedStack
- CServerMtmDllRegistry
- CShgAdditionalDataIter::SAdditionalData - Represents an additional data object together with the range to which it applies
- CShgWorkSheet::SSortKey - Defines keys for sorting operations
- CSmsAlphabetConverter::TSmsAlphabetConversionProperties - Holds the number of user data elements required for conversion from a single native character
- CStack
- CStoreMap::TEntry
- CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined - Data client joined event
- CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft - Data client left event
- CSubConNotificationEvent
- CSubConSIPResponseEvent - CSubConSIPResponseEvent is used to get and set the response elements of the most recent response
- CSubConParameterSet - Base class for all RSubConnection parameter sets
- CSyncMLHistoryJob::TTaskInfo - This class identifies a sync task within the profile, and the result of the attempt to synchronise it
- CTelephony::TEtelISVType - Specifies which version of an API parameter a client has used
- CTelephony::TTelAddress - Defines API abstraction of a mobile telephone number
- CTextLayout::TRangeChange - Specifies the range of characters involved when setting or clearing a text selection
- CTextView::MObserver - Provides notification to the owner of the text view object of changes to the formatting
- CTextView::TTagmaForwarder - A standard inquiry interface for the text formatting engine, built on top of a CTextView object
- CTzLocalizedCityArray - An array of cities
- CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray - An array of city groups
- CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray - An array of time zones
- CVersitParser::TParserCodingDetails
- CX509DHKeyPair - This class represents the Diffie-Hellman Key Pair
- CX509DHPublicKey - Provides clients with the information they need for Diffie-Hellman key exchange within a protocol
- CX509DSAPublicKey - Encapsulates the X.509 DSA public key
- CX509DSASignature - Encapsulates the X.509 DSA signature
- CX509RSAPublicKey - Adds the capability to decode DER-encoded RSA public keys
- CXmlElement
- CZipArchive::TCentralDirectoryHeader - Represents the archive's central directory header - the central directory contains information about files in the arhive
- CZipArchive::TCentralDirectoryTrailer - Represents the archive's central directory trailer - the central directory contains information about files in the arhive
- CZipArchive::TLocalHeader - Represents the archive's local header
- CZipFile::TMemberPointer - Internal representation of a compressed file in a zipfile
- CZipFileMemberIterator - An iterator class for iterating though all the entries in the archive
- DefaultHash - A set of common hashing functions for frequently occurring types
- DefaultIdentity - A set of common identity relations for frequently occurring types
- dirent
- div_t
- Dll - A collection of static functions involved in managing access to thread-local storage
- DrawUtils - Provides static functions for drawing text in a rectangle
- DynamicPalette - Hooks to allow dynamic palette switching in 256 colour mode
- eflock - extended file segment locking set data type
- EikBubbleHelp - Provides the static functions that control bubble help
- EikControlFactory - Abstract factory that creates controls by type
- EikFileUtils - Provides a set of drive, path and file utility functions
- EikResourceUtils - Provides utilities for reading standard resources
- EikStart - This is the API to initialise and run the application architecture for applications built as exes
- EscapeUtils - Comments : Provides an API to allow data to be escape encoded and decoded
- Externalize - A class whose members are used to distinguish between the two variants of the Symbian OS internal function DoExternalizeL()
- Externalize::Function - Indicates that an object will be externalized by calling a global ExternalizeL() function
- Externalize::Member - Indicates that an object will be externalized by calling its ExternalizeL() member
- EZGZipFile - The EZGZipFile class handles writing / reading of headers and trailers to / from zip files
- FileStoreFactory - A class containing a set of factory functions for opening an existing direct file store and an existing permanent file store identified using a Uidtype
- flock - file segment locking set data type - information passed to system by user
- FontUtils - Provides static functions for getting information about the fonts supported by a graphics device
- HBufC16 - 16-bit heap descriptor
- HBufC8 - 8-bit heap descriptor
- HlpLauncher - Launches the help application
- hostent - Structures returned by network data base library
- HTTPPanic - HTTP panic codes
- HTTPStatus - The complete set of HTTP Status codes, as defined in RFC2616
- ImageProcessorUtility - Utility class providing static factory functions for creating instances of CImageProcessor derived classes
- in_addr - Internet address This definition contains obsolete fields for compatibility with SunOS 3.x and 4.2bsd
- InetProtTextUtils
- Internalize - A class whose members are used to distinguish between the two variants of the Symbian OS internal function DoInternalizeL()
- Internalize::Function - Indicates that an object will be internalized by calling a global InternalizeL() function
- Internalize::Member - Indicates that an object will be internalized by calling its InternalizeL() member
- ip_mreq - Argument structure for IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP and IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP
- lconv
- LittleEndian - Inserts and extracts integers in little-endian format
- MAbortDirectScreenAccess - The interface for terminating direct screen access
- MAnimationDataProviderObserver - Interface from a data provider to an animation
- CBasicAnimation - Implementation of CAnimation for purely client side animations
- MAnimationDrawer - Interface used by an animator to during the rendering process
- CBasicAnimation - Implementation of CAnimation for purely client side animations
- MAnimationObserver - Interface used by an animation to report events to the client application
- MAnimationTickee - Interface used for receiving animation ticks
- MAnimGeneralFunctions - General animation utility functions interface
- MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension - General Window utility functions interface
- MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::TWindowGroupInfo - Class contains the information pertaining to a window group: name, priority, focusability
- MAnimSpriteFunctions - Sprite animation utility functions interface
- MAnimWindowFunctions - Window utility functions interface
- MApaEmbeddedDocObserver - An interface class for handling the completion of the editing of an embedded document
- MApaModelHeaderFactory - An interface class that applications implement to construct an application model wrapper object, also known as the application model header
- MAsyncEventHandler - Mixin class to define an object capable of handling an event within the controller framework
- CMMFDataPath - Abstract utility class that moves data from a single data source to a single data sink, via a codec if required
- Math - A collection of mathematical functions
- MAudioLoadingObserver - The class defining a callback interface for receiving loading notifications
- MAutoPauseResumeSupport - Custom Interface providing support for AutoPauseResume Register, Cancel, GetResourceNotificationData and WillResumePlay
- MBackupObserver - Backup server wrapper observer interface
- MBackupOperationObserver - Backup operation observer interface
- MBeating - Heartbeat timer call-back handling interface
- MBluetoothPhysicalLinksNotifier - This allows for notifications of Physical link connections & disconnections
- MBluetoothSocketNotifier - This allows for notification of events relating to a CBluetoothSocket object
- MBluetoothSynchronousLinkNotifier - SCO and eSCO link notification events
- MBtreeKey - Interface for ordering and creating keys for entries in a B-tree
- MBtreeNodeOrg
- MCalChangeCallBack - A call back class for observing changes in the model view
- MCalChangeCallBack2 - A call back class for observing changes in the model view
- MCalDataExchangeCallBack - A call back class to show the progress of long-running operations
- MCalProgressCallBack - A call back class to show the progress of long-running operations
- MCameraBuffer - Class used for passing camera picture data between camera and client in the V2 observer
- MCameraObserver - Mixin base class for camera clients
- MCameraObserver2 - Mixin base class V2 for camera clients
- MCHFContentLoaderObserver - A callback interface used to inform a client when a content handler is found or an error occurs
- MCHFDataSupplierObserver - Observer interface for data suppliers
- MCHFDiscoveryService - Base interface used for the CHF discovery service
- CCHFTopParent - Base class for the one and only application's CHF Session object
- MCHFEventMappingService - Pure virtual base class API for mapping raw events to CHF abstract events
- CCHFTopParent - Base class for the one and only application's CHF Session object
- MCHFParent - Interface for parents of content handlers
- CCHFTopParent - Base class for the one and only application's CHF Session object
- McliUtils - Utility class to simplify getting progress information from a messaging operation object
- MCoeCaptionRetrieverForFep - Retrieves a control's caption for use by a FEP
- MCoeControlBackground - Interface to be used if a control elects to be a background drawer
- MCoeControlContext - Interface to allow sharing of graphics settings between controls
- MCoeControlHitTest - Abstract interface for defining a control's hit region
- MCoeControlObserver - Interface for a control to send events to its observer control
- MCoeFepAwareTextEditor - Specifies a protocol for FEP-aware text editors
- MCoeFepAwareTextEditor_Extension1 - An interface class which may be derived from by text editors to enable FEPs to store state information inside the editor
- MCoeFepLayDocExtension - MCoeFepLayDocExtension is an interface class which should be derived from by test editors to provide access to the current MLayDoc object, and to set a new MLayDoc object
- MCoeFepObserver - Specifies the mixin protocol for observing a FEP transaction
- MCoeFocusObserver - Interface providing notification if any control gains or loses focus or is destroyed
- CCoeFep - Abstract base class for all FEPs
- MCoeForegroundObserver - Interface providing notification of foreground/background changes
- CCoeFep - Abstract base class for all FEPs
- MCoeMessageMonitorObserver - Mix-in interface for handling window visibility messages
- MCoeMessageObserver - Interface for handling incoming window server messages
- CCoeFep - Abstract base class for all FEPs
- CEikAppUi - Handles application-wide aspects of the application's user interface such as the menu bar, toolbar pop-up menus, opening and closing files and exiting the application cleanly
- MCoeObserverOfLoadedFep - Interface providing notification when there is a change in the currently loaded FEP
- MCoeResourceChangeObserver - An interface which enables message windows to observe resource changes
- MCoeView - Specifies an interface for views
- MCoeViewDeactivationObserver - An interface through which view deactivations can be notified to an observer
- MContactBackupObserver - An observer class to which Contacts model clients should subscribe in order to be informed about the progress of a backup or restore operation
- MContactDbObserver - The interface for an observer that handles changes to a contact database
- MContactDbPrivObserver - Provides notification of database changes to clients
- MContactStorageObserver - Mixin used to observe low disk events
- MContactUiActive - Mixin used to register the observer
- MContactUiCompactObserver - Mixin used to observe contact database compaction status
- MContactViewObserver - The interface for a contact view observer
- CContactFindView - Provides a view of an existing CContactViewBase-derived object, populated using search criteria
- CContactSubView - Provides a view of a range of contact items from a potentially larger underlying view (another CContactViewBase-derived object)
- MContingentLineBreaker - Used to determine the line breaks around pictures and other characters with the CB (contingent line break) class in situations where this operation cannot leave
- MContingentLineBreakerL - Used to determine the line breaks around pictures and other characters with the CB (contingent line break) class in situations where this operation may leave
- MConverterUiObserver - Interface implemented by the client of a conversion operation to observe conversion progress
- MDaIncremental - Abstract interface for classes that implement data model incremental operations
- CDaIncremental - CBase-based class for classes that implement data model incremental operations
- CDaExporter - Exports a data application model to a text format
- CDaFileImporter - Base class for classes that import a file into a data application model
- CDaFileSeparatedImporter - Imports a text file into a data application model with specified column and record separators
- CDaStoreReclaim - Provides space reclamation or compaction on a permanent file store in incremental steps
- MDaIncrementalObserver - Incremental operation observer
- MDaObserver - Database application observer
- MDataProviderObserver - MDataProviderObserver provides a virtual interface for any class to observe any MDataProvider, and provide data receiving services
- CBNFParser - Base class for parsers that use a BNF tree to parse an input stream
- CDTDModel - Creates a tree that represents a specified DTD
- MDataProviderTransmissionData
- MDataSink - Abstract class representing a data sink
- CMMFClip - Abstract class to represent a source or sink that contains a multimedia clip (i.e
- CMMFDataPath - Abstract utility class that moves data from a single data source to a single data sink, via a codec if required
- CMMFUrlSink - Concrete implementation of a URL data sink
- MMMFAudioOutput - Interface class to allow dynamic linkage to CMMFAudioOutput
- MDataSource - Abstract class representing a data source
- CMMFClip - Abstract class to represent a source or sink that contains a multimedia clip (i.e
- CMMFDataPath - Abstract utility class that moves data from a single data source to a single data sink, via a codec if required
- MMMFAudioInput - Interface class to allow dynamic linkage to CMMFAudioInput
- MDesC16Array - Interface class for 16 bit descriptor arrays
- CBaNamedPlugins - A localised list of the names of the plug-ins available on the phone for a particular plug-in framework
- CCnvCharacterSetNames - A localised list of the names of non-Unicode character set encodings supported on the phone
- CDesC16Array - An implementation base class for 16 bit descriptor arrays
- CDesC16ArraySeg - An array of 16 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer
- CPtrC16Array - An array of 16 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptors, TPtrC16, implemented using a flat buffer
- MHlpTitleArray - Interface to get a topic ID from an array index
- CHlpList - A list of help items (CHlpItem objects)
- MDesC8Array - Interface class for 8 bit descriptor arrays
- CDesC8Array - An implementation base class for 8 bit descriptor arrays
- CDesC8ArrayFlat - An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a flat buffer
- CDesC8ArraySeg - An array of 8 bit descriptors implemented using a segmented buffer
- CPtrC8Array - Array of 8 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptors, TPtrC8, implemented using a flat buffer
- MDevSoundObserver - An interface to a set of DevSound callback functions
- MDialogProvider - Dependencies : none Comments : This class provides an API to be called by low level components, like data collectors, and implemented by the UI
- MEditObserver - Specifies the mixin protocol for a rich text edit observer
- MEikCommandObserver - Command observers respond to user commands, and have the secondary function of creating custom controls on request for classes such as CEikToolbar, or user-defined classes
- MEikMenuObserver - Menu observer interface
- CEikAppUi - Handles application-wide aspects of the application's user interface such as the menu bar, toolbar pop-up menus, opening and closing files and exiting the application cleanly
- MEikAutoMenuObserver - Provides additional functionality to an auto menu title, in the form of an OfferHotKeyL() method, which is not required in the normal MEikMenuObserver
- MEikInfoDialog - Interface for launching a dialog with a title and a message, for instance a query dialog
- MEikPictureFactory - Provides the support for embedding something other than a CApaDoor
- MEikSrvNotifierBase2 - Interface to a plug-in server side notifier
- MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierInfo - Contains the notifier parameters
- MEikSrvNotifierManager
- MEikUndertakerObserver
- Mem - Contains a set of static functions which perform manipulation of data in memory
- MessageServer - Provides various static information functions relating to the Message Server
- MEventHandler - Event handler interface
- CAnim - Server side animated object base interface
- MExifMetadataReader - generic accessor to read the tags from exif metadata
- MExifMetadata - generic accessor to access the tags from exif metadata
- MExifMetadataWriter - generic accessor to write the tags from exif metadata
- MExifMetadata - generic accessor to access the tags from exif metadata
- MExternalizer - A family of classes defining an interface that can be implemented by classes that need to perform externalisation on behalf of others
- MEZBufferManager - Interface class to manage input and output buffers for compression and de-compression
- CEZFileBufferManager - Concrete class to manage the input and output buffers for compression and de-compression
- CEZFileToGzipBM - The CEZFileToGzipBM manages the input and output buffers for compression
- CEZGzipToFileBM - The CEZGzipToFileBM class manages the input and output buffers for de-compression
- MFepAttributeStorer - Protocol for storing, restoring and synchronising FEP attributes
- CCoeFep - Abstract base class for all FEPs
- MFepInlineTextFormatRetriever - Specifies the mixin protocol for finding out the formatting to apply to inline text
- MFepPointerEventHandlerDuringInlineEdit - Specifies the mixin protocol for handling pointer events in inline text
- MFieldFileNameInfo - Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a filename field
- MFieldNumPagesInfo - Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a total number of pages field
- MFieldPageNumInfo - Specifies the mixin protocol for evaluating a current page number field
- MFileManObserver - Provides notification of the progress of synchronous or asynchronous file management operations
- MFormatText - Specifies the mixin protocol for getting and setting character and paragraph format attributes
- MFormCustomDraw - An abstract class which specifies the protocol for customising the way text and its background are drawn
- MFormCustomDraw::TLineInfo - Contains the line metrics
- MFormCustomDraw::TParam - Parameters used by several custom draw functions
- MFormCustomInvisibleCharacterRemapper - Mixin class used to customize visible appearance of invisible characters such as a paragraph mark or a tab
- MFormCustomWrap - An interface class that can be derived from to implement custom line breaking
- MFormParam - Specifies the protocol for getting system colours for use in text views
- MFrameBuffer - Buffer class for passing video frames between camera and client
- MFrameworkSP
- MGraphicsDeviceMap - Interface class for mapping between twips and device-specific units (pixels)
- CGraphicsDevice - Specifies the interface for concrete device classes
- CBitmapDevice - Defines an abstract interface for the capabilities and attributes of a bitmapped graphics device
- CFbsDevice - Abstract base class for graphics devices to which bitmaps and fonts can be drawn
- CFbsBitmapDevice - A graphics device to which a bitmap managed by the font and bitmap server can be drawn
- CFbsScreenDevice - A graphics device interface that provides direct access to the screen, without the mediation of the window server
- TZoomFactor - The interface for mapping between twips and device-specific units enriched with facilities to allow zooming
- MGridCursorMoveCallBack - An interface to a callback function that is intended to be called whenever there is a change to the cursor position
- MGridTable - An interface that can be implemented to provide row and column information
- MHlpModelObserver - Client callback inteface to receive events from the help model
- MHTTPAuthenticationCallback - The mixin that needs to be implemented if authentication is to be supported
- MHTTPDataSupplier - A data supplier - This class is used to deliver the response data to the client, and is also used by the client to supply request body data to HTTP in POST transactions
- CHTTPFormEncoder - A data supplier class that is used to build up data that is to be encoded to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- CRxData - An abstract base class for the decoding of response data received by a protocol handler
- CTxData - An abstract base class for the encoding of request data to be transmitted by a protocol handler
- MHTTPFilterBase - A HTTP Filter
- MHTTPFilterCreationCallback - This class serves as a pure virtual interface required as a session callback to the client when the client requires to configure the filters that are installed
- MHTTPSessionEventCallback - The per-session callback for receiving session event callbacks
- MHTTPTransactionCallback - The per-transaction callback for receiving HTTP events
- MIclImageDisplayObserver - Observer class for image display
- MIdleFindObserver - The interface for an asynchronous find observer
- MImageDisplayPluginExtension - This class should be derived by a plugin writer wishing to extend the client API defined in CImageDisplay
- MExifImageDisplayExtension - This class extends the functionality of the Image Display Library client API defined in the class CImageDisplay
- MImURITranslator - Translates a URI in an MHTML message into a message body part file name
- CImEmailMessage - This class can be used to manipulate new emails that have been created using CImEmailOperation when composing a message
- MIncrementalCollector - Interface for incrementally reclaiming or compacting space in a stream store
- MInternalizer - A family of classes defining an interface that can be implemented by classes that need to perform internalisation on behalf of others
- MLayDoc - Specifies the interface for providing the information needed by the text layout engine to lay out a text object
- MLineBreaker - Customizes the Unicode line-breaking algorithm
- MLogClientChangeObserver - This class allows a client of the log engine to observe specific change events within a given view
- MLogViewChangeObserver - This class allows a client of the log engine to observe specific change events within a given view
- MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback - An interface class that notifies the client of the progress of the audio input streaming
- MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback - An interface class that notifies the client of the progress of audio output streaming
- MMdaAudioPlayerCallback - An interface to a set of audio player callback functions
- MMdaAudioToneObserver - An interface to a set of audio tone player callback functions
- MMdaImageUtilObserver - This class has been deprecated in 7.0s
- MMDXMLParserDataProvider - Abstract data source interface for XML data source
- MMDXMLParserObserver - Abstract observer interface for notification when XML parsing is complete
- MMFFormatEcomUtilities - Provides an internal utility function to choose a format plugin from ECom
- MMidiClientUtilityObserver - Active object utility class to allow MIDI events to be signalled asynchronously
- MMidiCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the MIDI controller custom commands
- MMidiEventHandler - Mixin class to define an object capable of handling a MIDI event within the controller framework
- CMidiCustomCommandParser - Custom command parser class to be used by controller plugins wishing to support MIDI controller commands
- MMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsyncObserver - Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFAddDataSourceSinkAsync must derive from
- MMMFAudioControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio record controller custom commands
- MMMFAudioPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio play controller custom commands
- MMMFAudioPlayDeviceCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio play device custom commands
- MMMFAudioRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio record controller custom commands
- MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio record device custom commands
- MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback - An interface to a set of audio player callback functions
- MMMFClockSource - Defines the interface that video clock sources must to implement
- CSystemClockSource - The CSystemClockSource provides a basic clock source implementation based on the system clock
- MMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtilityObserver - Observer class to be used with class CMMFClockSourcePeriodicUtility
- MMMFControllerEventMonitorObserver - Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFControllerEventMonitor must derive from
- MMMFDataPathEventMonitorObserver - Mixin class that the user of the class CMMFDataPathEventMonitor must derive from
- MMMFDevSoundCustomInterfaceBitRate - Custom interface class to allow DevSound and hwdevices to support setting and getting audio bit rates
- MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver - The MMMFDevVideoPlayObserver mixin class defines a set of callback functions that the client using the MSL video API needs to implement
- MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy - MMMFDevVideoPlayProxy is the interface to the CMMFDevVideoPlay API implementation that the hardware devices use to deliver data back to the client and report their progress to the API implementation
- MMMFDevVideoRecordObserver - The MMMFDevVideoObserver class defines the observer mixin-interface that any client using CMMFDevVideoRecord must implement
- MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy - MMMFDevVideoRecordProxy is the interface the CDevVideoRecord implementation provides for video recording hardware devices
- MMMFDRMCustomCommand - Generic Mixin class to be used by a client utility wishing to pass DRM Intent custom commands to a controller plugin
- MMMFDRMCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the DRM Intent custom commands
- MMMFDurationInfoCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the Duration information custom commands
- MMMFResourceNotificationCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the audio resource notification custom commands
- MMMFVideoControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the video record controller custom commands
- MMMFVideoDRMExtCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the DRM Intent custom commands
- MMMFVideoFrameMessage - Interface class to provide a callback to the video controller custom command interface from the controller plug-in (the object that implements the video record controller interface MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor) when a GetFrame() request has been issued
- MMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Client class to access functionality specific to a video playback controller
- MMMFVideoPlayHwDeviceExtensionScanCopy - A custom interface extending the functionality of CMMFVideoPlayHwDevice, adding support for the decoder to handle the copying of the bitstream data into the buffers, combining this with a scan of the data and support for the passing of information from the client to the decoder describing what part of a frame the data contains
- MMMFVideoRecordControllerCustomCommandImplementor - Mixin class to be derived from by controller plugins wishing to support the video record controller custom commands
- MMMRdsAlternativeFrequenciesObserver - This mixin class allows a client to recieve notifications when the alternative frequencies list is received or changes
- MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver - The Announcement Observer mixin class defines the interface via which announcement events can be received
- MMMRdsDataObserver - This mixin class should be implemented by applications wishing to receive notifications when RDS data is received, changes or becomes invalid
- MMMRdsEonObserver - The enhanced other networks observer mixin class defines the interface via which changes to the enhanced other networks information can be notified
- MMMRdsFrameReceiver - This mixin is to be implemented by a client wishing to access the raw RDS frames as they are received over the air
- MMMRdsSignalChangeObserver - This mixin is to be implemented by a client wishing to recieve Rds signal availability state changes
- MMMRdsStateChangeObserver - The state change observer mixin class defines the interface via which changes to the state of the RDS radio can be observed
- MMMSignalStrengthObserver - This mixin class should be derived from by clients wishing to receive notifications when the signal strength changes
- MMmsSettingsObserver - Provides the interface for notification of changes that occur in the Central Repository
- MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver - MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver
- MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver - This class is the abstract base class the defines application callbacks from a instance of the CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility class
- MMMTunerChangeObserver - The Tuner Change Observer mixin class defines the interface via which notification for changes to the tuned frequency, channel and other tuner state can be received
- MMMTunerObserver - The Tuner Observer mixin class defines asynchronous event completion function callbacks
- MMMTunerStereoObserver - The stereo observer mixin class defines the interface by which clients can be notified when a stereo signal is received/lost
- MMobilityProtocolResp - Comms Mobility API extension protocol
- MMsvAttachmentManager - Defines the attachment management interface
- MMsvAttachmentManagerSync - Defines the attachment management extensions interface
- MMsvEntryObserver - Provides the interface for notification of events associated with an entry
- CBaseMtm - Provides a high-level interface for accessing and manipulating a Message Server entry
- CImap4ClientMtm - IMAP4 client MTM interface, providing access to the email services using the IMAP4 protocol
- MMsvImapConnectionObserver - Abstract base class used for IMAP4 connection observation
- MMsvSessionObserver - Provides the interface for notification of events from a Message Server session
- CEmailAccounts - Creates, loads, saves and deletes email (IMAP, POP, and SMTP) accounts
- CMsvEntry - Accesses and acts upon a particular Message Server entry
- CSmsAccount - Stores SMS service and Schedule Send settings to Central Repository
- MMsvStoreObserver - Observer interface to get events relating to a message store
- CMsvEntry - Accesses and acts upon a particular Message Server entry
- MObexAuthChallengeHandler - This class is the common base class for any object which wishes to use the Obex Server or Client
- MObexFinalPacketObserver - This mixin class must be inherited by any class interested in final packet notifications
- MObexHeaderCheck - Used to allow the iterator to decide whether to present a header to the user, by passing in a possible header HI value
- MObexServerNotify - OBEX synchronous server notification interface
- MObexServerNotifyAsync - OBEX asynchronous server notification interface
- MObjectProvider - An interface that allows an object to be part of a network of object providers
- CCoeControl - Control base class from which all other controls are derived
- CCoeEnv - Control environment
- CEikonEnv - An environment for creating controls and utility functions for manipulating them
- CCoeTextDrawerBase - This is the base class for all text drawers implementing different text effects (for example shadow or glowing/outlined text)
- CEikAppUi - Handles application-wide aspects of the application's user interface such as the menu bar, toolbar pop-up menus, opening and closing files and exiting the application cleanly
- MEikAppUiFactory - This class defines a mixin interface to break the dependency of the Uikon Application User Interface on controls
- MOpenFontShapingExtension - Open Font System Extension Interface abstract base class
- MOpenFontShapingExtension::TExtensionFontMetrics - Various font metrics
- MOpenFontTrueTypeExtension - TrueType extension for Open Fonts
- MPagePool - Interface to a page pool, the storage abstraction used by the B-trees API
- CMemPagePool - Uses memory to implement the MPagePool page pool interface
- TCachePagePool - Provides a page pool with cached pages
- RFilePagePool - Uses a file directly to implement the page pool interface MPagePool
- RStorePagePool - Uses a store to implement the page pool interface MPagePool
- MPageRegionPrinter - Interface for printing in bands
- CGridPrinter - Handles printing and print preview functionality for grid
- MPaginateObserver - An abstract class which must be mixed with application calling the active object
- MPictureFactory - Abstract interface for instantiating and restoring new CPicture derived objects
- TApaModelDoorFactory - A factory class for instantiating and restoring an application's door using the application's model
- TApaPictureFactory - A factory class for instantiating and restoring an application's door
- MPrintProcessObserver - Print progress and status notification interface class
- MPublicRegistry - Provides access to the public functions of CRegistryData for CResolver implementations
- MRemConAbsVolControllerObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming AbsVol commands
- MRemConAbsVolTargetObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming AbsVol commands
- MRemConCoreApiControllerObserver - Clients must implement this interface in order to instantiate objects of type CRemConCoreApiController
- MRemConCoreApiTargetObserver - Clients must implement this interface in order to instantiate objects of type CRemConCoreApiTarget
- MRemConErrorObserver - This class defines an error notification interface
- MRemConStatusApiControllerObserver - Interface to observe responses from a Status API controller
- MRemConTrackInfoControllerObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming TrackInfo responses
- MRemConTrackInfoTargetObserver - Client-implemented mixin- notifies the client of incoming TrackInfo commands
- MRxDataObserver - An interface to be implemented by classes that wish to receive status information from an implementation of the CRxData class
- MSdpAgentNotifier - Handles responses to Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol queries
- MSdpAttributeValueVisitor - Abstract interface that can be implemented to receive an enumeration of the values in an attribute list
- MSdpElementBuilder - Constructs an attribute value, or a set of attributes, from multiple data elements
- CSdpAttrValueList - Base class for classes that specify lists of attribute data elements
- CSdpAttrValueDEA - A Data element alternative (DEA) value of an attribute: this is an attribute whose value is a sequence of data elements from which one data element is to be selected
- CSdpSearchPattern - A list of Bluetooth service classes, represented as Universal Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), to be matched in SDP Service Search Requests
- MSecurityPolicy - The Security Policy Interface
- MShgCallBackAPI - Spreadsheet engine client callback interface
- MShgCellReader - Interface to read a specified cell
- MSIPConcreteProfileObserver - Observer class to be implemented by users of CSIPConcreteProfile It provides event notifications related to profiles
- MSIPConnectionObserver - An interface to be implemented by users of CSIPConnection
- MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver - The user must implement this interface if it intends to provide HTTP Digest credentials upon received challenges from the SIP servers on the signaling path
- MSIPHttpDigestChallengeObserver2 - The user should implement this interface if it intends to provide HTTP Digest credentials upon received challenges from the SIP servers on the signaling path
- MSIPObserver - An interface to be implemented by user of CSIP
- MSIPProfileRegistryObserver - The observer class for monitoring SIP profiles
- MSIPRegistrationContext - The interface for providing information for the SIP request and dialog creation
- CSIPProfile - Class contains profile information of particular SIP service provider
- CSIPManagedProfile - Class contains profile information of particular SIP service provider
- MSpeechRecognitionCustomCommandImplementor - This is the main class of Speech Recognition Custom Commands Implementor
- MSpeechRecognitionUtilityObserver - This is the main class of Speech Recognition Utility Observer
- MStreamBuf - A stream buffer that provides a generic I/O interface for streamed data
- TStreamBuf - Adds buffering capabilities to a stream buffer
- RFileBuf - A stream buffer hosted by a file
- RSmsSocketBuf - An SMS stream buffer to read and write over a socket
- TBufBuf - A stream buffer that uses a dynamic buffer for its implementation
- TDesBuf - A stream buffer that uses a descriptor for its implementation
- TMemBuf - A stream buffer that uses plain memory for its implementation
- MStreamInput - An interface to an object that acts as a target for read operations from a stream
- MStreamOutput - An interface to an object that acts as source for write operations to a stream
- MStringPoolCloseCallBack - Abstract callback interface that alerts implementors to when a string pool closes
- MSyncMLEventObserver - Interface to receive notifications of SyncML session events
- MSyncMLProgressObserver - Interface to receive notifications of SyncML synchronisation progress events
- MSyncMLProgressObserver::TSyncMLDataSyncModifications - Container class for number of items added, replaced, moved, deleted and failed
- MTelnetNotification - Symbian telnet notification interface
- MTextFieldFactory - Abstract class that should be derived from by any application that wishes to support fields Abstract base class for field factories
- MTmCustom::TLineHeightParam - TLineHeightParam structure is used in MTmCustom::SetLineHeight() method to set text line height related parameters such as max character height, max ascent and descent, height and depth of the tallest pictures (top-aligned, bottom-aligned or centered)
- MTranpNotification - A callback interface providing notification of events that occur during a picture transmission session
- MturUtils - Utility class that is used to start an application to edit a specified message
- MUnicodeSink
- MUnicodeSource
- MVersitObserver - A Versit parser observer
- MVersitPlugIn - A Versit parser plug-in
- MVideoLoadingObserver - This is a mixin class to allow a client to receive notification of rebuffering operations occurring in the video player
- MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver - An interface to a set of video player callback functions
- MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver - An interface to a set of video recorder callback functions
- MVwsSessionWrapperObserver - The MVwsSessionObserver specifies an interface through which server events to be handled by the owner of a client session are notified
- MWapPluginSP
- MWbxmlConverterObserver
- MWsClientClass - Base class for all classes whose objects are clients of the window server
- RAnimDll - Client-side interface to the server-side animation DLL
- RDirectScreenAccess - The interface between an application that directly accesses the screen and the window server
- RSoundPlugIn - Client interface to the key or pointer click plug-in DLL
- netent - Assumption here is that a network number fits in an unsigned long -- probably a poor one
- NShgUtils - Utilities to create cell and range reference strings
- NumberConversion - Functions for converting numbers between different numbers form different scripts
- passwd - password
- protoent
- RAbstractEventArray - Array of CHF Abstract Events
- RAllocator - Base class for heaps
- RHeap - Represents the default implementation for a heap
- RAllocator::SCheckInfo
- RAnim - Client-side handle to a server-side animation class
- RAnimWithUtils - Utility class to support clock animation
- RMessageWindow - A configurable window that appears for a brief time to display a message to the user and then disappears
- RBitmapAnim - Enables a client to package animation data, and send it to the window server for display
- RArray - A simple and efficient array of fixed length objects
- RArray< TInt > - A simple and efficient specialized array of signed integers offering standard array behaviour
- RArray< TUint > - Array of unsigned integers
- RBTPhysicalLinkAdapter - Class to enable modification of a physical link:
- RContactViewSortOrder - Specifies the sort order for a contact view
- RDbDatabase - Abstract class providing the functionality of a database
- RDbDatabase::TSize
- RDbHandleBase - This class is internal and is not intended for use
- RDbHandle - This class is internal and is not intended for use
- RDbIncremental - Provides the interface for performing long-running database operations in incremental steps, allowing application programs to remain responsive to other events
- RDbNotifier - Provides notification of database changes to clients
- RDbRowConstraint - Represents a pre-compiled SQL search-condition, which can be used to test against the current row in a rowset
- RDbRowSet - An abstract base class that provides functionality which is shared between SQL view objects and Table objects
- RDbTable - Provides access to table data as a rowset, allowing manipulation of a named table in the database
- RDbView - Generates rowsets from an SQL query
- RDbUpdate - Provides an interface to allow incremental execution of a DML (SQL data update) statement
- ResourceUtils - Provides static functions for resource reading
- RHandleBase - A handle to an object
- RCondVar - A handle to a condition variable
- RDevice - User side handle to an LDD factory object, an instance of a DLogicalDevice derived class
- RLibrary - A handle to a dynamically loadable DLL
- RMsgQueueBase - Provides implementation for managing an asynchronous message queue, and is a base class for the RMsgQueue templated class
- RProperty - User side interface to Publish & Subscribe
- RSessionBase - Client-side handle to a session with a server
- RASCliSession - The client-side interface to the Symbian OS alarm server
- RApaLsSession - A session with the application architecture server
- RBTMan - Creates a sessions over which the Bluetooth security manager is accessible
- RCommServ - Represents a session with the serial comms server
- RDbs - Client-server databases
- REComSession - The REComSession singleton class provides an API to identify (resolution), instantiate, and destroy interface class implementations requested by ECOM clients
- RFbsSession - A session with the font and bitmap server
- RFs - A handle to a file server session
- RNotifier - A handle to a session with the extended notifier server that provides support for plug-in notifiers
- RPhoneBookSession - Provides the CPhoneBookSyncPlugin client access to a session with the Phonebook Synchronizer Server
- RPositionServer - This is generally the first interface class used by all client applications
- RRandomSession - The client interface to the system random number generator
- RScheduler - Client side interface to the Task Scheduler
- RSdp - Provides a session to the Service Discovery Database
- RSendAs - Encapsulates a session with the SendAs Server
- RSocketServ - Provides the Connect() function to create an IPC communication channel to the socket server
- RTz - The client interface to the time zone server
- RWorldServer - Defines the client side API to the world server
- RTimer - Asynchronous timer services
- RHardwareBitmap - The interface to a hardware bitmap
- RHashMap - A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V, using a probe-sequence hash table
- RHashSet - A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of type T using a probe-sequence hash table
- RHeaderField - An proxy object for a single field in an HTTP header
- RHeap::SCell - The structure of a heap cell header for a heap cell on the free list
- RHeap::SDebugCell - The structure of a heap cell header for an allocated heap cell in a debug build
- RHTTPFilterCollection - A Handle on the filter collection in a session
- RHTTPHeaders - The collection of headers (or more correctly, header fields) associated with a message
- RHTTPMessage - An abstract HTTP message
- RHTTPPropertySet - A set of named THTTPHdrVal objects
- RHTTPConnectionInfo - The RHTTPConnectionInfo is used for setting/getting values used for setting up a connection over a protocol
- RHTTPSession - A session handle
- RHTTPTransaction - A HTTP Transaction
- RIncrMatcherBase - Base class for incremental matcher classes
- RIncrMatcherBuf - Incrementally matches text against a modifiable descriptor buffer
- RIncrMatcherPtr - Incrementally matches text against a descriptor, accessed via a pointer
- RIncrMatcherTextBuf - Incrementally matches text against a text buffer with variable maximum length
- RMessagePtr2 - A handle to a message sent by the client to the server
- RMessage2 - An object that encapsulates the details of a client request
- RMMFController - Client representation of a controller plugin for the Multimedia Framework
- RMMFCustomCommandsBase - Base class for client-side custom command classes
- RMMFDataPathProxy - Proxy class used to create a datapath in a new subthread
- RParagraphStyleInfo - A paragraph style
- RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV1 - Specifies format of phonebook fields within an ICC phonebook entry
- RPhoneBookSession::TTemplateAndBufferSize - Structure holding the template ID and buffer size
- RPointerArray - A simple and efficient array of pointers to objects
- RPointerArray< TAny > - Array of raw pointers
- RPtrHashMap - A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V, using a probe-sequence hash table
- RPtrHashSet - A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of type T using a probe-sequence hash table
- RReadStream - The read stream interface
- RMsvReadStream - Accesses the streams in a message store with read access
- RShareReadStream - Supports the opening, for reading, of a stream which shares its host with other streams
- RStoreReadStream - Supports the opening and manipulation of an existing stream in a store
- RRefBase - Base class that provides an implementation for the templated RRef class
- RRef - Contains, or packages, a copy of an instance of another class
- RRequestorStack - Most standard applications will not use the RRequestorStack
- RResourceFile - Accesses a resource file and reads the resource data into a buffer
- RResourceReader - Interprets resource data read from a resource file
- RRtpCSRCs - A handle representing the list of CSRCs in an RTP packet
- RRtpHeaderExtension - Reresents an RTP packet's header extension
- RRtpPacket - A handle to an RTP packet
- RRtpSendPacket - A handle to an RTP packet to be sent (an RTP send packet)
- RRtpReceiveSource - A handle to a receive stream
- RRtpSendSource - A handle to a send stream
- RRtpSession - A handle to an RTP session
- RRunInfoArray - This class is used to keep track of the shared run info array
- RStoreReclaim - Performs space reclamation or compaction on a permanent file store in incremental steps
- RStringBase - Base class for classes that represent a string in a string pool
- RString - A string that is stored in a string pool, with case-sensitive comparisons
- RStringF - A string that is stored in a string pool, with case-insensitive comparisons
- RStringPool - String pool handle
- RStringTokenBase - Base class for the RStringToken and RStringTokenF string representations
- RStringToken - A compact (4 byte) representation of a string in the string pool
- RStringTokenF - A compact (4 byte) representation of a RStringF string in the string pool
- RSubConnection::TEventFilter
- RSubConParameterBundle - Container for (bundle of) SubConnection parameter families
- RSubSessionBase - Client-side handle to a sub-session
- RBTManSubSession - A subsession for the RBTMan session
- RBTCommPortSettings - A subsession on the Bluetooth Registry server This subsession allows the virtual serial ports to be updated, modified, examined etc
- RBTLocalDevice - Creates and opens a subsession on BT Registry Server for local devices
- RBTRegistry - Creates and opens a subsession on the BT Registry Server for remote devices
- RComm - A sub-session to the C32 Serial Server used for addressing a serial port
- RDir - Reads the entries contained in a directory
- RFile - Creates and opens a file, and performs all operations on a single open file
- RFormat - Formats a device, one step at a time
- RHostResolver - Provides an interface to host name resolution services, such as DNS, that may be provided by particular protocol modules
- RNetDatabase - Provides an interface to network databases, such as LM-IAS with IrDA, that may be provided by particular protocol modules
- RPositionerSubSessionBase - Abstract base class for all positioning sub-sessions, including RPositioner
- RPositioner - This class is used to create a sub-session with the server for the purpose of obtaining the current position
- RSdpSubSession - Base class used in the derivation of RSdpDatabase
- RSdpDatabase - Subsession to the SDP through which service records and their attributes can be added, deleted, and updated
- RSyncMLConnection - Handle to data defining a connection to a remote SyncML server in the context of a profile
- RSyncMLTask - Represents a mapping between a local data store and a remote data store on a SyncML server in the context of a profile
- RTest - Test console
- RTextBuf - A simple class that encapsulates a text string
- RTransferWindow - This class is a wrapper class to give a transfer buffer/window the same API as a CMMFDataBuffer
- RWriteStream - The write stream interface
- RMsvWriteStream - Accesses the streams in a message store with write access, or creates new streams
- RShareWriteStream - Supports the opening, for writing, of a stream which shares its host with other streams
- RWsSession::TWindowGroupChainInfo
- SAnalogDisplayAmPm - Defines the display parameters of the AM/PM display for an analogue clock
- SBlockMapInfo
- SCharWidth - Character width and adjustment information
- SConverterInfo - Describes a converter, as obtained from a converter list (CCnaConverterList)
- SdpCodecStringPool - This class defines string pool for SDP Codec
- SdpUtil - Integer Putter/Getter Utility Class
- SE64Addr
- SEikControlInfo - Structure to hold the control specific information
- SEpocBitmapHeader - Contains information about the bitmap when streaming bitmaps to stores
- SerialConfig
- servent
- SFindInTextDefWordParser - Search string parser struct
- sigaction
- SInet6Addr - IPv4 and IPv6 socket address
- SInetAddr - IPv4 socket address
- SIPStrings - This class defines string pool for SIP Codec
- SLexToken - A token that represents part of a formula
- sockaddr - Structure used by EPOC32 to store most addresses
- SPoly - A structure containing the set of coefficients for a polynomial
- SSipConnPref - This contains the information about the Id of the profile
- SSockAddr - Socket address offsets
- stat
- STimeDeviceShadow - Determines how shadows are added to the clock display
- T3gppHrdVbvParams - Specifies the HRD/VBV parameters used when 3GPP TS 26.234 annex G HRD/VBV settings are used (EHrdVbv3GPP)
- TAcceleratedBitmapInfo - A data structure that holds the information needed to directly access a bitmap
- TAcceleratedBitmapSpec - A utility class that provides access to the contents of a bitmap
- TAlgStyle - An algorithmic style for how a font is drawn
- TAlternativeFrequency - An alternative frequency is a frequency that broadcasts the same station as the currently tuned station, or a regional variant of it
- TAmPmName - Current locale's am/pm text
- TAnalogDisplayHand - A hand for an analogue clock
- TAnimationConfig - These are passed to animator objects when an animation is started and provide some control over the manner in which the animation runs
- TApaAppCapability - Application capabilities
- TApaAppEntry - An application entry
- TApaAppIdentifier - The identity of an application
- TApaAppInfo - Application information
- TApaApplicationFactory - Encapsulates the functionality of creating an application, whether it be via a factory function or an ECOM plugin
- TApaAppViewInfo - Contains the basic information about an application view
- TApaEmbeddabilityFilter - Filter used to define the subset of applications returned by RApaLsSession::GetNextApp()
- TApaTask - Application task
- TApaTaskList - Accesses tasks running on a device
- TArray - Generic array
- TASCliSoundPlayDefinition - Defines when alarm sounds are to be played, and for how long
- TASN1DecBitString
- TASN1DecBMPString - Class used for decoding ASN.1 BMP strings
- TASN1DecBoolean
- TASN1DecDSAKeyPair - Class for decoding DSA key pairs from ASN.1 DER encoding
- TASN1DecEnumerated
- TASN1DecGeneralizedTime
- TASN1DecGeneralString
- TASN1DecGeneric
- TASN1DecGenericString
- TASN1DecGraphicString
- TASN1DecIA5String
- TASN1DecInteger
- TASN1DecNull
- TASN1DecNumericString
- TASN1DecObjectIdentifier
- TASN1DecOctetString
- TASN1DecPrintableString
- TASN1DecRSAKeyPair - Class for decoding RSA key pairs from ASN.1 DER encoding
- TASN1DecRSAPublicKey - Class for decoding RSA public keys from ASN.1 DER encoding
- TASN1DecSequence
- TASN1DecSet
- TASN1DecString
- TASN1DecTeletexString - Class used for decoding Teletex strings
- TASN1DecUTF8String
- TASN1DecVideotexString
- TASN1DecVisibleString
- TASN1EncDSAPublicKey - Class for encoding DSA public keys to ASN.1 encoding
- TASN1EncRSAPublicKey - Class for encoding RSA public keys to ASN.1 encoding
- TASShdAlarm - A client-side alarm object
- TAttrRange - A range of attribute ID values
- TAuthorityC16 - Dependencies : TAuthorityComponent
- TAuthorityParser16 - Dependencies : TAuthorityC16 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of an authority as defined in RFC2396
- TAuthorityC8 - Dependencies : TAuthorityComponent
- TAuthorityParser8 - Dependencies : TAuthorityC8 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of an authority as defined in RFC2396
- TAutoClose - Automatically calls Close() on an object when that object goes out of scope
- TAvcHrdParams - TAvcHrdParams specifies a set of AVC-specific HRD parameters
- TAvcHrdParams::TCpbParams
- TAvcPictureHeader - AVC Picture Header
- TAvcVideoCapability - This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities or bitstream properties
- TAvcVideoMode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode
- TBackupOperationAttributes - Attributes for a backup operation
- TBandAttributes - Controls the attributes of the band to be printed
- TBasebandPolicyParams - Baseband policy parameters
- TBaSoundPriorityBase - Utility class to bundle up priority, priority preference and device specific data Only intended to be used in conjunction with TBaSystemSoundInfo::iPriority
- TBaSystemSoundInfo - Provides functions that contain the information for a system sound
- TBaSystemSoundInfo::TTone - Provides functions to define a tone
- TBaSystemSoundType - Provides a logical sound wrapper
- TBidiLogicalToVisual - This class is a low-level class for bi-directionally reordering text
- TBidirectionalState - The bidirectional state class
- TBidirectionalState::TRunInfo - Information about a run of characters with the same bidirectional category
- TBidiText - This class works as a replacement for HBufC in those cases where a small amount of text is being formatted simply
- TBitFlagsT - A simple class which manages the process of setting and clearing flags in an abstract fashion
- TBitmapLockCount - Maintains a count of the number of locks made on a bitmap through a TAcceleratedBitmapSpec object
- TBitmapUtil - Provides fast read/write access to the image data of a bitmap
- TBlockMapEntry
- TBTAccessRequirements - The access requirements set up by a bluetooth service
- TBTAFHHostChannelClassification - Descriptor class that should be used to help set up an AFH host channel classification for the controller
- TBTBasebandEventNotification - Contains information resulting from a baseband notification
- TBTCommPortSettings - Used to configure a virtual serial port
- TBTDevAddr - 48-bit bluetooth device address
- TBTDeviceClass - Encapsulation of device class definitions
- TBTDeviceResponseParams - Class to allow parameters to be received from the device selection dialog via the RNotifier API
- TBTDeviceSecurity - Class to store the security override parameters for a particular remote device
- TBTDeviceSelectionParams - Class to allow parameters to be sent to the device selection dialog via the RNotifier API
- TBTNamelessDevice - Stores parameters for a nameless device
- TBtree - Provides ordering of entries by key value in a B+-tree (balanced tree) structure
- TBtreeFixBase - Base class for TBtreeFix, which provides a B-tree for fixed sized entries
- TBtreeFix - A B-tree for fixed-sized keys and entries
- TBtreeMark - An iterator for a B-tree
- TBtreePath
- TBtreePos - Identifies a position in a B-tree
- TBtreeToken - Encapsulates the persistent parameters for a TBtree
- TBTRegistrySearch - Set search criteria on the Bluetooth Registry
- TBTServiceSecurity - The security settings of a bluetooth service
- TBTServiceSecurityPerDevice - Class to tie a service uid with a device security setting
- TBTSyncBandwidth - A pair of transmit and receive bandwidths for use on synchronous Bluetooth links
- TBTSyncPackets - Class to represent a set of synchronous packet types (SCO and eSCO on v1.2)
- TBuf - A build-independent modifiable buffer descriptor
- TBuf16 - A descriptor class which provides a buffer of fixed length for containing, accessing and manipulating TUint16 data
- TBuf8 - A descriptor class which provides a buffer of fixed length for containing, accessing and manipulating TUint8 data
- TBufC - A build-independent non-modifiable buffer descriptor
- TBufC16 - 16-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor
- TBufC8 - 8-bit non-modifiable buffer descriptor
- TBullet - A bullet point
- TCalChangeEntry - Struct for storing change notification data
- TCallBack - Encapsulates a general call-back function
- TCalPubSubData - The publish and subscribe data
- TCalRRule - Class representing iCal repeat types
- TCalRRule::TDayOfMonth - Class to represent a weekday within a month
- TCalTime - Represents a date/time, as used in the Calendar API
- TCameraInfo - Specifies camera device information
- TCapabilitySet - Class representing an arbitrary set of capabilities
- TCardinality - Compact stream format for positive integer values in the range 0 to 536,870,911 ((2^29)-1)
- TCellRef - Identifies a cell by row and column number
- TCertInfo - Class to hold the certificate information
- TChannel - Class representing a digital radio channel
- TChar - Holds a character value and provides a number of utility functions to manipulate it and test its properties
- TCharF - Folds a specified character and provides functions to fold additional characters after construction of the object
- TCharLC - Converts a specified character to lower case and provides functions to convert additional characters after construction of the object
- TCharUC - Converts a specified character to upper case and provides functions to convert additional characters after construction of the object
- TChar::TCharInfo - A structure to hold information about a Unicode character
- TCharFormat - A transient container of character format attributes, including font-dependent and font-independent attributes
- TCharFormatMask - Masks the character format attributes which are involved when setting and sensing character formatting
- TChargeCard - Contains information about a charge card
- TCheckedUid - Packages a Uid type together with a checksum
- TCHFContentHandlerParams - Encapsulates parameters used to initialise a content handler
- TCHFMessage - A generic message class used in CHF for command, query and request handling
- TCHFMessageId - A two part ID that is used to idenitfy a CHF message
- TCHFValue - Encapsulates a reference to a value which can be one of many different types
- TChineseDate - Chinese date
- TCityData - City information
- TCityDialCodes - This can be passed to TelephoneNumber::Parse() to define the area code of the dialling and diallers locations
- TCleanupItem - Encapsulates a cleanup operation and an object on which the operation is to be performed
- TClickMakerData
- TCodecProcessResult - Indicates the result of processing data from the source buffer to a destination buffer and provides functions to compare the result code
- TCodeSection - Code section range information
- TCoeColorUse - Logical colour used when drawing in controls
- TCoeControlWithId - Class that encapsulates a control and the identifier for that control
- TCoeFont - A class to simplify font usage
- TCoeHelpContext - Help context
- TCoeInputCapabilities - Describes which forms of text input are consumed by a control or view
- TCoeTextTypeAdaptor - This class allows the XCoeTextDrawer to draw text that is in the form of a TBidiText object as well as pre-reordered new-line separated plain text descriptors
- TColor256Util - Enables conversion, in both directions, between a TRgb object and an index into an arbitrary 256 colour palette
- TColorConvertor - Interface to colour conversion classes for various display modes
- TColorEnhancementOptions - Pre-processing options for color enhancement
- TCommServerConfigV01 - Used by the package TCommServerConfig to configure the comm port
- TConnArgBase - Base class for many arguments to RConnection functions
- TConnPref - Overrides the connection preferences
- TConnSnapPref - An instance of the class is passed to RConnection::Start when user wants to start connection based on Service Network Access Point that represents a collection of AP to try out
- TSipConnPref - This contains the information about the type of the connection preferences used by the SIP in the form of the profiles
- TContactDbObserverEvent - Contact database change event details
- TContactFieldFormat - Class to hold the contact field formats
- TContactIdWithMapping - A struct used internally by filtered and group views to pair a contact item ID and its index into the underlying view
- TContactIter - Iterates through the sorted contact items in a contact database
- TContactTextDefItem - An item in a text definition
- TContactViewEvent - Identifies a contact view event
- TCoordinate - TCoordinate is used to hold the basic coordinates of a location (latitude, longitude and altitude)
- TLocality - Adds an error estimate for the horizontal and vertical accuracy of the point to TCoordinate
- TPosition - This class is the standard data structure for retrieving location information
- TCountryData - Country information
- TCourse - This is used to hold information about the current speed and direction of the device
- TCurrencySymbol - Gets a copy of the currency symbol(s) in use by the current locale
- TCursorPosition - Cursor position
- TCursorSelection - The cursor or cursor selection within a document
- TDaColMap - Maps a source to a target column
- TDaColMapFactory - Constructs maps of columns from one database model to another
- TDaFileImporterFactory - Factory class for creating importers of files into a data application model
- TDaFileImportParams - Parameters for importing a text file into a data application model
- TDaFilter - Parameters for filtering on a field
- TDaSort - Parameters for sorting on a field
- TDaStoreResolver - Implements a call back for determining a data application store as a function of the document position
- TDataRecognitionResult - The result of an attempt to recognize data
- TDataType - A data type
- TDataTypeWithPriority - A data (MIME) type and a priority value for that data type
- TDateSuffix - Gets a copy of the current locale's date suffix text for a specific day in the month
- TDateTime - A date and time object in which the individual components are accessible in human-readable form
- TDaUserCol - A data application user column specification
- TDayName - Gets a copy of the current locale's full text name for a day of the week
- TDayNameAbb - Gets a copy of the current locale's abbreviated text name for a day of the week
- TDbBookmark - Saves the current location of a rowset, enabling rapid navigation back to a previously visited row or position in the set
- TDbBookmark::TMark - Stores a database bookmark
- TDbCol - Defines a column in a table or rowset
- TDbColSetIter - Provides a useful way to iterate over the contents of a column set
- TDbKeyCol - Defines a key column in an index
- TDbLookupKey - This class is internal and is not intended for use
- TDbLookupKey::SColumn
- TDblQueBase - A base class that provides implementation for the doubly linked list header
- TDblQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a doubly linked list
- TDeltaQueBase - A base class that provides implementation for the TDeltaQue template class
- TDeltaQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a doubly linked list in which elements represent values which are increments, or deltas, on the value represented by a preceding element
- TPriQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a doubly linked list in which the elements are added in descending priority order
- TDblQueIterBase - A base class that provides implementation for the doubly linked list iterator
- TDblQueIter - A templated class that provides the behaviour for iterating through a set of doubly linked list elements
- TDblQueLinkBase - A base class that provides implementation for the link object of a doubly linked list
- TDblQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a doubly linked list
- TPriQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of an ordered doubly linked list
- TTickCountQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a doubly linked list sorted by tick count
- TDeltaQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a delta doubly linked list
- TDbQuery - A wrapper for an SQL string combined with a text comparison mode
- TDbSeekKey - Database key value
- TDbWindow - Describes the desired shape of a view's pre-evaluation window
- TDelimitedParserBase16 - Comments : Provides non-modifying functionality for parsing data delimited by a single character
- TDelimitedPathParser16 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing paths delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396
- TDelimitedPathSegmentParser16 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing path segments delimited by '/' as defined in RFC2396
- TDelimitedQueryParser16 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase16 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing querys delimited by '&' as defined in RFC2396
- TDelimitedParserBase8 - Comments : Provides non-modifying functionality for parsing data delimited by a single character
- TDelimitedPathParser8 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing paths delimited by a '/' as defined in RFC2396
- TDelimitedPathSegmentParser8 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing path segments delimited by a ';' as defined in RFC2396
- TDelimitedQueryParser8 - Dependencies : TDelimitedParserBase8 Comments : Derived class from TDelimitedParserBase providing a class for parsing querys delimited by a '&' as defined in RFC2396
- TDeltaTimerEntry - A timed event entry
- TDes16Overflow - An interface that defines an overflow handler for a 16-bit descriptor
- TDes8Overflow - An interface that defines an overflow handler for an 8-bit descriptor
- TDesC16 - Abstract base class for 16-bit descriptors
- TDes16 - Abstract base class for 16-bit modifiable descriptors
- RBuf16 - 16 bit resizable buffer descriptor
- TPtr16 - 16-bit modifiable pointer descriptor
- TPtrC16 - 16-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor
- TDesC8 - Abstract base class for 8-bit non-modifiable descriptors
- TDes8 - Abstract base class for 8-bit modifiable descriptors
- RBuf8 - 8 bit resizable buffer descriptor
- RWsGraphicMsgBuf - Utility class for building data buffers to be attached to CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic commands Useful when there is more than one piece of data to be attached to the draw command
- TPtr8 - 8-bit modifiable pointer descriptor
- TBufPtr8 - Utility class to allow forward iteration through the data contained in an 8 bit descriptor
- TPckg - Packages a modifiable pointer descriptor which represents an object of specific type
- TPtrC8 - 8-bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor
- TPckgC - Packages a non-modifiable pointer descriptor which represents an object of specific type
- TDiagnostic - Class to encapsulate diagnostic parameter values
- TDialLocation - Contains information about the current location such as international prefix code, area code etc
- TDigitalDisplayTextSection - A text section for a digital clock
- TDisplayModeUtils - A set of static utility functions to get information about a display mode
- TDNInfo - Class to hold the DN (Distinguished Name) information
- TDrawTextLayoutContext - Parameters used by functions that draw text
- TDriveInfo - Contains drive information
- TDriveUnit - Drive numbers and letters
- TE64Addr - The raw 64 bits of Modified EUI-64 address stored in network byte order
- TECAMEvent - General purpose class to describe an ECam event
- TEComResolverParams - Used to pass values to a Resolver to aid in the filtering of Interface Implementation plugins
- TEikVirtualCursor - Provides support for the virtual cursor's state within an application
- TelephoneNumber - A static class that provides functions to resolve telephone numbers
- TEllipse
- TEncoderBufferOptions - Specifies the encoder buffering options
- TEntry - Encapsulates an entry in a directory, which can be another (nested) directory, a file or a volume label
- TEntryArray - Array of directory entries
- TEonMappedFrequency - Mapped frequencies can be broadcast as a part of the EON information
- TEonStation - Class representing a station broadcast as an Enhanced Other Networks station
- TEtextComponentInfo - Provides information about the number of components owned by an editable text object
- TExifReaderUtility - This class offers a friendly interface to read the metadata in exif encoded image files
- TExifWriterUtility - This class offers a friendly interface to write the metadata in exif encoded image files
- TExtendedLocale - Extended locale class
- TExternalizer - A family of classes whose instances can be used to perform externalisation on behalf of other objects
- TExternalizer< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TExternalizer classes whose instances can be used to perform externalisation on behalf of other untyped objects
- TextUtils - Provides static functions for truncating and aligning text strings
- TEZGZipHeader - The TEZGZipHeader class encapsulates a zip file header, which is written to the start of the zip file to store various settings of the archive
- TEZGZipTrailer - The TEZGZipTrailer class encapsulates a zip file trailer, which uses a CRC (cyclic redundancy check) to confirm the validity of the unpacked archive
- TFepOnOrOffKeyData - On or off key data for FEPs
- TFileText - Reads and writes single lines of text to or from a file
- TFilterConfigurationIterator - This class can only be created and destroyed by the session
- TFilterInformation - This structure is used by the TFilterConfigurationIterator to hold the information of the current filter
- TFindFieldInfo - information returned from a "Find the fields in this range" request Gets information about the fields found in a range of characters by CPlainText::FindFields()
- TFindFile - Searches for files and directories
- TFindHandleBase - Base class for searching for global kernel objects
- TFindChunk - Searches for all global chunks by pattern matching against the names of (Kernel side) chunk objects
- TFindLibrary - Searches for DLLs whose full names match a specified pattern
- TFindLogicalDevice - Searches for LDD factory objects by pattern matching against the names of LDD factory objects
- TFindMutex - Finds all global mutexes whose full names match a specified pattern
- TFindPhysicalDevice - Searches for PDD factory objects by pattern matching against the names of PDD factory objects
- TFindProcess - Searches for processes by pattern matching against the names of process objects
- TFindSemaphore - Finds all global semaphores whose full names match a specified pattern
- TFindServer - Searches for servers by pattern matching against the names of kernel side server objects
- TFindThread - Searches for threads by pattern matching against the names of thread objects
- TFindWidthOfWidestTextItem - Finds the width in pixels of the widest item in a range of indexed text items
- TFindWidthOfWidestDateSuffix - Finds the width in pixels of the widest date suffix (for instance st, nd), when displayed in a specified font
- TFixedArray - A thin wrapper class for C++ arrays allowing automatic checking of index values to ensure that all accesses are legal
- TFlowId - Flow Identifires ECOM Implementation Id for SBLP Extension parameters
- TFontPresentation - Specifies the font-independent character format attributes, including bold, italics and underlining
- TFontSpec - Specifies the font specification in device independent terms
- TFontStyle - Encapsulates a font style
- TFourCC - A class that holds a four character code, representing supported data encodings for the conversion destination
- TFrameDataBlock - The abstract base class for all format-specific frame data variants
- TGifColorTable - GIF specific frame data for saving a frame local color map (palette)
- TGifImageControl - GIF specific frame data variant which holds GIF image control information
- TGifLZWInfo - GIF specific frame data variant which holds LZW compression information
- TMbmDecodeData - MBM specific frame data variant which holds frame data information
- TMbmEncodeData - MBM specific image data variant which holds frame data information
- TPngEncodeData - PNG specific frame data variant which holds PNG encoding information
- TFrameInfo - General frame info provided by all plugins
- TFrameOverlay - A rectangular frame surrounding a picture with eight smaller, square areas (referred to as blobs) for moving and resizing the picture
- TFrequency - Class representing a frequency
- TFunctor
- TGopFadeParams - Specifies the amount of fading for all the pixels in a rectangular area
- TGopFillPattern - A pattern represented by a bitmap that is used by a graphics accelerator to fill a rectangle or polygon
- TGopTransparency - Specifies which pixels should be treated as transparent in a bitblt operation that supports transparency
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps - Stores the capabilities of a graphics accelerator
- TGraphicsOperation - Abstract base class for all graphics operations
- TGopAlphaBlendOneBitmap - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of a bitmap blended with the screen image to the screen, using alpha blending values provided in an alpha bitmap to blend the corresponding entries in the bitmap and on the screen
- TGopAlphaBlendTwoBitmaps - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of two bitmaps to a destination, using alpha blending values provided in a third bitmap to blend the corresponding entries in the first and second bitmaps
- TGopBitBlt - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another
- TGopBitBltAlphaBitmap - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another using alpha blending values provided in a third bitmap
- TGopBitBltAlphaChannel - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another, using alpha blending
- TGopBitBltMasked - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another, using a third bitmap as a mask
- TGopBitBltTransparent - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into another, with some transparent pixels in the bitmap
- TGopFadeRect - An accelerated graphics operation that fades the pixels in a rectangular area
- TGopFilledPolygon - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a polygon with a colour
- TGopFilledRect - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a rectangular area with a colour
- TGopFilledRectUsingDrawMode - An accelerated graphics operation that fills a rectangular area with a colour, whilst performing a bitwise logical operation with the pixels in the region, for instance AND, OR, Exclusive OR
- TGopInvertRect - An accelerated graphics operation that inverts the colour of all pixels in a rectangular area
- TGopScaledBitBlt - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another
- TGopScaledBitBltAlphaBitmap - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another using alpha blending values provided in a third bitmap
- TGopScaledBitBltAlphaChannel - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another using alpha blending
- TGopScaledBitBltMasked - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another, using a third bitmap as a mask
- TGopScaledBitBltTransparent - An accelerated graphics operation that copies a rectangular region of one bitmap into a different sized region of another, with some transparent pixels in the source bitmap
- TGridColors - The grid colour specification
- TGridUtils - A collection of Grid utilities
- TGsmSms - Basic SMS class that contains some of the Etel mulit-mode SMS types
- TGsmSmsTelNumber - Encapsulation of basic address information
- TGulAlignment - Provides a convenient way to describe horizontal and vertical layouts of rectangular objects and to enquire how they occupy an area given their alignment
- TGulBorder - Draws a border around a control
- TGulBorder::TColors - Represents the colours used within the border and for the optional single pixel border outlines
- TH263HrdParams - H.263 HRD parameters
- TH263PictureHeader - H.263 picture header
- TH263VideoCapability - This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities or bitstream properties
- TH263VideoMode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode
- THandleInfo - Information about a kernel object
- THashFunction32 - A templated class which packages a function that calculates a 32 bit hash value from a key of templated type
- THashMapIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashMap class
- THashSetIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashSet class
- THCIDeviceClassIoctl - Structure to specify the class of device when getting or setting the local device class
- THCILocalVersionIoctl - Structure describing the local Bluetooth hardware version
- THCISetEncryptionIoctl - Request to change the encryption state of a connection
- THTTPEvent - A HTTP status message
- THTTPFilterHandle - A Filter registration handle
- THTTPFilterIterator - An iterator for RHTTPFilterCollection
- THTTPFilterRegistration - A registration of a filter in the filter queue
- THTTPHdrFieldIter - Iterator class to iterate the fields within a RHTTPHeaders
- THTTPHdrVal - A representation of a value found in an HTTP header field
- THTTPHdrVal::TQConv
- TIASDatabaseEntry - An Information Access Service (IAS) record in the network database
- TIASDatabaseEntryV001 - The data for an Information Access Service (IAS) record in the network database
- TIASQuery - An Information Access Service (IAS) query to another device's IAS server
- TIASResponse - Response from an Information Access Service (IAS) query to another device's IAS server
- TIdentityRelation - A templated class which packages a function that determines whether two objects of a given class type match
- TImageBitmapUtil - Bitmap utility class
- TImageDataBlock - The abstract base class for all format-specific image data variants
- TBmpCompression - BMP specific image data variant which holds compression info
- TBmpImageData - BMP specific image data variant which holds bits per pixel info
- TGifComment - GIF specific image data variant which holds GIF comment info
- TJpegComment - JPEG specific image data variant which holds JPEG comment information
- TJpegImageData - JPEG specific image data variant which holds color sampling and quality factor information
- TJpegQTable - JPEG specific image data variant which holds QTable info
- TImap4CompoundProgress - IMAP operation progress information
- TImap4GenericProgress - Progress information for an IMAP4 get operation
- TImap4RenameFolder - Buffer for an IMAP folder name
- TImap4SyncProgress - IMAP4 synchronisation progress information
- TImapAccount - IMAP account ID
- TImCacheManagerProgress - Holds progress of a cache management cleanup operation
- TImCodecB64
- TImCodecUU
- Time - A utility class whose functions may be used by the other date/time related classes
- TImEmailTransformingInfo - Encapsulates character conversion and encoding settings for sending SMTP email
- timeval
- timezone
- TImHeaderEncodingInfo - Stores encoding data found in message headers
- TImIAPChoice - Sets the connection dialog preference to be used with a particular IAP used for an internet mail service
- TImImailFileProgress - Status information about the SMTP message which is being sent
- TImImap4GetMailInfo - Specifies options used when retrieving messages with IMAP
- TImMessageField - Parses email message header fields for valid Internet email addresses, comments and aliases
- TImplementationProxy - The structure that defines the pairing required by the ECOM framework to correctly identify the instantiation method pointer to provide to a client's resolution request
- TImPop3GetMailInfo - Use to specify the maximum message size and the destination folder ID for certain POP3 operations
- TImPop3PopulateOptions - Use to specify the population limit for the POP3 top command
- TImSmtpProgress - Progress information for SMTP operations on the Internet Mail MTM
- TInetAddressInfo - Information of an address attached to interface
- TInetInterfaceInfo - Information of a network interface
- TInetMulticastInfo - Information of a multicast group joined by the IP stack
- TInetRouteInfo - Information of a route entry in IP stack
- TInstrumentInfo - General utility class to hold instrument information
- TInterfaceNotification
- TInternalizer - A family of classes whose instances can be used to perform internalisation on behalf of other objects
- TInternalizer< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TInternalizer classes whose instances can be used to perform internalisation on behalf of other objects
- TInternetDate - Stores dates in universal time and provides parsing of internet style dates into TDateTime and RFC 1123 (updates RFC 822) dates
- TIp6Addr - The 128 bits of IPv6 or IPv4 address stored in network byte order
- TIp6Mreq - TIp6Mreq
- TIpcArgs - A Version 2 client/server class that clients use to package the arguments to be sent to a server
- TKey - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of an array
- TKeyArrayFix - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of arrays of fixed length objects
- TKeyArrayVar - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of arrays of variable length objects
- TKeyArrayPak - Defines the characteristics of a key used to access the elements of packed arrays
- TKeyEvent - Key event details
- TKeyFactory - Constructs the public key objects used for signature verification from their encoded binary form
- TX509KeyFactory - Constructs the public key objects used for signature verification, from their encoded binary form, for X.509 certificates
- TL2CapConfig - API class for setting up an L2Cap configuration
- TLanguageInfo - Holds a localised name for a data type
- TLatLong
- TLex16 - Provides general string-parsing functions suitable for numeric format conversions and syntactical-element parsing
- TLex8 - Provides general string-parsing functions suitable for numeric format conversions and syntactical-element parsing
- TGsmuLex8 - Thin wrapper over TLex8 to provide leaving functions when getting the next character(s)
- TLexMark16 - Defines the extraction mark used by the TLex16 class to indicate the current lexical element being analysed
- TLexMark8 - Defines the extraction mark used by the TLex8 class to indicate the current lexical element being analysed
- TLibAssocBase - This is an implementation base class for TLibAssoc
- TLibAssoc - Associates a dynamically loadable DLL and an instance of a class that, typically, will have been created using the ordinal 1 function of that DLL
- TLinearDDA - Linear digital differential analyser
- TLinearOrder - A templated class which packages a function that determines the order of two objects of a given class type
- TLinkKeyV10 - Link key structure
- TLitC - Encapsulates literal text
- TLitC16 - Encapsulates literal text
- TLitC8 - Encapsulates literal text
- TLMAddSCOConnectionIoctl - Structure for specifying SCO type to add to a connected socket
- TLMDisconnectACLIoctl - Structure to specify the remote ACL connection to disconnect
- TLocale - Sets and gets the system's locale settings
- TLogConfig - Encapsulates Log Engine configuration data
- TLogicalFont - Packages the attributes of a logical font
- TLongDateFormatSpec - Contains a format list that defines the long date format
- tm
- TMargins - A set of margins used for cropping a picture
- TMargins8 - A set of margins stored as 8 bit integer values which can represent either pixels or twips between -128 and +127
- TMdaEvent - Media server event identification - Not used in MMF
- TMdaJpgSettings - Jpeg settings
- TMdaObjectEvent - Not used in MMF
- TMdaRawPackage - Abstract base class for all media server package types
- TMdaPackage - A data structure used to package messages (that include the package type) sent between the media server and its clients
- TMdaAuCodec - The base class for codecs used by .au audio files
- TMdaAlawAuCodec - The codec for .au audio data compressed using the A-Law algorithm
- TMdaMulawAuCodec - The codec for .au audio data compressed using the mu-law algorithm
- TMdaClipLocation - Abstract base class for providing the location of audio clip data
- TMdaDesClipLocation - A package containing a non-modifiable 8 bit descriptor that stores binary audio clip data
- TMdaStreamDevice - Not used by MMF
- TMdaLocalAudioDevice - Local Audio Stream Device Control local microphone/speaker audio stream May not function during telephone call
- TMdaTelephonyAudioDevice - Telephony Audio Stream Device Control telephony microphone+downlink/speaker+uplink audio stream Only functional during telephone call
- TMdaTelephonyStateQuery - This class is used in a ResourceConfig on a telephony port to determine the current state of telephony
- TMdaWavCodec - The base class for codecs used by .wav audio files
- TMdaAlawWavCodec - The codec for .wav audio data compressed using the A-Law algorithm
- TMdaMulawWavCodec - The codec for .wav audio data compressed using the mu-law algorithm
- TMdaPcmWavCodec - The codec for uncompressed 8 or 16 bit PCM .wav format sound data
- TMediaId - Identifies the particular stream of the given media type
- TMipMessageEntry - Class used to hold MIP message values
- TMMFAudioConfig - A class used when sending custom commands from the client API to the audio controller to get or set the audio configuration
- TMMFCapabilities - Type class for DevSound implementation device capabilities
- TMMFDescriptorParams - Descriptor parameters
- TMMFEvent - General purpose class to describe an event
- TMMFFileHandleParams - Provides a pointer to the file handle
- TMMFFileParams - Provides the filename and path of file
- TMMFMessage - Encapsulation of an RMessage or an RMessage2 to provide protection to controller plugins from the changes occurring with secure APIs
- TMMFMessageDestination - Describes the destination of a message in the controller framework
- TMMFPrioritySettings - A class type representing the audio client's priority, priority preference and state settings
- TMMFVideoConfig - Class used when sending custom commands from the client API to the video controller to get or set the video configuration
- TMmsAccountId - MMS account ID
- TMMSource - Base class which provides a lightweight encapsulation of a DRM protected content source
- TMMFileSource - A class that provides a consistent interface between filename based and file handle based API's
- TModifiersChangedEvent - Details of changed modifier keys
- TMonthName - Gets a copy of the current locale's full text name for a month
- TMonthNameAbb - Gets a copy of the current locale's abbreviated text name for a month
- TMPEG4VisualCapability - This class is used to signal decoder or encoder capabilities
- TMPEG4VisualGOVHeader - Mpeg4 visual GOV header
- TMPEG4VisualHeader - This class is used to convey information of Visual Object Sequence, Visual Object, VOL, GOV, and VOP headers that are consecutive in decoding order without any intervening syntax structures
- TMPEG4VisualMode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode
- TMPEG4VisualNormalMPEG4Mode - This class is used to set the encoder operation mode
- TMPEG4VisualObjectHeader - Object header
- TMPEG4VisualObjectSequenceHeader - Object sequence header
- TMPEG4VisualVbvParams - Mpeg4 Visual VBV parameters
- TMPEG4VisualVOLHeader - Video object layer header
- TMPEG4VisualVOPHeader - Mpeg4 visual VOP header
- TMsvCondition - Defines a condition which a Publish and Subscribe Uid must satisfy
- TMsvDefaultService - Specifies a default service for a MTM
- TMsvEntry - Represents an entry in the Message Server index
- TMsvEmailEntry - Provides storage for and access to extra email specific information for a message
- TMsvEntryScheduleData - Stores message-specific data related to scheduling
- TMsvFindOperationProgress - Encapsulates progress information for a text search operation
- TMsvFindResult - A single result from a text search operation
- TMsvIndexProgress - Provides details of index loading progress
- TMsvLocalOperationProgress - Encapsulates progress information returned by a local operation
- TMsvMessageBio - Proxy that provides a bearer independent interface to the underlying container (CSmsMessage) which is tailored mainly for GSM
- TMsvMessageSms - Proxy that provides a generic text message interface to the underlying container (CSmsMessage) which is tailored mainly for GSM
- TMsvOffPeakTime - Defines an off-peak period for message sending
- TMsvSchedulePackage - Packaged message scheduling information
- TMsvSelectionOrdering - Defines the sorting and grouping rules used to prepare a selection of entries
- TMsvSendErrorAction - Encapsulates the action to take for a particular error
- TMsvServerOperationProgress - Encapsulates progress information returned by a non-MTM specific Message Server operation
- TMsvIndexLoadProgress - Progress information for an operation controlling the Message Server loading its index
- TMsvSmsSimOperationParams - Defines information required to perform a enumeration of a SMS store This class is intended to be packaged and passed as a parameter
- TMsvSysAgentConditionAction - Schedule Send condition must be satisfied before a message sending attempt
- TMsvSystemProgress - Progress information that is defined by and understood by the system as well as client MTM's
- TNameRecord - Contains the results of name queries
- TNifAgentInfo - Contains information describing an agent
- TNifProgress - Contains progress information on a dial-up connection
- TNonPrintingCharVisibility - A set of flags to indicate which non-printing characters (e.g
- TNotificationEventBuf - Buffer for Sub-connection event notiifcation
- TObexBufferingDetails - Wraps parameters which can affect the buffering method used by the CObexBufObject
- TObexFilenameBackedBuffer - Provides alternate behaviour for a CObexBufObject, allowing use of a file to hold the object in its entirety
- TObexPureFileBuffer - Provides alternate behaviour for a CObexBufObject, allowing use of a file to hold the object in its entirety
- TObexRFileBackedBuffer - Provides alternate behaviour for a CObexBufObject, allowing use of a file to hold the object in its entirety
- TObexConnectInfo - TObexConnectInfo This structure contains information used during OBEX connection
- TObexProtocolInfo - This class is derived for each underlying transport protocol OBEX runs over
- TObexProtocolPolicy - Contains information about OBEX packet sizing policy, defining the maximum buffer size for receive and transmit packets
- TObexTransportInfo - This class is a combination of the TObexProtocolInfo and TObexProtocolPolicy classes
- TObexIrTransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using Irda ttp transport controller
- TObexIrV2TransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using Irda ttp transport controller, with discovery extensions
- TObexIrV3TransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using Irda ttp transport controller, with nickname extension
- TObexUsbTransportInfo - Concrete transport info type for use when using the usb transport controller
- TObexUsbV2TransportInfo - Concrete transport info type when using the USB transport controller with client driver extensions
- TObjectId - Encapsulates the Id of a kernel object
- Token - Formula token class and argument flag definitions
- TOpenFileScan - Scans open files to get a list of the entries for all files which are currently open in a particular file server session
- TOpenFontCharMetrics - Character metrics includes more information than TCharacterMetrics
- TOpenFontFaceAttribBase - Font attribute base class
- TOpenFontSpec - Font specification allowing more attributes to be specified than TFontSpec
- TOpenFontGlyphData - Font glyph data
- TOpenFontMetrics - Font metrics
- TOptionStatus - Defines the supported, RFC-defined, option status
- TOverlayArray - For building an array on top of TDes8
- TPagedSetBase
- TPagedSetBiIterBase
- TPagedSetIterBase
- TPagedSetRIterBase
- TPageMargins - Page margins
- TPageRef - Encapsulates a page reference
- TPageSpec - Page specification for a print operation
- TParaBorder - Defines the characteristics of one of the four sides of a paragraph border
- TParaBorderArray - Stores the four sides of a paragraph border
- TParaFormatMask - Masks the paragraph format attributes which are involved when setting and sensing paragraph formatting
- TParseBase - Base class for file name parsing
- TParsePtr - Parses filenames using less space on the stack than TParse
- TParsePtrC - Parses, but cannot modify, filenames using less space on the stack than TParse
- TPckgBuf - Packages an object into a modifiable buffer descriptor
- TPhysicalLinkQuickConnectionToken - Specifies details for faster connection
- TPictureCapability - Picture capabilities
- TPictureData - Uncompressed picture data for one video picture
- TPictureHeader - Picture header providing an interface to a stored picture
- TPictureId - Identifies a video picture in feedback messages
- TPictureRateAndSize - Structure to combine a picture rate and size
- TPINCodeV10 - Bluetooth PIN Code structure
- TPixelsAndRotation - Pixels and rotation struct
- TPixelsTwipsAndRotation - Pixels, twips and rotation struct
- TPoint - Stores a two-dimensional point in Cartesian co-ordinates
- TPointerEvent - Pointer event details
- TPop3Progress - Progress information for a POP3 operation
- TPopAccount - POP account ID
- TPositionCalc
- TPositionClassTypeBase - The base class for classes used to store position information
- TPositionCriteriaBase - The base class for classes used to store position module selection criteria information
- TPositionCriteria - The standard class criteria class for selecting a positioning module
- TPositionInfoBase - This class provides the interface used by RPositioner to get a location fix, and as such all classes used to get location info from the location server should derive from this class
- TPositionInfo - Standard class for getting a TPosition location fix from the location server
- TPositionQualityItem - The class for classes used to store position quality
- TPositionSelectionOrder - This class is used as part of the TPositionCriteria class to chose a positioning module that will provide the desired quality of information
- TPositionSelectionOrder::SItem - Stores a field / priority pair
- TPrinterModelEntry - Detailed information about a printer model
- TPrinterModelHeader - Information about a printer model
- TPrintParameters - Print parameters
- TPrintPreviewFormat - Print preview format information
- TProcessMemoryInfo - Contains information about the code and data sections belonging to a process
- TProtocolDesc - Socket protocol information for use by clients
- TPtrHashMapIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap class
- TPtrHashSetIter - A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashSet class
- TRandom - The user interface to the system cryptographically secure random number generator
- TRangeRef - Identifies a range of cells by start and end cell references
- TRangeRef::TIter
- TRateControlOptions - Specifies the video encoder bit-rate control options
- TRational - describes a rational value
- TRawEvent - Represents a raw hardware event as generated by hardware drivers of a pointer device, a keyboard etc
- TRawEventBuf - Encapsulates a hardware event object as a descriptor (package buffer) for the purpose of data transfer
- TRdsCapabilities - The RDS Capabilities class defines the capabilities of the RDS tuner on the device, as retrieved using the function GetRdsCapabilities
- TRdsData - This class represents the basic RDS data associated with an RDS station
- TRdsProgrammeItemNumber - Programme Item Number - identifies the start time of the current programme, as published by the broadcaster
- TRealFormat - Defines the character representation of a real number type such as a TReal or a TRealX
- TRealX - A class encapsulating an extended precision real value
- TRect - Geometric rectangle
- TRefByValue - A templated class which encapsulates a reference to an object within a wrapper
- TRegion - Clipping region - abstract base class
- TRemConAddress - Represents a single remote device address in terms of the bearer used to connect to the device and some bearer-specific connection information
- TRequestStatus - Indicates the completion status of a request made to a service provider
- TResourceReader - Interprets resource data read from a resource file
- TRfcommRemotePortParams - RF COMM remote port parameters
- TRfcommRPNTransaction - RF COMM IO control structs
- TRgb - 24-bit RGB colour value with 8 bits each for red, green and blue
- TLogicalRgb - Provides support for system colours, in addition to literal colours, in text formatting
- TRtpEvent - An RTP event
- TSAREntry - Provides generic information useful for the segmentation and reassembly of SMS messages and reassembly of WAP datagrams
- TSatelliteData - This class is used to transfer data about a satellite
- TScaleFactor - Defines a supported scale factor for a scaling pre-processor or post-processor
- TScheduledTaskFile - Class used by registered programs to access the scheduled task file store
- TScheduleEntryInfo - Contains detailed information for a single schedule entry
- TScheduleEntryInfo2 - Contains detailed information for a single schedule entry
- TSchedulerItemRef - Defines, and uniquely identifies a schedule
- TScheduleState - Defines the state of a schedule
- TScheduleState2 - Defines the state of a schedule
- TSdpIntBuf - Integer to Descriptor Convertor
- TSdpIntBuf< TUint16 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint16s
- TSdpIntBuf< TUint32 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint32s
- TSdpIntBuf< TUint64 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint64s
- TSdpIntBuf< TUint8 > - Speciality of Integer to Descriptor Convertor for TUint8s
- TSdpRtpmapValue - Utility class for manipulating the value of an rtpmap-attribute
- TSdpTypedTime - This class implements the typed time element of the Session Description Protocol
- TSecureId - A class used to represent the Secure ID of a process or executable image
- TSecurityInfo - Class representing all security attributes of a process or DLL
- TSecurityPolicy - Class representing a generic security policy
- TSendAsMessageTypeFilter - This class encapsulates filter information for available message type modules (MTMs) held by the SendAs session
- TSerialInfo - Describes a serial protocol's general capabilities
- TSessionPref - Hint to the Socket Server on what will be the principal usage of the connection
- TSetBasebandPolicy - Set baseband policy
- TSglQueBase - A base class that provides implementation for the singly linked list header
- TSglQue - A templated class that provides the behaviour for managing a singly linked list
- TSglQueIterBase - A base class that provides implementation for the singly linked list iterator
- TSglQueIter - A templated class that provides the behaviour for iterating through a set of singly linked list elements
- TSglQueLink - An object embedded within a class T so that objects of type T can form part of a singly linked list
- TShgCell - A spreadsheet engine cell
- TShgCellIter - An iterator over a range of cells
- TShgCellRef - A cell reference, specifying a cell's row and column, in either absolute or relative terms
- TShgNameIter - An iterator over a name set (CShgNameSet)
- TShgNumberFormat - Defines number formats for formatting numeric cells
- TShgRangeRef - A cell range reference, specifying a continuous range of cells
- TShgWorkSheetIter - An iterator over the worksheets in a workbook
- TShortDateFormatSpec - Contains a format list that defines the short date format
- TSIPProfileTypeInfo - Container for the profile type information
- TSize - Stores a two-dimensional size as a width and a height value
- TSmsErrorExtractionCdma - This class provides helper methods to extract the status and error codes from the message status
- TSmsMessageSettingsCdma - CDMA specific message settings
- TSmsMessageSettingsGsm - GSM specific message settings
- TSmsOctet - Base class for performing all operations on octets
- TSmsProgress - Progress information for SMS MTM operations
- TSmsReplyOptions - This class encapsulates the reply options (transport/delivery/user/read acknowledgements)
- TSmsServiceCenterTimeStamp - TP-SCTS Service Center Time Stamp Found in Deliver, Submit Report, Status Report,
- TSmsSettings - SMS settings
- TSmsUserDataSettings - Operations on TP-UD User Data
- TSmsUtilities - SMS Messaging utility functions
- TSmsValidityPeriod - TP-VP Validity Period Found in SUBMIT PDUs
- TSmtpAccount - SMTP account ID
- TSockAddr - Represents an end point address
- TCdmaSmsAddr - Sockets for CDMA SMS messages must be bound to an address
- TEui64Addr - This class specializes the generic socket server address class TSockAddr for the IPv6 Interface Identifier; the Modified EUI-64 address
- TInetAddr - This class specialises the generic socket server address class TSockAddr for the TCP/IP protocol family
- TWapAddr - Socket address type used with the WAP SMS Protocol Module
- TSoIfInfo6 - Extends the TSoIfInfo for the receive MTU
- TSoInet6IfConfig - IPv6 interface configuration
- TSoInetIfQuery - Interface query
- TSoInetInterfaceInfo - Used when listing interfaces with socket option
- TSoInetIpv4LinkLocalInfo - Used as a parameter in KSoIpv4LinkLocal
- TSoInetLastErr - Error information for TCP/IP protocols
- TSoInetRouteInfo - Route information structure
- TSoInetCachedRouteInfo - Access to route cache TPckgBuf, set iDstAddr for required address With a level of KSolInetRtCtrl
- TSoTcpLingerOpt - Parameter struct for KSoTcpLinger socket option
- TSpriteMember - Sprite member
- TStaticSecurityPolicy - Structure for compile-time initialisation of a security policy
- TStorePagePoolToken - Persistent settings to use for a RStorePagePool
- TStreamExchange - Manages access to a shared host buffer for shared stream buffers
- TStreamId - Provides unique identification for stream within a store
- TStreamMark - Manages the position of a read mark or a write mark within a shared stream
- TStreamPos - Holds the position of the read or write mark within a seekable stream
- TStreamRef - A proxy for perfoming externalisation for classes that do not have an externalisation member
- TStreamTransfer - Stream transfer object
- TStringTable - A pointer to a string table
- TSwap - Defines the basic behaviour for swapping two elements of an array
- TSwizzleCBase - Base class for swizzles
- TSwizzleBase - Implementation class for swizzles
- TSwizzle - Maintains a dual representation for an object
- TSwizzle< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TSwizzle classes that maintains the representation of an untyped object as a non-const pointer or as a stream id
- TSwizzleC - Maintains a dual representation for a constant object
- TSwizzleC< TAny > - A specific instantiation of the family of TSwizzleC classes that maintains the representation of an untyped object as a const pointer or as a stream id
- TSyncMLTransportPropertyInfo - Information about a SyncML transport property
- TTabStop - A tab stop
- TTaskInfo - Contains detailed information for a single task
- TTelnetConfig - Specifies telnet session configuration information
- TTelnetConfig::TWindowSize
- TTextCursor - Text cursor parameter information
- TThreadStackInfo - Stores information about a thread's stack
- TTime - Stores and manipulates the date and time
- TTimeFormatSpec - Contains a format list that defines the time string format
- TTimeIntervalBase - Provides a base class for all time interval classes using a 32-bit representation
- TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds - Represents a time interval of a millionth of a second stored as a 64-bit integer
- TTmDocPos - A structure for holding a raw document position that can be converted to or from an x-y position and compared ordinally, which cannot be done with the more abstract TTmDocPosSpec class
- TTmDocPosSpec - A structure to hold a logical document position that can be converted to a raw document position or an x-y position
- TTmLineInfo - A structure for returning information about a line
- TTmPosInfo2 - Holds information about a position in a document
- TTranpConfig - Encapsulates configuration parameters for a session
- TTranpPicture - Represents a picture in Unified Picture Format (UPF), a standard for image data transmitted via infrared communication
- TTrapHandler - Abstract class that defines a handler to work with the TRAP mechanism
- TTsTime - In Task Scheduler TTsTime is used to represent time as either UTC or Local Time
- TTunerCapabilities - The Tuner Capabilities structure defines the capabilities of the tuner on the device, as retrieved using the function GetCapabilities
- TTypeface - Typeface name and attributes
- TTypefaceSupport - Typeface family support information
- TTypeUid::Ptr - Encapsulates a pointer to an object fetched by an object provider
- TUid - A globally unique 32-bit number
- TTypeUid - Part of the object provider mechanism, this class encapsulates the Uid that identifies the type of object that an object provider is to get
- TUidType - Encapsulates a set of three unique identifiers (UIDs) which, in combination, identify a system object such as a GUI application or a DLL
- TUncompressedVideoFormat - Defines an uncompressed video format
- TUnicodeCompressionState
- TUnicodeCompressor - A class to hold functions to compress text using the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode
- TUnicodeExpander - A class to hold functions to expand text using the Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode
- TUnion - This class is internal and is not intended for use
- TUriC16 - Dependencies : TUriComponent
- TUriParser16 - Dependencies : TUriC16 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of a uri as defined in RFC2396
- TUriC8 - Dependencies : TUriComponent
- TUriParser8 - Dependencies : TUriC8 Comments : Provides functionality to parse a descriptor into the components of a uri as defined in RFC2396
- TUUID - A Bluetooth Universally Unique Identifier
- TValidationStatus - The validation status
- TVendorId - A class used to represent the Vendor ID of a process or executable image
- TVersion - Contains version information
- TVersitDateTime - Defines a Versit date and time
- TVideoInputBuffer - A buffer for compressed video data, contains one coded data unit
- TVideoOutputBuffer - A video output buffer for a single output coded data unit from the encoder
- TVideoPicture - One uncompressed video picture
- TVideoPictureHeader - Header information for one decoded picture
- TViewRectChanges - A structure used to return the results of a reformatting operation
- TViewYPosQualifier - Parameter used to control which part of a line (top, baseline or bottom) should be scrolled to a certain vertical position in a view rectangle
- TVolumeInfo - Information about a volume mounted on drive
- TVolumeIOParamInfo - Volume IO parameter information
- TVwsViewId - Identifies an application view using two unique identifiers (UIDs): a view UID and an application UID
- TVwsViewIdAndMessage - The TVwsViewIdAndMessage class identifies a view and encapsulates a message to be read by the view when it is activated
- TWindowInfo - Animation window information
- TWindowInfo::TRegionPair - Stores a pair of region pointers
- TWorldId - World ID
- TWsErrorMessage - Error event details
- TWsEvent - Window server event
- TWsGraphicId - Identifies an abstract artwork
- TWsGraphicMsgFixedBase - Base class for fixed-size messages to be attached to CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic commands
- TWsGraphicAnimation - data attached to a CWindowGc::DrawWsGraphic to allow the artwork to understand VCR-style play-stop-pause commands
- TWspField - TWspField class holds the pair This is a simple class that associates these values
- TWspHeaderSegmenter - TWspHeaderSegmenter segments a WSP buffer into WSP header/value pairs
- TWspPrimitiveDecoder - Decoder for WSP Primitves - WAP-WSP Section 8.4.1
- TWspPrimitiveEncoder - Class encapsulating primitive encoding methods which are defined in the WSP standard
- TWspRedirectedAddress - The TWspRedirectedAddress type represents an alternate address to which Clients must use to establish a session with the same service that was initially contacted
- TWsPriorityKeyEvent - Priority key events
- TWsRedrawEvent - Window server redraw event
- TWsVisibilityChangedEvent - Visibility changed events
- TWtlsCipherSuite - The class TWtlsCipherSuite encapsulates a WTLS cipher suite as defined in the WAP WTLS Specification, July 2001 This is a pair made up of a Bulk Encryption Algorithm and a Mac Algorithm
- TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite - The class TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite contain the definitions of WTLS Key Exchange Suites as defined in the WAP WTLS Specification, July 2001
- TWTLSStructuredTextField
- TWTLSValidationStatus - The validation status
- TX509PolicyConstraint - Defines whether a policy constraint applies
- TYuvConversionMatrix - A custom YUV/RGB conversion matrix
- TYuvFormat - YUV (YCbCr) uncompressed image data format
- TYuvToRgbCapabilities - Describes the YUV to RGB color conversion capabilities of a post-processor
- TYuvToRgbOptions - YUV to RGB post-processing options
- TYuvToYuvCapabilities - Specifies the YUV-to-YUV conversion capabilities for a plug-in
- UriUtils
- UserHeap - A set of static functions for constructing fixed length heaps and local or global heaps
- User - Set of static user functions
- Versit - Provides Versit-specific encoding and character set identifiers
- Versit::TEncodingAndCharset - Specifies an encoding, a character set and a character set converter
- VersitUtils - A utility class which provides functions for handling character set conversions, and for the parsing of character strings
- Wap::TAddressInfo - Encapsulates an interface name and address
- wdirent
- XCoeTextDrawer - This class serves as a smart-pointer handle to a CCoeTextDrawerBase-derived object, used for drawing user interface text
- Xml::MContentHandler - This class defines the interface required by a client of the xml framework
- Xml::MWbxmlExtensionHandler - The Wbxml api extension class
- Xml::RAttribute - The RAttribute class holds an attribute's description belonging to an element
- Xml::RDocumentParameters - The RDocumentParameters class contains information about the document to be passed to the client
- Xml::RStringDictionaryCollection - The RStringDictionaryCollection class holds a collection of Dictionaries requested by the user
- Xml::RTagInfo - The RTagInfo class holds information that describes an element or attribute
- z_stream_s - Encapsulates a zip stream