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C++ Enumerations
C++ Enumerations
- _TPositionCriteriaClassType - Enumerated Type - <api-item>TPositionCriteriaBase</api-item> derived classes class types
- _TPositionInfoClassType - Enumerated Type - <api-item>TPositionInfoBase</api-item> derived classes class types
- _TPositionModeReason - Enumerated Type - Position mode reasons
- _TPositionModuleInfoClassType - Enumerated Type - Position module information class types
- _TPositionModuleStatusClassType - Enumerated Type - Position module status class types
- _TPositionModuleStatusEventClassType - Enumerated Type - Position module status event class types
- _TPositionQualityClassType - Enumerated Type - Position quality class types
- _TPositionUpdateOptionsClassType - Enumerated Type - Position update options class types
- _TPositionUpdateType - Enumerated Type - Position update types
- AlarmClientUtils::TAlarmClientFault - Enumerated Type - Panic numbers associated with the ALMSRVCLIFAULT panic category
- AlarmClientUtils::TAlarmClientPanic - Enumerated Type - Panic numbers associated with the ALMSRVCLI panic category
- anonymous.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - Enumerates the types of WTLS certificate name forms/identifiers.
- anonymous.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - UI Control Framework errors.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - Stack priority flags.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - Control stack flags.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - An enumeration one or both of whose enumerator values may be returned by TTime::Parse().
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - Log message text length.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - Password window group priority.
- anonymous - Enumerated Type - Switch ordinal position to owning window.
- Bps
- CActive::TPriority - Enumerated Type - Defines standard priorities for active objects
- CalCommon::TCalSearchBehaviour - Enumerated Type - Search filter for use in the <api-item>CCalInstanceView::FindInstanceL()</api-item> function
- CalCommon::TCalViewFilterFlags - Enumerated Type - Entry filter flags used in the entry view and instance view
- CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange - Enumerated Type - The range of instances referred to in a recurrence ID or instance view
- CApaCommandLine::anonymous
- CApaDataRecognizerType::TRecognitionConfidence - Enumerated Type - A set of values describing the probability that the recognizer assigns to its belief that the most recently sampled data is of the type ascribed to it
- CApaDataRecognizerType::TRecognizerPriority - Enumerated Type - A set of values used to indicate the probability that the recognizer will successfully identify data
- CApaDoorBase::TFormat - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible formats for the graphical representation of the embedded document
- CApaWindowGroupName::anonymous
- CAttributeLookupTable::TDebugSelectorType
- CBaNamedPlugins::TArrayPosition - Enumerated Type - The position in the list of plug-in names for the text string which represents the choice of no plug-in
- CBaNamedPlugins::TResourceFile::TFormat - Enumerated Type - The format of the contents of a resource file
- CBaseMtmUi::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Progress information buffer length
- CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Enum to define UI Data base class constants
- CBIODatabase::TSearchList - Enumerated Type - Search methods
- CBitmapAnimClientData::TPlayMode - Enumerated Type - Animation play mode flags
- CBitmapRotator::TRotationAngle - Enumerated Type - The enumeration provides a set of supported rotation and mirror angles
- CBitmapScaler::TQualityAlgorithm - Enumerated Type - An enumeration to specify the level of quality algorithm
- CBTDevice::TBTDeviceNameSelector - Enumerated Type - Describes the similarities between two devices
- CCalAttendee::TCalRole - Enumerated Type - Attendee's role
- CCalAttendee::TCalStatus - Enumerated Type - Attendee's status
- CCalCategory::TCalCategoryType - Enumerated Type - Calendar category type
- CCalEntry::TCopyType - Enumerated Type - Specify which entry details are to be copied in <api-item>CCalEntry::CopyFromL</api-item> functions
- CCalEntry::TMethod - Enumerated Type - The method property of a Group Scheduling entry
- CCalEntry::TReplicationStatus - Enumerated Type - Replication status
- CCalEntry::TStatus - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible status values of the entry
- CCalEntry::TType - Enumerated Type - Defines the type of the calendar entry
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAutoFocusArea - Enumerated Type - Specifies the autofocus area
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TAutoFocusType - Enumerated Type - Specifies the supported autofocus types
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketMode - Enumerated Type - Specifies Bracket mode
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketParameter - Enumerated Type - Supported parameters used for bracketing
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TBracketStep - Enumerated Type - Specifies the magnitude of bracketing step
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TCameraType - Enumerated Type - Specifies camera type
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TDriveMode - Enumerated Type - Specifies the drive mode for the camera
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TFocusMode - Enumerated Type - Supported focus modes
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TFocusRange - Enumerated Type - Supported focus ranges
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TMeteringMode - Enumerated Type - Specifies the Metering mode for the camera
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPictureOrientation - Enumerated Type - Specifies the orientation of the picture
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TPixelAspectRatio - Enumerated Type - Specifies the pixel aspect ratio
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationAlgorithmComplexity - Enumerated Type - Supported stabilization algorithms, graded on complexity
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationEffect - Enumerated Type - Supported magnitudes of stabilization effect when in manual mode
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TStabilizationMode - Enumerated Type - Specifies stabilization mode of the camera
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TWBUnits - Enumerated Type - Specifies the units supported by the camera for manual white balance setting
- CCamera::CCameraAdvancedSettings::TYuvRange - Enumerated Type - Specifies YUV colour space dynamic range
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TEffect - Enumerated Type - Settings for the supported effects
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TGamma - Enumerated Type - Gamma settings
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TGlareReduction - Enumerated Type - Glare reduction settings
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::THue - Enumerated Type - Hue Settings
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TMirror - Enumerated Type - Mirror settings
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TNoiseReduction - Enumerated Type - Noise filter settings
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TSaturation - Enumerated Type - Saturation Settings
- CCamera::CCameraImageProcessing::TSharpness - Enumerated Type - Sharpness Settings
- CCamera::TBrightness - Enumerated Type - Specifies whether brightness is set automatically
- CCamera::TContrast - Enumerated Type - Specifies whether contrast is set automatically
- CCamera::TExposure - Enumerated Type - Specifies the type of exposure
- CCamera::TFlash - Enumerated Type - Specifies the type of flash
- CCamera::TFormat - Enumerated Type - Possible still image and video frame formats
- CCamera::TWhiteBalance - Enumerated Type - Specifies how the white balance is set
- CCHFDataSupplier::TContentTypeStatus - Enumerated Type - Describes the status of the content type buffer; whether known, i.e
- CCntFilter::TContactType - Enumerated Type - Contact item types
- CCntFilter::TInclude - Enumerated Type - Flags to identify which contact items should be included in the filter
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Output flag used to indicate whether or not a character in the source descriptor is the first half of a surrogate pair, but is the last character in the descriptor to convert.
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::anonymous.
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Initial value for the state argument in a set of related calls to ConvertToUnicode().
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::anonymous.
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices::TAppendResult - Enumerated Type - The return value of CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AppendIndex()
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TAvailability - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether a character set is available or unavailable for conversion
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TDowngradeForExoticLineTerminatingCharacters - Enumerated Type - Downgrade for line and paragraph separators
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness - Enumerated Type - Specifies the default endian-ness of the current character set
- CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TError - Enumerated Type - Conversion error flags
- CCoeControl::TZoomType
- CCoeControlArray::TEvent - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible events related to a change to the contents of the array
- CCoeFep::TEventResponse - Enumerated Type - Response to key or pointer event
- CCoePlainTextDrawer::anonymous
- CCoeStatic::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The default destruction priority if none is specified in the constructor
- CCoeStatic::TScope - Enumerated Type - Scope of access to the singleton object
- CContactDatabase::TContactViewFilter - Enumerated Type - Contact view filter flags
- CContactDatabase::TDbConnState - Enumerated Type - State of database connection
- CContactDatabase::TDirection - Enumerated Type - Currently unused
- CContactDatabase::TOptions - Enumerated Type - Import and export format flags
- CContactDatabase::TSortPref::TOrder - Enumerated Type - The sort order
- CContactDatabase::TThreadAccess - Enumerated Type - Specifies whether the database can be accessed from single or multiple threads
- CContactGroupView::TGroupType - Enumerated Type - Defines the types of contact group view
- CContactItem::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Contact item's attribute flags
- CContactItemViewDef::TMode - Enumerated Type - Include or exclude hidden fields
- CContactItemViewDef::TUse - Enumerated Type - Include or exclude specified fields
- CContactVCardConverter::TOptions - Enumerated Type - Import and export format flags
- CContactViewBase::TFunction - Enumerated Type - Identifies the functions that have been added to CContactViewBase, or that may be added in the future
- CContactViewBase::TSearchType - Enumerated Type - Search type
- CContactViewBase::TState - Enumerated Type - Defines the contact view states
- CContactViewRangeBase::TCriteria - Enumerated Type - Defines the range criteria
- CConverterBase::TCapability - Enumerated Type - Bitmask values that describe the capabilities of the converter
- CDaFileImporter::TState - Enumerated Type - Import operation states
- CDaModel::TState - Enumerated Type - Row traversal states
- CDaRow::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Constant definition
- CDaUserColSet::TPanics
- CDbKey::anonymous
- CDirScan::TScanDirection - Enumerated Type - Defines the scan direction
- CDTDModel::CDTDElementAttribute::KValueType - Enumerated Type - DTD element attribute value types
- CDTDModel::TRuleMarks
- CDTDNode::anonymous
- CEditableText::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Miscellaneous constants.
- CEditableText::anonymous.
- CEditableText::TDocumentStorage - Enumerated Type - Storage type
- CEikAppUi::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Application resource file and screen furniture flags, passed to <api-item>BaseConstructL()</api-item>
- CEikAutoMenuTitle::anonymous
- CEikAutoMenuTitle::TTitlePos - Enumerated Type - Specifies the position of a menu title in a menu
- CEikonEnv::TErrorValidity
- CEikProcess::TLastUsedFile - Enumerated Type - Used as a parameter by <api-item>CEikProcess::SetLastUsedFileL()</api-item> and <api-item>LastUsedFileL()</api-item> to indicate whether the function relates to the last opened or last created file
- CEZCompressor::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Compression levels.
- CEZCompressor::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Window Bits - the base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer).
- CEZCompressor::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Memory level - specifies how much memory should be allocated for the internal compression state.
- CEZCompressor::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Compression panic values.
- CEZCompressor::TStrategy - Enumerated Type - Compression strategy - used to tune the compression algorithm
- CEZDecompressor::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Decompression panic values.
- CEZDecompressor::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Window Bits - the base two logarithm of the window size (the size of the history buffer).
- CEZFileBufferManager::anonymous
- CEZZStream::anonymous - Enumerated Type - stream panic values
- CFbsBitGc::TGraphicsOrientation - Enumerated Type - Defines possible rotation values
- CFbsColor256BitmapUtil::TDither - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether or not to use dithering
- CFileMan::TAction - Enumerated Type - An enumeration that identifies CFileMan tasks
- CFileMan::TSwitch - Enumerated Type - Overwriting and recursion switch
- CFont::TCharacterDataAvailability - Enumerated Type - Data availability flags
- CFont::TMeasureTextInput::TFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags for <api-item>TMeasureTextInput::iFlags</api-item>
- CFont::TPositionParam::anonymous
- CFont::TPositionParam::TFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags for <api-item>TPositionParam::iFlags</api-item>
- CFont::TTextDirection - Enumerated Type - Text direction flags
- CFragmentedString::TStringMatch - Enumerated Type - Defines possible results of a string matching operation for this class
- CGifScaler::TOptions - Enumerated Type - TOptions is an enumeration within the namespace CGifScaler The enumeration provides a set of supported quantization levels: (EHighQualityQuantization is the default setting as it provides the best balance between quality and speed)
- CGraphicsContext::TBrushStyle - Enumerated Type - Brush styles
- CGraphicsContext::TDrawMode - Enumerated Type - Drawing modes
- CGraphicsContext::TDrawModeComponents - Enumerated Type - Drawing mode components
- CGraphicsContext::TFillRule - Enumerated Type - Rules used to fill self crossing polygons
- CGraphicsContext::TPenStyle - Enumerated Type - Pen styles
- CGraphicsContext::TTextAlign - Enumerated Type - Text alignment
- CGridImg::anonymous.
- CGridImg::anonymous.
- CGridImg::TSelectType
- CGridLabelImg::anonymous
- CGridLay::TFixGridRange - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether the size of the grid should be adjusted when columns and rows are inserted or deleted
- CGridLay::TPageOrder - Enumerated Type - Defines the order in which pages are printed
- CHFPanic::TCHFPanic - Enumerated Type - Set of panic codes that are generated by the CHF framework
- CImageDecoder::TImageType - Enumerated Type - Flags to control which image is decoded
- CImageDecoder::TOptions - Enumerated Type - Flags to control how the image is decoded
- CImageDisplay::TImageOptions - Enumerated Type - Flags to control how the image is handled These can be combined using an OR operation
- CImageDisplay::TImageStatus - Enumerated Type - Return flags from <api-item>ImageStatus()</api-item>
- CImageDisplayPlugin::TImageSourceType - Enumerated Type - Data source type definitions for plug-ins
- CImageDisplayPlugin::TPluginStatus - Enumerated Type - Defines an ImageDisplay plug-in status flag values
- CImageEncoder::TOptions - Enumerated Type - Flags to control how the image is encoded
- CImageTransform::TOptions - Enumerated Type - Flags to control how the image is transformed
- CImBaseEmailSettings::TImBaseEmailSettings
- CImEmailMessage::TImAttachmentType - Enumerated Type - Flags to specify types of attachment
- CImEmailMessage::TImEmailEntryType - Enumerated Type - Flags that specify to process on any messages embedded in this message
- CImHeader::TReplyTo - Enumerated Type - Flags used to determine where to obtain the ReplyTo address for the header field of that name
- CImIAPPreferences::anonymous
- CImPOP3GetMail::TImPOP3GetMailType - Enumerated Type - Defines types of get mail operation
- CImTextServerSession::TImOperationMode
- CLayoutData::anonymous.
- CLayoutData::anonymous.
- CLayoutData::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Flags used when converting between layout coordinates and document position.
- CLayoutData::TFormatMode - Enumerated Type - Format modes
- CLineReader::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Defines the initial line size of, and the size of expansions to, the buffer which stores the line being read.
- CLineReader::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Defines values which describe the content of a line that has been read.
- CMdaAudioClipUtility::TState - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible state of the audio data sample
- CMdaAudioRecorderUtility::TDeviceMode - Enumerated Type - Device mode
- CMdaBitmapRotator::TRotationAngle - Enumerated Type - Rotation angle
- CMDXMLParser::TMDXMLParserInputCharWidth - Enumerated Type - Defines input stream character widths
- CMessageDigest::THashId - Enumerated Type - Enumeration to identify hash functions (aka message-digest algorithms)
- CMMFDataPath::TDataPathState - Enumerated Type - Indicates the state of the data path
- CMMFDataPath::TNeedBuffer - Enumerated Type - This indicates what buffers are required in order to operate
- CMMFDataPath::TTransferState - Enumerated Type - Indicates the transfer state
- CMMFDevVideoPlay::TComplexityLevelInfo::TOptions
- CMMFFile::TMMFileMode - Enumerated Type - Indicates for which purpose the object instance is being created
- CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::TMatchDataType - Enumerated Type - Describes the type of match to be performed
- CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::TMediaIdMatchType - Enumerated Type - Describes the type of media ID match to be performed on the plugins return from the ECOM registry
- CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::TPreferredSupplierMatchType - Enumerated Type - Describes the type of preferred supplier match to be performed on the plugins return from the ECOM registry
- CMMFSwCodec::TCodecProcessResult::TCodecProcessResultStatus - Enumerated Type - Flag to track the codec's processing status
- CMMRdsTunerUtility::TAnnouncementType - Enumerated Type - RDS Announcement Type
- CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection - Enumerated Type - Search direction enumeration
- CMMTunerUtility::TTunerAccessPriority - Enumerated Type - The Tuner Access Priority enables clients to correctly identify their needs when it comes to accessing the tuner
- CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand - Enumerated Type - Tuner Band bit flags - may be extended in future
- CMMTunerUtility::TTunerState - Enumerated Type - Bitmasks to indicate what state the tuner is in
- CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType - Enumerated Type - Enum to define the different types of attachments supported by messaging
- CMsvMimeHeaders::TMsvEncodingType - Enumerated Type - Messaging encoding types
- CMsvRecipient::TRecipientStatus - Enumerated Type - Message sending status for a recipient
- CMsvScheduleSettings::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Default scheduler settings values
- CMsvSendOperation::TSendOperationState - Enumerated Type - Send progress state
- CnvUtfConverter::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Initial value for the state argument in a set of related calls to ConvertToUnicode()
- CnvUtfConverter::TError - Enumerated Type - Conversion error flags
- CObex::TConnectState - Enumerated Type - Current obex connection state In general, the further through the enum the values are, the further through the connection process the state machine will be
- CObex::TObexSuppressedAuthElements - Enumerated Type - Flags to suppress the authentication elements of the authentication challenge header
- CObex::TOperation - Enumerated Type - The Obex operation currently being performed
- CObexBaseObject::TProgress
- CObexBufObject::TFileBuffering - Enumerated Type - Obex file buffering method
- CObexHeader::THeaderAttr
- CObexHeader::THeaderType
- CObexServer::TTargetChecking - Enumerated Type - The target header checking to apply to incoming connection requests
- CObjectIx::anonymous
- CoeSoundPlayer::anonymous
- ColorUtils::TBitmapOrientation - Enumerated Type - The orientation of a bitmap
- CommsDat::CCDIAPPrioritySelectionPolicyRecord::anonymous
- CommsDat::TFieldTypeAttributes - Enumerated Type - To express type information for all MetaDatabase fields
- conn::CMessage::TState - Enumerated Type - The possible states for this class
- conn::TBackupIncType - Enumerated Type - The type of a backup
- conn::TBURPartType - Enumerated Type - The backup / restore state of a device
- conn::TEndian - Enumerated Type - The endianness supported by this library
- CPageCache::anonymous
- CPageFieldBase::TNumberStyle - Enumerated Type - Numeric style
- CParaFormat::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Miscellaneous constants
- CParaFormat::TAlignment - Enumerated Type - Paragraph alignment
- CParaFormat::TLineSpacingControl - Enumerated Type - Line spacing control
- CParaFormat::TParaBorderSide - Enumerated Type - Paragraph border sides
- CParaFormat::TParaFormatGetMode - Enumerated Type - Attribute sense mode
- CParagraphStyle::TApplyParaStyleMode - Enumerated Type - Retention of specific formatting
- CParagraphStyle::TStylePasteMode - Enumerated Type - Controls what happens to the styles when styled rich text is pasted into another rich text object
- CPicture::TDetach - Enumerated Type - Options for detaching pictures from stores
- CPlainText::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Scan mask values.
- CPlainText::anonymous.
- CPlainText::anonymous.
- CPlainText::SScanData::anonymous
- CPlainText::TScanDataEnd - Enumerated Type - Used in text scanning functions to indicate the end of the document has been passed
- CPlainText::TTextOrganisation - Enumerated Type - Line delimiter translation
- CPlainText::TUnitOfText
- CPolicyServer::TCustomResult - Enumerated Type - Enumeration of acceptable return codes from both of <api-item>CustomSecurityCheckL()</api-item> and <api-item>CustomFailureActionL()</api-item>
- CPolicyServer::TFailureAction - Enumerated Type - Enumeration specifying action to take if a security check fails
- CPolicyServer::TSpecialCase - Enumerated Type - Special case values which can be used instead of a policy element index contained in the array <api-item>TPolicy::iElementsIndex</api-item>
- CPolygonFiller::TUsage - Enumerated Type - Describes how pixels are to be displayed in the polygon
- CPop3ClientMtm::TImPopcNewEmailHeaderType
- CPrinterControl::TMoreOnPage - Enumerated Type - Flags indicating whether there is more on the page to print
- CPrinterControl::TState - Enumerated Type - State flags
- CPrintPreviewImage::TMarginState - Enumerated Type - Margin display state flags
- CProtTransaction::TTransactionState - Enumerated Type - The TTransactionState type defines the states of a transaction
- CRequestorBase::_TRequestorFormat - Enumerated Type - TRequestorFormat
- CRequestorBase::_TRequestorType - Enumerated Type - TRequestorType
- CRichText::anonymous
- CRichText::TParaType - Enumerated Type - Number of paragraphs in the object
- CServer2::TServerType - Enumerated Type - Defines the set of session types that the server can create
- CSheetEngine::anonymous.
- CSheetEngine::anonymous.
- CShgFormulaViewer::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Character definition
- CShgFormulaViewer::TFunctionType - Enumerated Type - Types of function
- CShgName::TType - Enumerated Type - Defines possible name value types
- CShgWorkBook::TShgInvalidWorkSheetNameChars - Enumerated Type - Specifies characters that are not allowed in worksheet names
- CShgWorkSheet::SSortKey::TDirection - Enumerated Type - Sort order
- CShgWorkSheet::TClearParameters - Enumerated Type - Cell clear operation flags
- CShgWorkSheet::TPasteAction - Enumerated Type - Cell paste action flags
- CShgWorkSheet::TPasteWhat - Enumerated Type - Cell paste operation content flags
- CShgWorkSheet::TSearchDirection - Enumerated Type - Search direction
- CShgWorkSheet::TSearchOrder - Enumerated Type - Search order
- CShgWorkSheet::TSearchThroughWhat - Enumerated Type - Search content flags
- CShgWorkSheet::TShiftDirection - Enumerated Type - Cell shift operation directions
- CShgWorkSheet::TShiftRule - Enumerated Type - Cell shift operation rules
- CShgWorkSheet::TSortOrientation - Enumerated Type - Sort orientation flags
- CSIPConnection::TState - Enumerated Type - Connection states
- CSIPDialog::TState - Enumerated Type - Dialog states
- CSIPRefresh::TState - Enumerated Type - SIP refresh states
- CSIPTransactionBase::TState - Enumerated Type - SIP transaction state
- CSmlAlertInfo::TJobControl - Enumerated Type - Specifies whether a job should be created for an alert
- CSmsAddress::anonymous
- CSmsAlphabetConverter::TSmsAlphabetWidthConversion - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether there is a fixed relationship between the number of characters and user data elements
- CSmsBufferBase::anonymous
- CSmsCommandData::anonymous
- CSmsInformationElement::TSmsInformationElementIdentifier - Enumerated Type - TP-UD Information Element Identifier
- CSmsMessage::TMobileSmsStorage - Enumerated Type - Flags that indicate whether a message is stored
- CSmsMessage::TSmsMessageVersion - Enumerated Type - SMS versions
- CSmsMessage::TSmsOptimizationFlags - Enumerated Type - <api-item>User</api-item> data optimisation flags
- CSmsMessage::TTimeIntervalsRepresentedInSeconds
- CSmsNumber::TSmsAckStatus - Enumerated Type - Defines the status of an acknowledgement for a recipient.
- CSmsNumber::TSmsAckStatus - Enumerated Type - Defines the status of an acknowledgement for a recipient.
- CSmsPDU::TSmsPDUType - Enumerated Type - Flags for the 6 basic PDU types in GSM SMS messaging
- CSmsSettings::TMobileSmsBearer - Enumerated Type - Defines the SMS bearer.
- CSmsSettings::TMobileSmsBearer - Enumerated Type - Defines the SMS bearer.
- CSmsSettings::TSmsReportHandling - Enumerated Type - Defines the ways in which status reports that are received by the watcher may be handled.
- CSmsSettings::TSmsReportHandling - Enumerated Type - Defines the ways in which status reports that are received by the watcher may be handled.
- CSmsSettings::TSmsSettingsCommDbAction - Enumerated Type - Sets whether the service settings should be used to update the communications database.
- CSmsSettings::TSmsSettingsCommDbAction - Enumerated Type - Sets whether the service settings should be used to update the communications database.
- CSmsUserData::anonymous
- CSubConParameterFamily::TParameterSetType
- CSubConSIPResponseEvent::PredefinedResponses - Enumerated Type - Identifies the predefined type of Response
- CSyncMLHistoryEntry::TSortOrder - Enumerated Type - An ordering of History Entries
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Unique parameter class identifier.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The maximum number of digits allowed in a multimode telephone number.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Max size of Manufacturer Id.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Max size of Phone Model Id.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Max size ofSerial Number.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of IMSI identifier.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the calling party name.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the network country code.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the network identity...
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the network display tag...
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the short network name.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the long network name.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the short network name version 2.
- CTelephony::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum size of the long network name version 2.
- CTelephony::TBatteryStatus - Enumerated Type - The mobile phone battery status
- CTelephony::TCallBarringCondition - Enumerated Type - Call Barring conditions
- CTelephony::TCallDirection - Enumerated Type - The direction of the call
- CTelephony::TCallerIdentityRestrict - Enumerated Type - Caller Id restriction settings
- CTelephony::TCallForwardingCondition - Enumerated Type - Call Forwarding conditions
- CTelephony::TCallId - Enumerated Type - Etel 3rd Party owned call identifiers
- CTelephony::TCallRemoteIdentityStatus - Enumerated Type - Remote party identity status
- CTelephony::TCallSelect - Enumerated Type - Select a call defined by it current stats
- CTelephony::TCallStatus - Enumerated Type - Describes the possible call or line states
- CTelephony::TCancellationRequest - Enumerated Type - Cancel apending request
- CTelephony::TFlightModeStatus - Enumerated Type - The flight mode status
- CTelephony::TIccLock - Enumerated Type - Pin 1/Pin 2 security
- CTelephony::TIccLockSetting - Enumerated Type - Setting of the ICC lock
- CTelephony::TIccLockStatus - Enumerated Type - Status of an ICC lock
- CTelephony::TIdentityService - Enumerated Type - Phone ID services
- CTelephony::TIdentityServiceStatus - Enumerated Type - Service status of the Phone ID services
- CTelephony::TMobileCallControlCaps - Enumerated Type - Mobile call control capabilities
- CTelephony::TNetworkAccess - Enumerated Type - The access technology that the network is based on
- CTelephony::TNetworkBandInfo - Enumerated Type - Mobile phone network band information
- CTelephony::TNetworkMode - Enumerated Type - Defines Current Network Modes
- CTelephony::TNetworkStatus - Enumerated Type - Phone network status
- CTelephony::TNotificationEvent - Enumerated Type - Notification events
- CTelephony::TPhoneIndicators - Enumerated Type - The mobile phone indicators
- CTelephony::TPhoneLine - Enumerated Type - Line types
- CTelephony::TPhoneNetworkSecurity - Enumerated Type - Enumerated network security types
- CTelephony::TRegistrationStatus - Enumerated Type - The registration status of the phone
- CTelephony::TServiceGroup - Enumerated Type - Service group identifier
- CTelephony::TSupplServiceStatus - Enumerated Type - Supplementary Service status
- CTelephony::TTelNumberNPI - Enumerated Type - Number Plan Indicator
- CTelephony::TTelNumberTON - Enumerated Type - Address types
- CTextLayout::anonymous.
- CTextLayout::anonymous.
- CTextLayout::anonymous.
- CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether blank space should scroll
- CTextLayout::TAmountFormatted - Enumerated Type - Amount to format
- CTextLayout::TCurrentFormat - Enumerated Type - Formatting information
- CTextLayout::TDiscard - Enumerated Type - Flags used by <api-item>CTextLayout::SetViewL()</api-item>
- CTextLayout::TPanicNumber
- CTextLayout::TRangeChange::TChangeType - Enumerated Type - Enumerates the possible change types
- CTextLayout::TScrollFlags
- CTextView::anonymous - Enumerated Type - deprecated 8.0
- CTextView::TBeforeAfter - Enumerated Type - Cursor height matching
- CTextView::TDiscard - Enumerated Type - Whether to reformat and redraw
- CTextView::TDoHorizontalScroll
- CTextView::TPriorities
- CTranpSession::TTranP - Enumerated Type - The type of information required from a peer device
- CTzLocalizedTimeZone::TTzFrequentlyUsedZone - Enumerated Type - Flags to identify a cached zone
- CTzLocalizer::TTzLocalizerPanics - Enumerated Type - Panic reasons for the time zone localization component
- CTzLocalizer::TTzSortOrder - Enumerated Type - Used to specify the sort order of localized time zone information
- CVersitParser::TCharCodes - Enumerated Type - White space character codes: used while analysing the syntax of the received data and while externalising data
- CVersitParser::TVersitParserFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags that can be specified on construction
- CVersitRecurrence::TType - Enumerated Type - Repeat type
- CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::CMonthPosition::TSign - Enumerated Type - Flags that define whether the week number is counted from the start or end of the month
- CViewContact::TViewContactType - Enumerated Type - Defines whether the contact view item is a contact group
- CWsScreenDevice::TSpriteInCompare - Enumerated Type - Whether or not to include sprites when comparing areas of the screen
- CWTLSCertificate::anonymous
- CX509Certificate::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Enumerates values for encoded data element positions in the TBSCertificate data structure
- CZipArchive::anonymous.
- CZipArchive::anonymous.
- CZipArchive::anonymous.
- CZipArchive::anonymous.
- CZipArchive::TCompressionMethod
- CZipFile::anonymous - Enumerated Type - ZipFile error enumeration
- DataBits - Enumerated Type - enums, #defines and struct for serial port settings
- DynamicPalette::TIndex - Enumerated Type - Stores the index values of the palettes defined
- EscapeUtils::TEscapeMode - Enumerated Type - Enum defining escaping modes
- EZGZipFile::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Zip file error codes.
- EZGZipFile::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Flags to determine which part of the header / trailer is being written.
- Fifo
- HTTPPanic::THTTPPanic
- HTTPStatus::anonymous
- ID_CONFIDENCE - Enumerated Type - Defines values for the <api-item>ID</api-item> <code>confidence</code> field
- ID_TYPE - Enumerated Type - Identifies bearers for the <api-item>ID</api-item> <code>type</code> field
- InetProtTextUtils::TRemoveMode - Enumerated Type - Enum defining whitespace removal modes
- MAnimationObserver::TEvent - Enumerated Type - Represents generic events which can be sent to the observer
- MAnimGeneralFunctions::anonymous
- MAnimGeneralFunctions::TAnimSync - Enumerated Type - Animation synchronisation flags
- MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension::TWindowGroupInfo::anonymous
- MApaEmbeddedDocObserver::TExitMode - Enumerated Type - Defines the state of the embedded document on completion of editing
- MBackupObserver::TFileLockFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags indicating how to change a file lock
- MBackupOperationObserver::TOperationType - Enumerated Type - Backup operation event types
- MCalChangeCallBack2::TChangeEntryType - Enumerated Type - Instance view entry type
- MCalChangeCallBack2::TChangeType - Enumerated Type - Instance view change type
- MCalChangeCallBack::TChangeEntryType - Enumerated Type - Instance view entry type
- MCalChangeCallBack::TChangeType - Enumerated Type - Instance view change type
- MCoeControlObserver::TCoeEvent - Enumerated Type - Observer event types
- MCoeMessageObserver::TMessageResponse - Enumerated Type - Message response flags
- MConverterUiObserver::TAction - Enumerated Type - Describes the actions that the converter should take
- MConverterUiObserver::TResult - Enumerated Type - Describes the result of a conversion operation
- MDaObserver::TNotification - Enumerated Type - Database application observer notification codes
- MEikAppUiFactory::TToolBarType - Enumerated Type - Defines the type of tool bar
- MEikMenuObserver::TMenuType - Enumerated Type - Menu types
- MEikSrvNotifierBase2::TNotifierPriority - Enumerated Type - Defines a set of notifier priorities
- MFileManObserver::TControl - Enumerated Type - Control for the current <api-item>CFileMan</api-item> operation
- MGridTable::anonymous
- MHTTPFilter::TPositions - Enumerated Type - Default filter positions
- MLayDoc::TForcePictureLoad - Enumerated Type - Used as a parameter to the <api-item>PictureHandleL()</api-item> function to control whether picture data should be loaded into memory or not
- MLineBreaker::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The Unicode line breaking classes; see Unicode Technical Report 14
- MMDXMLParserDataProvider::TDataProviderResults - Enumerated Type - Status codes returned by <api-item>GetData()</api-item> implementations
- MMmsSettingsObserver::TMmsSettingsEvent - Enumerated Type - Settings event
- MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver::TEventType - Enumerated Type - The TEvent enumeration is used to indicate which type of event is being sent to the client
- MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::TEventType - Enumerated Type - The TEvent enumeration is used to indicate which type of event is being sent to the client
- MMMTunerObserver::TEventType - Enumerated Type - The TEvent enumeration is used to indicate which type of event is being sent to the client
- MMsvEntryObserver::TMsvEntryEvent - Enumerated Type - Defines entry event types
- MMsvSessionObserver::TMsvSessionEvent - Enumerated Type - Session event type
- MMsvStoreObserver::TMsvStoreEvent - Enumerated Type - Defines message store event types
- MSIPProfileRegistryObserver::TEvent - Enumerated Type - Profile Registry events
- MStreamBuf::TRead - Enumerated Type - Indicates that an operation applies to the read mark in a stream or to the read area in an stream buffer
- MStreamBuf::TWrite - Enumerated Type - Indicates that an operation applies to the write mark in a stream or to the write area in an stream buffer
- MSyncMLEventObserver::TEvent - Enumerated Type - <api-item>SyncML</api-item> session event types
- MSyncMLProgressObserver::TErrorLevel - Enumerated Type - <api-item>SyncML</api-item> error levels
- MSyncMLProgressObserver::TStatus - Enumerated Type - <api-item>SyncML</api-item> synchronisation progress events
- MTmCustom::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The Unicode line breaking classes; see Unicode Technical Report 14
- NMobilePhone::TMobileNPI - Enumerated Type - Number Plan Indicator
- NMobilePhone::TMobileTON
- NMobileSmsMessaging::anonymous
- NMobileSmsStore::TMobileSmsStoreStatus
- NumberConversion::TDigitMatchType
- Parity
- RAllocator::anonymous
- RAllocator::TAllocDebugOp
- RAllocator::TAllocFail - Enumerated Type - A set of heap allocation failure flags
- RAllocator::TDbgHeapType - Enumerated Type - Heap debug checking type flag
- RAllocator::TFlags
- RAllocator::TReAllocMode - Enumerated Type - Flags controlling reallocation
- RApaLsSession::anonymous
- RApaLsSession::TLaunchType - Enumerated Type - Defines the way an application is launched
- RChunk::TRestrictions - Enumerated Type - Set of flags used by <api-item>SetRestrictions()</api-item>
- RConnection::TConnAttachType - Enumerated Type - Identifies the intended use of the connection
- RConnection::TConnStopType - Enumerated Type - Identifies the type of requirement for stopping the connection
- RDbNamedDatabase::TAccess - Enumerated Type - Specifies which operations can be performed on a rowset
- RDbNotifier::TEvent - Enumerated Type - Defines the events which may be reported by a DBMS change notifier through this RDbNotifier object
- RDbRowSet::TAccess - Enumerated Type - Specifies which operations can be performed on a rowset
- RDbRowSet::TAccuracy - Enumerated Type - Specifies whether the <api-item>CountL()</api-item> function should ensure that it returns the exact value which may be a non-trivial task
- RDbRowSet::TDirection - Enumerated Type - Specifies the direction to search through the rowset when using the <api-item>FindL()</api-item> function
- RDbRowSet::TPosition - Enumerated Type - Specifies where the rowset should navigate to in the <api-item>GotoL()</api-item> function
- RDbs::TPolicyType - Enumerated Type - This enum is used in GetDatabasePolicy/GetTablePolicy/GetTablePolicies calls and specifies requested security policy type: read/write/schema
- RDbTable::TComparison - Enumerated Type - Database table seek comparison types
- RDirectScreenAccess::TPriority - Enumerated Type - The priority of the active object that responds to notification that direct screen access must stop
- RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons - Enumerated Type - Provides the reason why direct screen access must terminate
- RHeap::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The default cell alignment.
- RHeap::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Size of a free cell header.
- RHeap::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Size of an allocated cell header in a release build.
- RMessage2::TSessionMessages - Enumerated Type - Defines internal message types
- RMessageWindow::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Defines the maximum length of text in the message
- RMsgQueueBase::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The limit for the size of an individual message
- RPhoneBookSession::TContactFieldsV1::TContactFieldsExtensionId - Enumerated Type - Enumeration to describe the version ID of the Phonebook Synchronizer
- RPhoneBookSession::TPhonebookSyncMode - Enumerated Type - The synchronisation mode for phonebooks when the server starts
- RPhoneBookSession::TSyncIdType - Enumerated Type - The phonebook ID type requested from a phonebook
- RPhoneBookSession::TSyncState - Enumerated Type - The phonebook cache state
- RProperty::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The largest supported property value, in bytes, for byte-array (binary) types and text types.
- RProperty::anonymous - Enumerated Type - The largest supported property value, in bytes, for large byte-array (binary) types and large text types.
- RProperty::TType - Enumerated Type - Property type attribute
- RRtpSession::TRtpSendPacketType - Enumerated Type - A set of bit values passed as a parameter to <api-item>RRtpSession::SendRTCPPacketL()</api-item> to specify the SDES (Source Description) items that are to be sent with the packet
- RSendAs::TSendAsConditionType - Enumerated Type - Defines the condition-checking of message capabilities
- RSendAsMessage::TSendAsRecipientType - Enumerated Type - Defines the recipient types available when adding a recipient to a message
- RSessionBase::TAttachMode - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether or not threads in the process are automatically attached to the session when passed as a parameter to the Share() function
- RSocket::TShutdown - Enumerated Type - Used in structure <api-item>TProtocolDesc</api-item> to describes the endianness of a protocol
- RSoundPlugIn::anonymous - Enumerated Type - A possible return value for <api-item>CommandReply()</api-item>
- RSubConnection::TSubConnType
- RTz::TPanic
- RTz::TTzAutoDSTUpdateModes - Enumerated Type - These enumerators are to describe different modes of the automatic DST event handling
- RTz::TTzChanges
- RWindowBase::TCaptureFlags - Enumerated Type - Capture behaviour flags
- RWindowTreeNode::TFadeControl - Enumerated Type - Fade control flags
- RWsSession::anonymous
- RWsSession::TComputeMode - Enumerated Type - Compute mode flags
- RWsSession::TCustomTextCursorAlignment - Enumerated Type - The vertical alignment of a custom text cursor sprite
- RWsSession::TLoggingCommand - Enumerated Type - Window server logging commands passed to <api-item>LogCommand()</api-item>
- SEpocBitmapHeader::TColor - Enumerated Type - Defines whether bitmap is colour and if it comprises an alpha channel
- Sir
- StopBits
- TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::TAcceleratedBitmapLock
- TAcceleratedBitmapSpec::TAcceleratedBitmapType - Enumerated Type - Identifies the type of the bitmap
- TActivePriority - Enumerated Type - UI Control framework active object priorities
- TAlarmChangeEvent - Enumerated Type - This enumeration defines the events that can be reported by the alarm server
- TAlarmCharacteristics - Enumerated Type - Defines various alarm characteristics
- TAlarmDayOrTimed - Enumerated Type - Defines an alarm session type as timed or untimed
- TAlarmGlobalSoundState - Enumerated Type - Defines the sound state of the global alarm server
- TAlarmRepeatDefinition - Enumerated Type - Defines how an alarm is to be repeated
- TAlarmServerInitiatedClientPanic - Enumerated Type - Identifies server-initiated panics relating to the client session
- TAlarmState - Enumerated Type - Represents an alarm's state
- TAlarmStatus - Enumerated Type - Defines whether an alarm is enabled or disabled:
- TAlgorithmId - Enumerated Type - Enumerates the identity of the algorithm
- TAlign - Enumerated Type - An enumeration whose enumerators govern the alignment of data which is copied or formatted into a descriptor
- TAllowDuplicates - Enumerated Type - Defines flags that can be used to indicate whether duplicates, for example in a list, are allowed
- TAmPm - Enumerated Type - Identifies a time as being am or pm
- TAnalogDisplayHandType - Enumerated Type - Different types of hand for an analogue clock
- TAnimationConfig::TFlags - Enumerated Type - Flag values used by animator objects when an animation is started that provide some control over the manner in which the animation runs
- TAnimationEvent - Enumerated Type - Generic events which all animation data providers can pass to animators
- TApaAppCapability::TCapabilityAttribute - Enumerated Type - Defines an application's attributes as a set of bit flags
- TApaAppCapability::TEmbeddability - Enumerated Type - Defines an application's support for embeddability
- TApaCommand - Enumerated Type - Defines the command codes used to indicate the way an application is to be launched
- TApaSystemEvent - Enumerated Type - Defines the event types that a <api-item>TApaTask</api-item> object can send to its window group
- TApaTaskList::TCycleDirection - Enumerated Type - Defines the direction in which tasks are cycled to the foreground
- TASShdAlarm::TASShdAlarmFlags
- TAttributeType - Enumerated Type - The attribute type
- TAuthorityComponent - Enumerated Type - Enum defining the authority components
- TAutomaticDownloadOptions - Enumerated Type - Automatic Download Options
- TAvcPictureType - Enumerated Type - Specifies the picture type
- TAvcSupplementalInformation - Enumerated Type - These enumerations can be used in codec capability indication and/or bitstream property indication
- TBasebandPageTimePolicy - Enumerated Type - Paging policy for baseband
- TBasePanic - Enumerated Type - Defines a set of panic numbers associated with the E32USER-CBASE panic category
- TBaSystemSoundInfo::TSoundCategory - Enumerated Type - Specifies the category of the system sound
- TBatteryState - Enumerated Type - Defines the state of a battery, if supported
- TBidiLogicalToVisual::anonymous
- TBidiPanic - Enumerated Type - This enumeration holds the possible panic codes that may be raised by the BidiText API on detecting an unrecoverable error
- TBidiText::TDirectionality - Enumerated Type - Overall directionality of the text
- TBidiText::TPanicCodes - Enumerated Type - Class specific panic codes
- TBitmapAnimationEvent - Enumerated Type - Events specific to the "bitmap" data type
- TBitmapfileCompression - Enumerated Type - Defines the types of file compression
- TBitmapfileCompressionScheme - Enumerated Type - Defines the available file compression schemes
- TBitmapTransformsPanic
- TBitrateControlType - Enumerated Type - Defines possible encoding bit-rate control modes
- TBlockMapUsage
- TBmpCompression::TCompression - Enumerated Type - Flag reflecting the compression type
- TBTBasebandRole - Enumerated Type - Bluetooth SIG specified values for specification of (piconet) role
- TBTDeviceClassSearch - Enumerated Type - The type of device class search to perform
- TBTDeviceSecurity::TBTDeviceSecuritySettings - Enumerated Type - Enumeration to assist in parsing of security settings
- TBTeSCORetransmissionTypes - Enumerated Type - eSCO links can have different retransmission options, optimised for link usage, power or reliability
- TBTL2CAPOptions - Enumerated Type - L2CAP Get / Set Options
- TBTLinkMode - Enumerated Type - Bluetooth SIG specified values for indicating link modes
- TBTLinkModeCombinations - Enumerated Type - Bitmask values to help request combinations of link modes
- TBTLMIoctls - Enumerated Type - Link manager Ioctl codes
- TBTMajorDeviceClass - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth major device classes
- TBTMajorServiceClass - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth major service classes
- TBTMinorDeviceClassAV - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "AV" major device class
- TBTMinorDeviceClassComputer - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "Computer" major device class
- TBTMinorDeviceClassImaging - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "Imaging" major device class
- TBTMinorDeviceClassLAN - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "LAN" major device class
- TBTMinorDeviceClassPeripheral - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "Peripheral" major device class
- TBTMinorDeviceClassPhone - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "phone" major device class
- TBTMinorDeviceClassToy - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "Toy" major device class
- TBTMinorDeviceClassWearable - Enumerated Type - Enum used to describe the Bluetooth minor device classes relating to the "Wearable" major device class
- TBTOptions - Enumerated Type - BT options
- TBTPacketType - Enumerated Type - Bluetooth SIG specified values for indicating packet types
- TBTPacketTypeCombinations - Enumerated Type - Bitmask values to help request combinations of packets
- TBTPhysicalLinkStateNotifier - Enumerated Type - Bitmask values for notifying/requesting notification of the state of a physical link
- TBTPhysicalLinkStateNotifierCombinations - Enumerated Type - Bitmask values to help request notification of the state of a physical link
- TBtree::TFind - Enumerated Type - Sets the condition for a successful match when calling TBtree::Find()
- TBtreeToken::TEmpty - Enumerated Type - Provides a TBtreeToken initialisation flag
- TBTSupportedFeatures - Enumerated Type - Bluetooth SIG specified values indicating whether a device is physically able to support a baseband (or link manager protocol) feature
- TBTSyncPackets::TSyncPackets - Enumerated Type - Individual synchronous packet types
- TBufBuf::anonymous
- TBufferStatus - Enumerated Type - Flag reflecting the current buffer status
- TBullet::TAlignment - Enumerated Type - Paragraph alignment
- TBullet::TStyle - Enumerated Type - Identifies the bullet style
- TByteOrder - Enumerated Type - Used in structure <api-item>TProtocolDesc</api-item> to describes the endianness of a protocol
- TCacheControlFieldValue - Enumerated Type - Additional enumeration implementations for well known field values that may be found in the Cache-Control header As described in section 14.9 of RFC-2616 Assigned WSP encodings
- TCalInterimApiPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panics raised from CallinterimAPI
- TCalPubSubValues - Enumerated Type - Used for subcribing to either todos or event changes
- TCalRRule::TType - Enumerated Type - Types of repeat rule
- TCalTime::TTimeMode - Enumerated Type - The time mode for a calendar time
- TCameraInfo::TCameraOrientation - Enumerated Type - Possible directions in which the camera may point
- TCameraInfo::TOptions - Enumerated Type - Various flags describing the features available for a particular implementation
- TCapability - Enumerated Type - An enumeration that defines the set of all supported capabilities
- TCdmaSmsAddr::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Maximum length of the text pattern used to match the incoming text
- TCdmaSmsAddrFamily - Enumerated Type - Sockets for CDMA SMS messages must be bound to an address
- TCdtPanic - Enumerated Type - Defines a set of panic numbers associated with the USER panic category
- TChanges - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible environment changes which may be reported by a change notifier through the <api-item>RChangeNotifier</api-item> interface
- TChar::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Flags defining operations to be performed using <api-item>TChar::Fold()</api-item>
- TChar::TBdCategory - Enumerated Type - The bi-directional Unicode character category
- TChar::TCategory - Enumerated Type - General Unicode character category
- TChar::TCjkWidth - Enumerated Type - Notional character width as known to East Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK)) coding systems
- TChar::TEncoding - Enumerated Type - Encoding systems used by the translation functions
- TClockFormat - Enumerated Type - Defines the clock display formats, as either analog or digital
- TCodecProcessResult::TCodecProcessResultStatus - Enumerated Type - Flag to track the codec's processing status
- TCoeColorUse::TAreas - Enumerated Type - Flags that control the area in which colour is used
- TCoeColorUse::TFocus - Enumerated Type - Focus category flags
- TCoeColorUse::TGround - Enumerated Type - Foreground and background category flags
- TCoeColorUse::TState - Enumerated Type - State category flags
- TCoeColorUse::TTones - Enumerated Type - Tone flags
- TCoeFont::TFlags
- TCoeFont::TLogicalSize
- TCoeFont::TStyle
- TCoeInputCapabilities::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Text input capability flags
- TCoeWinPriority - Enumerated Type - Window priority values
- TCommAccess - Enumerated Type - Specifies the mode in which a port is opened
- TCommDbBearer - Enumerated Type - Bitmask for use in calls to: <api-item>CCommsDatabase::OpenIAPTableViewMatchingBearerSetLC()</api-item>
- TCommDbBluetoothPanRole - Enumerated Type - Enum for the fields `PAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:PAN_LOCAL_ROLE` and `PAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:PAN_REMOTE_ROLE`
- TCommDbCdmaMIpAuthCapability - Enumerated Type - Enum for the global settings `CDMA_MIP_MN_AAA_AUTH_ALGORITHM` and 'CDMA_MIP_MN_HA_AUTH_ALGORITHM'
- TCommDbCdmaNaiType - Enumerated Type - Enum for the field `CDMA2000_PACKET_SERVICE_TABLE:CDMA_NAI_TYPE`
- TCommDbCdmaOpCapability - Enumerated Type - Enum for the global setting `CDMA_OP_CAPABILITY`
- TCommDbCdmaOpMode - Enumerated Type - Enum for the field `DEFAULT_CDMA2000_SETTINGS_TABLE:CDMA_OP_MODE`
- TCommDbCdmaSimpIpAuthAlgorithm - Enumerated Type - Enum for the field `CDMA2000_PACKET_SERVICE_TABLE:CDMA_SIMIP_AUTH_ALGORITHM `
- TCommDbCdmaSimpIpAuthCapability - Enumerated Type - Enum for the global setting `CDMA_SIMIP_AUTH_SUPPORTED`
- TCommDbConnectionDirection - Enumerated Type - Enum for use in calls to `CCommsDatabase::OpenConnectionPrefTable*LC()`, <api-item>CCommsDatabase::OpenIAPTableViewMatchingBearerSetLC()</api-item> and <api-item>CCommsDbConnectionPrefTableView::SwapConnectionPreferencesL()</api-item>
- TCommDbDatabaseType - Enumerated Type - Enum for DATABASE_TYPE field
- TCommDbDialogPref - Enumerated Type - The dialog preference determines whether or not a user should be prompted with a dialog at connect time
- TCommDbGprsClassCBearer - Enumerated Type - Enum for the global setting: GPRS_CLASS_C_BEARER
- TCommDbOpeningMethod - Enumerated Type - Enum for use in calls to <api-item>CCommsDatabase::NewL()</api-item>
- TCommRole - Enumerated Type - Specifies the DTE/DCE role in which a port is opened
- TCommsDatEAPSECOuterEAPType - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:EAP_SEC_OUTER_EAP_TYPE`
- TCommsDatTunEapInnerType - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:TUN_EAP_INNERTYPE`
- TCommsDatWlanAuthenticationMode - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_AUTHENTICATION_MODE`
- TCommsDatWlanDesTransRate - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_DES_TRANS_RATE`
- TCommsDatWlanDialogPref - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_DIALOG_PREF`
- TCommsDatWlanEncrytionType - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_ENCRYPTION_TYPE`
- TCommsDatWlanNetworkType - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_NETWORK_TYPE`
- TCommsDatWlanPowerSaveMode - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_POWERSAVE_MODE`
- TCommsDatWlanPreambleType - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_PREAMBLE_TYPE`
- TCommsDatWlanRegDomain - Enumerated Type - ENum for the fields `WLAN_SERVICE_EXTENSION:WLAN_REG_DOMAIN`
- TCommsDbBearerType - Enumerated Type - Enum used by DIAL_*_ISP:ISP_BEARER_TYPE
- TCommsDbModemSpeakerSetting - Enumerated Type - Enumerated sets and bitmasks for the modem speaker `MODEM_BEARER:MODEM_SPEAKER_PREF`
- TCommsDbModemSpeakerVolume - Enumerated Type - Enumeration used by `MODEM_BEARER:MODEM_SPEAKER_VOL_PREF`
- TCommsDbWapWspOption - Enumerated Type - Enum used by WAP_*_BEARER:WAP_WSP_OPTION
- TConnectionType - Enumerated Type - The type of connection provided by the network interface
- TConnInterfaceState
- TConnPref::anonymous
- TContactDbObserverEventType - Enumerated Type - Change event type
- TContactViewEvent::TEventType - Enumerated Type - Identifies the event's type
- TContactViewPreferences - Enumerated Type - View preferences for sorted contact views
- TCornerFlags - Enumerated Type - Corner flags
- TCornerType - Enumerated Type - Window corner types
- TCreationMode - Enumerated Type - Creation Mode Options
- TCursorPosition::TMovementType - Enumerated Type - Direction of cursor movement
- TCursorPosition::TPosHint
- TCursorPosition::TVisualEnd - Enumerated Type - Selection of the left end or right end of a run of text
- TDateFormat - Enumerated Type - Defines the date formats
- TDaUserCol::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Defines a dialable flag
- TDay - Enumerated Type - Defines the days of the week
- TDaylightSavingZone - Enumerated Type - Defines the daylight saving zones
- TDbBookmark::TMark::anonymous
- TDbCol::anonymous
- TDbColType - Enumerated Type - Represents every supported column type
- TDbKeyCol::TOrder - Enumerated Type - Specifies whether a key column in an index should be sorted in ascending or descending order
- TDbTextComparison - Enumerated Type - Represents different ways of comparing Text and LongText columns
- TDbWindow::anonymous
- TDbWindow::TUnlimited - Enumerated Type - Denotes a full pre-evaluation window
- TDeleteTypeEnum - Enumerated Type - Identifies what kind of alarms the client wants to delete
- TDelimitedDataParseMode - Enumerated Type - Enum defining the modes for the delimited data parser
- TDesC16::TPrefix - Enumerated Type - A value returned by a call to <api-item>HasPrefixC()</api-item>
- TDevVideoPanicCodes - Enumerated Type - DevVideo Panic Codes
- TDigitalDisplayHorizontalTextAlignment - Enumerated Type - Horizontal alignment options for text in a digital clock's display
- TDigitalDisplayLayoutChar - Enumerated Type - Special characters that can be used in a digital clock display
- TDigitalDisplayVerticalTextAlignment - Enumerated Type - Vertical alignment options for text in a digital clock's display
- TDigitType - Enumerated Type - Number Modes available to select
- TDisplayMode - Enumerated Type - Display modes
- TDitherType - Enumerated Type - Dithering types
- TDrawNow - Enumerated Type - Control redraw flags
- TDriveNumber - Enumerated Type - The drive number enumeration
- TEikNotExtStatus
- TEikVirtualCursor::TState - Enumerated Type - Specifies the virtual cursor's state
- TEllipse::TEllipseStatus - Enumerated Type - Enumeration for the ellipse production life cycle
- TEntryKey - Enumerated Type - Flags indicating the order in which directory entries are to be sorted
- TEonStation::TField - Enumerated Type - Enumeration to indicate a subset of the members of class TEonStation
- TErrorControlStrength - Enumerated Type - Forward error control strength used for an unequal error protection level
- TEtelFault - Enumerated Type - ETel Faults
- TEtelPanic - Enumerated Type - ETel Panics
- TEuiPanic - Enumerated Type - Panic codes
- TEventCode - Enumerated Type - Types of standard events
- TEventControl - Enumerated Type - Event reporting control
- TEventModifier - Enumerated Type - Modifier flags for a key or pointer event
- TExcType - Enumerated Type - A list of exception types which a thread's exception handler might deal with
- TExitType - Enumerated Type - Identifies how a thread or process has ended
- TFalse - Enumerated Type - An enumerator with a single enumeration value that defines the Boolean value false in Symbian OS
- TFaxClass - Enumerated Type - Defines the fax modem classes supported by the fax client
- TFaxCompression - Enumerated Type - Defines the types of compression supported by the fax client
- TFaxPhase - Enumerated Type - Fax session phases
- TFaxResolution - Enumerated Type - Defines the supported fax resolutions
- TFbsEncoding - Enumerated Type - Codes used by printer drivers
- TFbsRasterGraphicsMode - Enumerated Type - Determines the raster mode used by printer drivers
- TFileManError - Enumerated Type - A list of <api-item>CFileMan</api-item> error codes
- TFileMode - Enumerated Type - Access and share modes available when opening a file
- TFileUriFlags - Enumerated Type - Enum defining a flag used to indicate file storage type (fixed drive or removable media)
- TFilterInformation::TFilterCategory - Enumerated Type - Public enum defining the filter categories available to the client
- TFirstWeekRule - Enumerated Type - Defines the way in which the first week in a year is determined
- TFloatingPointMode - Enumerated Type - Hardware floating point execution modes
- TFloatingPointRoundingMode - Enumerated Type - Hardware floating point rounding modes
- TFloatingPointType - Enumerated Type - Hardware floating point types
- TFolderSubscribeType - Enumerated Type - Specifies methods of synchronising IMAP4 subscription information with a server
- TFolderSyncType - Enumerated Type - Describes the folder subscription synchronisation strategy
- TFontPosture - Enumerated Type - Font posture flags
- TFontPresentation::TAlignment - Enumerated Type - Vertical picture alignment
- TFontPresentation::TFontHighlightStyle - Enumerated Type - Highlight style
- TFontPrintPosition - Enumerated Type - Font print position flags
- TFontStrikethrough - Enumerated Type - Font strike-through flags
- TFontStrokeWeight - Enumerated Type - Font stroke weight flags
- TFontUnderline - Enumerated Type - Font underline flags
- TFormatMode - Enumerated Type - The format method
- TFormPanic
- TFormulaToken - Enumerated Type - Tokens for parts of a formula
- TFrameInfo::TFrameInfoFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags that define the attributes of a frame
- TFrameInfo::TFrameInfoState - Enumerated Type - Indicates the current status of frame processing
- TFrameOverlay::TEdges - Enumerated Type - This enumeration is used by <api-item>CTextView::SetXyPosL()</api-item> and by <api-item>TFrameOverlay::XyPosToEdges()</api-item> to identify which active region of the picture frame a pixel position is in
- TFrameOverlay::TFrameOverlayFlags - Enumerated Type - Frame appearance flags
- TFramePortion - Enumerated Type - Defines what part of a frame is contained within a video buffer
- TFrameState - Enumerated Type - Indicates what processing has so far been completed on the frame
- TGifImageControl::TDisposalMethod - Enumerated Type - Flag reflecting how the previous frame is handled when the next frame is drawn
- TGlyphBitmapType - Enumerated Type - An enumerated type for the format of a glyph bitmap
- TGprsProgress - Enumerated Type - New software should use the PSD progress values defined in <api-item>psdprog.h</api-item>
- TGrammarSupport - Enumerated Type - Grammar Support
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps::TAlphaBitmapCaps - Enumerated Type - Bit flags for the capabilities relating to operations which take an alpha bitmap parameter, for instance <api-item>TGopBitBltAlphaBitmap</api-item>
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps::TAlphaChannelCaps - Enumerated Type - Bit flags for the capabilities relating to operations that use an alpha channel (<api-item>TGopBitBltAlphaChannel</api-item> and <api-item>TGopScaledBitBltAlphaChannel</api-item>)
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps::TClipCaps - Enumerated Type - Clipping capabilities
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps::TMaskBitmapCaps - Enumerated Type - Enumerates the capabilities relating to operations taking a bitmap mask parameter, for instance <api-item>TGopBitBltMasked</api-item>
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps::TPatternCaps - Enumerated Type - Bit flags for the capabilities relating to operations that draw a fill pattern using a bitmap, for instance TGopFilledRectWithPatern
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps::TPatternSizeCaps - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether there is a restriction on the sizes of bitmaps that can be used in bitmap patterns
- TGraphicsAcceleratorCaps::TPolygonCaps - Enumerated Type - Bit flags for how self-crossing polygons are filled
- TGraphicsOperation::TGopFunction
- TGsmSmsTypeOfAddress::anonymous
- TGulAdjacent - Enumerated Type - The sides on which borders can be adjacent
- TGulAlignmentValue - Enumerated Type - Alignment settings for the layout of graphic objects
- TGulBorder::T3DStyle - Enumerated Type - Defines the 3D border style
- TGulBorder::TBorderType - Enumerated Type - Defines the descriptive border types
- TGulBorder::TConstructionStyle - Enumerated Type - Defines the border's construction style
- TGulBorder::TInlineStyle - Enumerated Type - Defines whether or not the border has a single pixel interior border
- TGulBorder::TLogicalFamily - Enumerated Type - For logical borders, defines whether the border encloses a window, a container control or a control
- TGulBorder::TLogicalType - Enumerated Type - Defines the logical border types
- TGulBorder::TOutlineStyle - Enumerated Type - Defines the border outline style
- TGulBorder::TRounding - Enumerated Type - Defines the number of pixels that are removed to produce rounded corners
- TGulBorder::TThickness - Enumerated Type - Defines the number of pixels to add to the border thickness
- TGulHAlignment - Enumerated Type - Horizontal layout settings for graphic objects
- TGulVAlignment - Enumerated Type - Vertical layout settings for graphic objects
- TH263PictureType - Enumerated Type - Specifies the H263 picture type
- TH263SupplementalInformation - Enumerated Type - These enumerations can be used in codec capability indication and/or bitstream property indication
- THCIScanEnableIoctl - Enumerated Type - Enumerations for the four possible scan enable modes
- THotKey - Enumerated Type - Window server hot keys
- THrdVbvSpecification - Enumerated Type - Defines the HRD/VBV specification used in a stream
- THTTPEvent::TDirection - Enumerated Type - The TDirection type defines the direction of an event
- THTTPEvent::TStandardEvent - Enumerated Type - The TStandardEvent type is used to specify a family of event types
- THTTPEvent::TTransactionEvent - Enumerated Type - The TTransactionEvents type defines the events that correspond to transactions
- THTTPEvent::TTransactionWarning - Enumerated Type - The TTransactionWarning type indicates that something in a transaction may be incorrect but the transaction may continue
- THTTPFilterHandle::TStandardValues - Enumerated Type - Alisases for the client, and the filters you're most likely to want to refer to
- THttpHeaderField - Enumerated Type - HTTP/1.1 Headers: WSP Field Name Assignments
- THttpParameter - Enumerated Type - HTTP/1.1 Parameters: WSP Well-known Parameter Assignments
- THTTPSessionEvent::TSessionEvent - Enumerated Type - The TSessionEvents type defines the evenst that correspond to the of a session entity
- THTTPSessionEvent::TSessionWarning - Enumerated Type - HTTP session warning events
- THttpStatusCode - Enumerated Type - HTTP/1.1 Status Codes: WSP Code Assignments
- TIASCharSet - Enumerated Type - The character set encoding of the character string response from an IAS query
- TIASDataType - Enumerated Type - An enumeration whose enumerators define the type of response received from an Information Access Service (IAS) query
- TIfStatus - Enumerated Type - Describes the state of an interface
- TImageDataFormat - Enumerated Type - Specifies the data format used for an uncompressed picture
- TImageDisplayPanic - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CImageDisplay</api-item> & <api-item>CImageDisplayPlugin</api-item>
- TImageTransformPanic - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CImageTransform</api-item> & <api-item>CImageTransformPlugin</api-item>
- TImap4Cmds - Enumerated Type - IMAP4-specific commands that can be issued through either <api-item>CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL()</api-item> or, in a few cases, <api-item>CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL()</api-item>
- TImap4GenericProgress::TImap4GenericProgressOp - Enumerated Type - Operation type
- TImap4GenericProgress::TImap4GenericProgressState - Enumerated Type - Operation state information
- TImap4GetMailOptions - Enumerated Type - Defines which components of a message to fetch when copying or moving from a server
- TImap4ProgressType - Enumerated Type - Flags to indicate what type of IMAP4 progress information is being returned
- TImap4SyncProgress::TImap4SyncProgressState - Enumerated Type - Synchronisation state
- TImapConnectionEvent - Enumerated Type - IMAP4 connection observer events
- TImDisconnectedOperationType - Enumerated Type - Describes the types of off-line email operations than can occur
- TImEmailFolderType - Enumerated Type - Folder type flags
- TImEncodingType - Enumerated Type - Messaging encoding types
- TImHeaderEncodingInfo::TEncodingType - Enumerated Type - Encoding types
- TImHeaderEncodingInfo::TFieldList - Enumerated Type - Message field types
- TImImap4PartialMailOptions - Enumerated Type - Defines which components of a message should be fetched partially when fetching the message from a server
- TImSendMethod - Enumerated Type - SMTP send methods
- TImSMTPSendCopyToSelf - Enumerated Type - Defines options that allows the user to automatically email themselves a copy of all emails that are sent from the phone
- TImSMTPSendMessageOption - Enumerated Type - Defines sending options for new email messages
- TInetAddrClass
- TInetAddressInfo::TAddressState - Enumerated Type - Values used in iState field
- TInetAddressInfo::TAddressType - Enumerated Type - Values used in iType field
- TInetAddressInfo::TFlags - Enumerated Type - Values used in iFlags field
- TInetInterfaceInfo::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Possible interface states
- TInetRouteInfo::anonymous
- TInetRouteInfo::TState - Enumerated Type - Values used in iState field
- TInLayerScalabilityType - Enumerated Type - Defines the scalability type for in-layer bit-rate scalability
- TInternalCommAccess - Enumerated Type - Defines the internal port access mode
- TInternetDate::TInternetDateFormat - Enumerated Type - Enum defining internet date formats
- TIntervalType - Enumerated Type - Defines the type of interval used by a schedule entry
- TIpcArgs::TNothing - Enumerated Type - Indicates a Null argument
- TIpcSessionType - Enumerated Type - Client/Server Session types
- TIrdaStatusCodes::anonymous
- TJpegImageData::TColorSampling - Enumerated Type - Flag reflecting the color sampling type
- TJpegQTable::TQTableIndex - Enumerated Type - Flag reflecting the type of Q or quantization table
- TKernelPanic - Enumerated Type - These panics represent program errors detected by the Kernel
- TKeyCmpNumeric - Enumerated Type - Governs the type of comparison to be made between numeric keys
- TKeyCmpText - Enumerated Type - Governs the type of comparison to be made between descriptor keys or between text keys
- TKeyCode - Enumerated Type - Codes generated by non-ASCII key presses
- TKeyResponse - Enumerated Type - Event handling flags
- TL2CapConfig::TChannelPriority - Enumerated Type - Priority required for data on L2Cap channel
- TL2CapConfig::TChannelReliability - Enumerated Type - Reliability of data tranfer required for L2Cap channel
- TL2CapConfig::TL2CapConfigSpecifiedMask - Enumerated Type - Used to indicate which config options have been specified by the user
- TL2CapConfig::TL2CapConfigSpecifiedTimers - Enumerated Type - Timer values in milliseconds for reliable and unreliable channels
- TLanguage - Enumerated Type - Language identity enumeration
- TLatticeSize - Enumerated Type - Encodes the size of a picture
- TLeave - Enumerated Type - A value, which when passed to the new operator, indicates that the operation is to leave if insufficient memory available
- TLinearDDA::TLineMode - Enumerated Type - LDDA Line mode
- TLineBreakPanic - Enumerated Type - This enumeration holds the possible panic codes that may be raised by the LineBreak API on detecting an unrecoverable error
- TLocale::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Flags for negative currency values formatting
- TLocale::TDeviceTimeState - Enumerated Type - Indicates how the device universal time is maintained
- TLocale::TNegativeCurrencyFormat - Enumerated Type - Indicates how negative currency values are formatted
- TLocaleAspect - Enumerated Type - TLocaleAspect
- TLocalePos - Enumerated Type - Defines whether:
- TLogicalColor - Enumerated Type - Logical colours
- TLogicalFont::TFontCategory - Enumerated Type - Logical font categories
- TLogicalFont::TFontStyle - Enumerated Type - Font styles
- TLogicalRgb::anonymous
- TLogicalRgb::TSystemColor - Enumerated Type - Used to construct TLogicalRgb objects which should use either the system foreground or background colour
- TLongCaptureFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags which customise a long key press capture request made by a window group
- TMdaAudioDataSettings::TAudioCaps - Enumerated Type - Audio capabilities, which include the sample rate and number of channels
- TMdaAudioDataSettings::TAudioFlags - Enumerated Type - Mutually exclusive flags that specify whether audio data is sent to the local device (speakers) or the network (phone line) or both
- TMdaAudioToneUtilityState - Enumerated Type - The state of the audio tone utility
- TMdaJpgQTable::TQTableIndex
- TMdaJpgSettings::TColorSampling
- TMdaPcmWavCodec::TBits - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether the sound is sampled using 8 or 16 bits
- TMdaPriority - Enumerated Type - The priority for clients accessing a sound output device for audio playback or audio streaming
- TMdaPriorityPreference - Enumerated Type - A set of priority values which define the behaviour to be adopted by an audio client if a higher priority client takes over the device
- TMdaVideoBufferSettings - Enumerated Type - Video buffer settings
- TMediaType - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible media types
- TMidiState - Enumerated Type - Defines the state of the MIDI client utility with regard to the MIDI resource
- TMMFAudioConfig::anonymous
- TMMFAudioControllerPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CMMFAudioController</api-item>
- TMMFAudioInputPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CMMFAudioInput</api-item>
- TMMFAudioOutputPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CMMFAudioOutput</api-item>
- TMMFCodecBaseDefinitionsPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for MMFCodecBaseDefinitions
- TMMFDataPathPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CMMFDataPath</api-item>
- TMMFDescriptorPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CMMFDescriptor</api-item>
- TMMFDisplayPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for MMFDisplay
- TMMFFilePanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for <api-item>CMMFFile</api-item>
- TMMFMediaClientPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for the audio media client
- TMMFMediaClientUtilityPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for the media client utility
- TMMFMonoStereo - Enumerated Type - Mono Stereo playback and record modes available
- TMMFSampleRate - Enumerated Type - Sampling rates available
- TMMFSoundEncoding - Enumerated Type - Encoding modes available
- TMMFState - Enumerated Type - Holds the current state of DevSound
- TMMFStereoSupport - Enumerated Type - Stereo support enum
- TMMFSubThreadMessageIds - Enumerated Type - ITC message ID's used by the client to send commands to the datapath subthread server
- TMMFSubThreadPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for RMMFSubThread
- TMMFToneControllerPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for MMFToneController
- TModifierState - Enumerated Type - Specifies the state of an event modifier, for instance Caps Lock or Num Lock
- TMonth - Enumerated Type - Defines the months of the year
- TMoveDirectionAndAmount - Enumerated Type - Defines the direction and the amount by which a cursor is to move, when performing a scrolling operation
- TMPEG4VisualHeaderType - Enumerated Type - Specifies the MPEG-4 Visual header types
- TMPEG4VisualVOPType - Enumerated Type - Specifies the picture type
- TMsgImOutboxSendState - Enumerated Type - Defines status values for the SMTP MTM
- TMsgOutboxBodyEncoding - Enumerated Type - Defines how emails will be encoded when they are sent
- TMsvAttribute - Enumerated Type - Supplies values for bitmasks that allows the rapid setting or clearing of a number of <api-item>TMsvEntry</api-item> fields
- TMsvCondition::TMsvSchSendConditionType - Enumerated Type - An enumeration defining the type of test to be made against a Publish and Subscribe property
- TMsvCopyProgress::TCopyState - Enumerated Type - States for the copy operation
- TMsvDeleteProgress::TDeleteState - Enumerated Type - States for the delete operation
- TMsvGrouping - Enumerated Type - Defines grouping order options for a TMsvEntrySelection object
- TMsvIndexLoadProgress::TIndexState - Enumerated Type - States for the index loading process
- TMsvLocalOperationProgress::TLocalOperation - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible values for the type of operation progress report
- TMsvPriority - Enumerated Type - Supplies the standard values for the message priority index entry field
- TMsvRecipientTypeValues
- TMsvResolverLeave - Enumerated Type - Defines error codes that relate to the Message Server
- TMsvSendAction - Enumerated Type - Defines the action to take if an error occurs in message sending
- TMsvSendRetries - Enumerated Type - Flag that defines retry behaviour if sending a message fails
- TMsvSendRetrySpacing - Enumerated Type - Flag that defines retry behaviour if sending a message fails
- TMsvSendState - Enumerated Type - Defines sending state flags
- TMsvServerOperationProgress::TMsvServerOperationType
- TMsvSmsGsmClass - Enumerated Type - GSM Message Classes
- TMsvSmsGsmCommand - Enumerated Type - GSM Command PDU types
- TMsvSmsStorage - Enumerated Type - Supplies the standard values for available SMS stores Values to be kept in sync with existing GSM code for compatibility
- TMsvSorting - Enumerated Type - Defines the sort order options for a <api-item>TMsvSelectionOrdering</api-item> object
- TNameRecordFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags returned from DNS records
- TNetDialProgress - Enumerated Type - Defines the stages in establishing a connection with dial-up networking
- TNodePanic
- TNotifierCapabilities - Enumerated Type - A set of flags that define the capabilities of the notifier
- TNotifyDismountMode - Enumerated Type - Notification modes for safe media removal notification API
- TNotifyType - Enumerated Type - A set of change notification flags
- TObexPanicCode - Enumerated Type - All Obex panics which may be raised as a result of a client (i.e
- TObexResponse
- TObexTransportPanicCode - Enumerated Type - Obex transport panics raised as a result of client programming error
- Token::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Function multiple arguments flag definition
- Token::TFunctionArgumentType - Enumerated Type - Function argument type flag definitions
- Token::TLexTokenClass - Enumerated Type - Formula token class flag definitions
- TOpenFontCharMetrics::TUninitialized
- TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::anonymous.
- TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::anonymous.
- TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::anonymous.
- TOpenFontFaceAttribBase::anonymous.
- TOwnerType - Enumerated Type - Handle ownership flags
- TPageSpec::TPageOrientation - Enumerated Type - The available page orientations
- TPANAgentProgress - Enumerated Type - PAN agent progress values TODO: Tidy these up
- TPanNapNetworkType - Enumerated Type - Type of network provided by the NAP gateway
- TParaBorder::TLineStyle - Enumerated Type - Line styles
- TPasswordMode - Enumerated Type - Password mode flags
- TPdrResourceId - Enumerated Type - Enumerates resources used by printer drivers
- TPhonebookSyncRequestCancel - Enumerated Type - Types of cancel requests for the asynchronous server requests
- TPictureCapability::TScalingType - Enumerated Type - Scaling types
- TPictureEffect - Enumerated Type - Defines the picture effect used for an input picture
- TPictureId::TPictureIdType
- TPlaybackRate - Enumerated Type - Defines the current playback rate of the currently open MIDI resource
- TPngEncodeData::TPngCompressLevel - Enumerated Type - A flag reflecting the level of compression used
- TPoint::TUninitialized
- TPointerCursorMode - Enumerated Type - Pointer cursor mode flags
- TPointerEvent::TType - Enumerated Type - Pointer event types
- TPointerFilter - Enumerated Type - Pointer event filter types
- TPop3Cmds - Enumerated Type - POP3-specific commands that can be issued through <api-item>CPop3ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL()</api-item>
- TPop3GetMailOptions - Enumerated Type - Specifies which parts of a POP3 message to download
- TPop3Progress::TPop3ProgressType - Enumerated Type - Defines types of POP3 operations
- TPopupTargetPosType - Enumerated Type - This is used in combination with a specified position to place a popout on the display
- TPositionClassFamily - Enumerated Type - Position quality class
- TPositionClientPanic - Enumerated Type - Position Client API panic codes
- TPositionIpcId - Enumerated Type - This class is not intended for public use - except Cancel
- TPositionModuleInfo::_TCapabilities - Enumerated Type - Module Capabilities
- TPositionModuleInfo::_TDeviceLocation - Enumerated Type - Device location
- TPositionModuleInfo::_TTechnologyType - Enumerated Type - Technology Type
- TPositionModuleStatus::_TDataQualityStatus - Enumerated Type - The data quality status
- TPositionModuleStatus::_TDeviceStatus - Enumerated Type - The device status
- TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::_TModuleEvent - Enumerated Type - Module events
- TPositionModuleStatusEventBase::_TSystemModuleEvent - Enumerated Type - Module events
- TPositionQuality::TCostIndicator - Enumerated Type - Cost Indicator for position request
- TPositionQuality::TPowerConsumption - Enumerated Type - Power consumption
- TPositionQualityItem::TDataType - Enumerated Type - Size of data type
- TPositionQualityItem::TResult - Enumerated Type - Quality result
- TPositionQualityItem::TValuePreference - Enumerated Type - Preference
- TPositionSelectionOrder::TField - Enumerated Type - Specifies the quality of position metrics that can be prioritized
- TPositionSelectionOrder::TOrder - Enumerated Type - Specifies the priority of selection parameters
- TPrePostProcessType - Enumerated Type - Defines the pre-processor and post-processor types available in the system
- TProcessParameterType - Enumerated Type - Defines the type of environment data passed to a process when that process is created
- TProcessPriority - Enumerated Type - Defines process priorities
- TRadix - Enumerated Type - An enumeration whose enumerators determine the number system to be used when converting numbers into a character format
- TRawEvent::TType - Enumerated Type - Defines the event type
- TRdsCapabilities::TRdsFunctions - Enumerated Type - RDS Function Bit Flags
- TRdsData::TField - Enumerated Type - Enumeration to indicate a subset of the members of class TRdsData
- TRdsFrameGroup - Enumerated Type - The TRdsFrameGroup enumeration is used to denote a set of RDS frames
- TRealX::TRealXOrder
- TRecognitionMode - Enumerated Type - Speech recognition mode
- TRect::TUninitialized
- TRegion::anonymous
- TRemConClientPanic - Enumerated Type - Panic codes used by Rem Con server to panic the client
- TRemConCoreApiButtonAction - Enumerated Type - Button actions
- TRemConCoreApiOperationId - Enumerated Type - Operation ids belonging to the Core API
- TRemConCoreApiPlaybackSpeed - Enumerated Type - Speeds associated with Play APIs
- TRgbFormat - Enumerated Type - RGB uncompressed image format alternatives
- TRgbRange - Enumerated Type - Defines the data value range used for RGB data
- TRotationType - Enumerated Type - Rotation types for pre-processors and post-processors
- TRouteState - Enumerated Type - Identifies the state of a route held in an entry in the IP routing table
- TRouteType - Enumerated Type - Identifies the type of creator of an entry in the IP routing table
- TRPNFlowCtrlMask - Enumerated Type - Remote port negotiation flow control masks
- TRPNParameterMask - Enumerated Type - Remote port negotiation parameter masks
- TRPNValidityMask - Enumerated Type - Remote port negotiation validity masks
- TRtpEventType - Enumerated Type - A set of values that defines the event types that may be handled
- TRtpOneShotness - Enumerated Type - Indicates whether a callback function can be called once, or more than once
- TSAAlarm
- TSABatteryStrength
- TSAChargerStatus
- TSAClock
- TSACurrentCall
- TSAInboxStatus
- TSAIrdaStatus
- TSANetworkStatus
- TSANetworkStrength
- TSAOutboxStatus
- TSAPhoneStatus
- TSAPort
- TSAREntry::anonymous
- TSASIMStatus
- TScalabilityType - Enumerated Type - Defines the scalability type for a single bit-rate scalability layer
- TScheduleFilter - Enumerated Type - Defines a filter to be used when listing schedules in a call to <api-item>RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL()</api-item>, and when listing tasks in a call to <api-item>RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL()</api-item>
- TScreenModeEnforcement - Enumerated Type - Screen mode enforcement flags
- TSdpClientPanic
- TSdpElementType - Enumerated Type - Types of attribute data elements
- TSdpTypedTime::TUnit - Enumerated Type - <api-item>Time</api-item> units
- TSecurityPolicy::TSecPolicyType
- TSecurityPolicy::TType - Enumerated Type - Constants to specify the type of TSecurityPolicy objects
- TSeek - Enumerated Type - Flags indicating the destination of a seek operation
- TSendAsClientPanic - Enumerated Type - Defines the SendAs client panic codes
- TShgCell::TErrorType - Enumerated Type - Defines the error types that a cell can have
- TShgCell::TType - Enumerated Type - Defines cell types
- TShgCellIter::TStartPoint - Enumerated Type - Flags for the iterator starting point
- TShgCellRef::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Constant definition
- TShgError - Enumerated Type - Spreadsheet engine error codes
- TShgLimits - Enumerated Type - Defines spreadsheet engine limit values
- TShgNumberFormat::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Constant definition
- TShgNumberFormat::TFormat - Enumerated Type - Number formats
- TShgRangeRef::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Constant definition.
- TShgRangeRef::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Constant definition.
- TShgRangeRef::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Constant definition.
- TSIPProfileTypeInfo::TSIPProfileClass - Enumerated Type - Profile classes
- TSize::TUninitialized
- TSmcmValidityPeriod - Enumerated Type - Defines the set of possible validity periods for mobile originated messages.
- TSmcmValidityPeriod - Enumerated Type - Defines the set of possible validity periods for mobile originated messages.
- TSmlDisplayProgress - Enumerated Type - Flags specifying how background synchronisation progress is displayed to the user
- TSmlDisplayResult - Enumerated Type - Flags specifying how background synchronisation results are displayed to the user
- TSmlDmGenericAlertImportance - Enumerated Type - Enumerated severity of an OMA Sml Dev Man Generic Alert
- TSmlGlobalSetting - Enumerated Type - Global settings supported by the <api-item>RSyncMLSettings</api-item> class
- TSmlOpenMode - Enumerated Type - Defines the access mode for opening a handle to a <api-item>SyncML</api-item> profile
- TSmlPanicHistoryShared - Enumerated Type - Panic codes for shared History Log classes
- TSmlProtocolVersion - Enumerated Type - Protocol versions
- TSmlServerAlertedAction - Enumerated Type - Setting for action to take as a result of a <api-item>SyncML</api-item> push message, (e.g
- TSmlSyncType - Enumerated Type - Flags for synchronisation types
- TSmlTransportCap - Enumerated Type - Transport capabilities
- TSmlUsageType - Enumerated Type - Protocol types
- TSmsAckType - Enumerated Type - Defines the types of acknowledgements that can be received from recipients
- TSmsAddr::anonymous
- TSmsAddrFamily - Enumerated Type - SMS address family for a socket
- TSmsBearers - Enumerated Type - Defines the SMS bearer
- TSmsCdmaDigitMode - Enumerated Type - Defines the digit mode according to TIA637
- TSmsCommandType::TSmsCommandTypeValue - Enumerated Type - Command types
- TSmsDataCodingScheme::TAutomaticDeletionGroup - Enumerated Type - Message Marked for Automatic Deletion
- TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsAlphabet - Enumerated Type - Alphabet bit flags
- TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsClass - Enumerated Type - Message Class bit flags
- TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsDCSBits7To4 - Enumerated Type - Flags for bits 7-4, which determine the meaning of the lower order bits
- TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsIndicationState - Enumerated Type - Indication Sense bit flags
- TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsIndicationType - Enumerated Type - Indication Type bit flags
- TSmsDelivery - Enumerated Type - Defines options for the preferred default sending schedule type of a new message created using the SMS client MTM.
- TSmsDelivery - Enumerated Type - Defines options for the preferred default sending schedule type of a new message created using the SMS client MTM.
- TSmsDiskSpaceMonitorStatus - Enumerated Type - State of Disk Space Monitor
- TSmsFailureCause::TSmsFailureCauseError - Enumerated Type - TP-FCS flags
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsMoreMessagesToSend - Enumerated Type - TP-MMS (More Messages To Send) Found in Deliver and Status Report
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsMTI - Enumerated Type - TP-MTI (Message Type Indicator) First octet of all SMS PDUs
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsRejectDuplicates - Enumerated Type - T-RD (Reject Duplicates) Found in Submit
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsReplyPath - Enumerated Type - TP-RP (Reply Path) Found in first octet of Submit and Deliver
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsStatusReportIndicator - Enumerated Type - T-SRI (Status Report Indicator) Found in Status Report
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsStatusReportQualifier - Enumerated Type - T-SRQ (Status Report Qualifier)
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsStatusReportRequest - Enumerated Type - TP-SRR (Status Report Request) Found in Submit and Command
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsUDHI - Enumerated Type - TP-UDHI (<api-item>User</api-item> Data Header Indicator) Found in first octet of Submit and Deliver and possibly, Deliver Report and Status Report
- TSmsFirstOctet::TSmsValidityPeriodFormat - Enumerated Type - TP-VPF (Validity Period Format)
- TSmsMessageBearing - Enumerated Type - Defines the directionality of a message
- TSmsMtmCommand - Enumerated Type - The SMS-specific commands that can be issued through <api-item>CSmsClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL</api-item>
- TSmsParameterIndicator::TSmsPIBits - Enumerated Type - TP-PI bit flags
- TSmsPIDConversion - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible forms in which an SMS message should be delivered to the recipient by the service centre.
- TSmsPIDConversion - Enumerated Type - Defines the possible forms in which an SMS message should be delivered to the recipient by the service centre.
- TSmsProgress::TSmsProgressType - Enumerated Type - Defines type of operation for which progress information is being given.
- TSmsProgress::TSmsProgressType - Enumerated Type - Defines type of operation for which progress information is being given.
- TSmsProtocolIdentifier::TSmsPIDType - Enumerated Type - PID bits 7-6, which determine the meaning of the lower order bits
- TSmsProtocolIdentifier::TSmsShortMessageALProtocol - Enumerated Type - SM-AL protocol flag
- TSmsProtocolIdentifier::TSmsShortMessageType - Enumerated Type - Short Message Type flags
- TSmsProtocolIdentifier::TSmsTelematicDeviceIndicator - Enumerated Type - Telematic device indicator flags
- TSmsProtocolIdentifier::TSmsTelematicDeviceType - Enumerated Type - Telematic Interworking device type flags
- TSmsRelativeTimeUnit - Enumerated Type - Defines the unit of a relative time period
- TSmsReplyWithOriginal - Enumerated Type - Allows the client to specify how the original message should be included in a reply
- TSmsServiceCenterTimeStamp::anonymous
- TSmsServiceCenterTimeStamp::TSmsTimeZoneSignBit - Enumerated Type - <api-item>Time</api-item> zone offset sign bit
- TSmsStatus::TSmsStatusValue - Enumerated Type - TP-ST flag values
- TSmsTimePeriodFormat - Enumerated Type - Defines the formats of which a future time can be represented
- TSmsUtilities::TSmsUtilitiesSpecialMessageType - Enumerated Type - Special SMS Message Indication Type.
- TSmsUtilities::TSmsUtilitiesSpecialMessageType - Enumerated Type - Special SMS Message Indication Type.
- TSmsValidityPeriod::TValidityPeriodLimit - Enumerated Type - Limits for validity period units
- TSmsValidityPeriod::TValidityPeriodUnitInMinutes - Enumerated Type - Validity period units (in minutes)
- TSmsValidityPeriod::TValidityPeriodUnitLimitInMinutes - Enumerated Type - Limits for validity period units (in minutes)
- TSmtpCmds - Enumerated Type - SMTP-specific commands that can be issued through <api-item>CSmtpClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL()</api-item>
- TSmtpSessionState - Enumerated Type - Sending state for SMTP
- TSpriteFlags - Enumerated Type - Sprite flags
- TStdScanCode - Enumerated Type - Scan codes for the physical keys found on keyboards
- TStorePagePoolToken::TEmpty - Enumerated Type - Initialise for an empty page pool flag
- TStreamFilter::anonymous
- TStreamTransfer::TUnlimited - Enumerated Type - An enumerator type passed to a constructor of this class to indicate that there is no explicit limit to the amount of data that can be transferred between streams
- TSyncMLClientPanic
- TSyncMLFilterLevelType - Enumerated Type - Specifies if the filter indicates filtering of records or of particular fields
- TSyncMLFilterMatchType - Enumerated Type - Indicates how to combine multiple filters within a task
- TSyncMLFilterOutsideInclusionType - Enumerated Type - Action for the server to take when applying the filters, if the new filters should be the only ones used and any previous synchronised data diregarder, or otherwise
- TSyncMLFilterPropertyDataType - Enumerated Type - The data type of the filter property
- TSyncMLTransportPropertyDataType - Enumerated Type - Data type of a <api-item>SyncML</api-item> transport property value
- TTabStop::TTabType - Enumerated Type - Text alignment at the tab stop
- TTaskFilter - Enumerated Type - Defines a filter to be used when listing tasks scheduled in a call to <api-item>RScheduler::GetTaskRefsL()</api-item>
- TTelnetUserControl - Enumerated Type - Specifies the telnet control code to send to the server
- TTextAttribute - Enumerated Type - Defines a set of text attributes used for consoles that support colour
- TTextCursor::EFlags - Enumerated Type - Cursor flash and clipping flags
- TTextCursor::ENamedCursors - Enumerated Type - Cursor type values
- TTextFormatAttribute - Enumerated Type - Indicates which format attributes are relevant when setting or sensing text formatting
- TThreadPriority - Enumerated Type - Defines thread priorities
- TTimeFormat - Enumerated Type - Defines the time formats as either 12 hour or 24 hour
- TTimerLockSpec - Enumerated Type - Timer lock specifications
- TTmDocPosSpec::TType - Enumerated Type - The cursor type
- TTmLineInfo::anonymous
- TTransparencyType - Enumerated Type - Enumerates the four transparency types
- TTrue - Enumerated Type - An enumerator with a single enumeration value that defines the Boolean value true in Symbian OS
- TTunerCapabilities::TTunerFunctions - Enumerated Type - Tuner Function bit flags - may be extended in future
- TTypeface::anonymous
- TUnicodeCompressionState::anonymous
- TUnicodeCompressionState::TPanic
- TUnitsFormat - Enumerated Type - Enumerates the units of measurement as either Imperial or Metric
- TUriComponent - Enumerated Type - Enum defining the uri components
- TUriFileName - Enumerated Type - Enum used by GetFileNameL to specify what data is returned
- TValueInfo - Enumerated Type - Value info settings
- TVersitDateTime::TRelativeTime - Enumerated Type - Relative time flags
- TVersitDateTime::TVersitDateTimeFlags - Enumerated Type - Date/time flags
- TVideoDataUnitEncapsulation - Enumerated Type - Defines possible encapsulation types for coded video data units
- TVideoDataUnitType - Enumerated Type - Defines possible data unit types for encoded video data
- TVideoInputBuffer::TVideoBufferOptions
- TVideoPicture::TVideoPictureOptions
- TVideoPictureHeader::THeaderOptions
- TVideoRotation - Enumerated Type - Defines an absolute rotation in 90 degree increments
- TViewYPosQualifier::TFullyVisible - Enumerated Type - Whether the top line in the view should be fully visible
- TViewYPosQualifier::TPartOfLine - Enumerated Type - Which part of a line (top, baseline or bottom) should appear at a vertical pixel position
- TWapAddr::anonymous
- TWindowBackupType - Enumerated Type - Window backup type flags
- TWldDeleteDeniedFlags - Enumerated Type - Flags which indicate the reasons why the server cannot delete a city or country
- TWldDistanceUnits - Enumerated Type - Defines the distance units which can be used by the world server
- TWldSelect - Enumerated Type - City search mode flags
- TWsErrorMessage::TErrorCategory - Enumerated Type - Error event types
- TWsEvent::anonymous - Enumerated Type - Event data size
- TWsGraphicAnimation::anonymous
- TWsGraphicId::TUninitialized
- TWspCodecPanic
- TWspDecoderPanic
- TWspPrimitiveDecoder::TWspHeaderType - Enumerated Type - TWspHeaderType describe the types from WAP-WSP Section
- TWsTransparencyPolicy - Enumerated Type - Transparency policies
- TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::anonymous.
- TWsVisibilityChangedEvent::anonymous.
- TWtlsCipherSuite::TBulkEncryptionAlgorithm
- TWtlsCipherSuite::TMacAlgorithm
- TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite::TKeyExchangeSuite
- TWtlsKeyExchangeSuite::TKeyIdType
- TXmlElementPanic
- TYuvCoefficients - Enumerated Type - Specifies the possible YUV-RGB conversion coefficients to use
- TYuvDataLayout - Enumerated Type - Defines the YUV data layout in a decoded picture
- TYuvSamplingPattern - Enumerated Type - YUV (YCbCr) uncompressed image data sampling pattern
- TZoomFactor::anonymous - Enumerated Type - One to one zoom factor
- UriUtils::TUriHostType - Enumerated Type - Enum defining a flag used to indicate host type
- User::TCritical - Enumerated Type - A set of values that defines the effect that terminating a thread has, either on its owning process or on the whole system
- User::TRealtimeState - Enumerated Type - A threads realtime state
- UserHeap::TChunkHeapCreateMode
- Versit::TVersitCharSet - Enumerated Type - Versit-specific character set identifiers
- Versit::TVersitEncoding - Enumerated Type - Versit-specific encoding identifiers
- Wap::TBearer
- Xml::MWbxmlExtensionHandler::TExtInterfaceUid - Enumerated Type - The uid identifying this extension interface
- Xml::TAttributeType - Enumerated Type - Specifies the type of this attribute object
- Xml::TParserFeature - Enumerated Type - Features defined for XML Framework parser plug-ins