Classification: |
C++ |
Category: |
Streams & Stores |
Created: |
11/30/99 |
Modified: |
09/11/2002 |
Number: |
FAQ-0442 |
Platform: |
Not Applicable |
Question: The TDateTime class is not store aware so does not support the >> and << operators. What is the best strategy to externalize/Internalize it?
Answer: Convert it to a TTime, then to a TInt64 which can be externalized. For internalizing do the reverse.The following example code illustrates both: _LIT(KTestExternalizeDateTime, "C:\\Documents\\DateTimeTest"); RFs fsSession; User::LeaveIfError(fsSession.Connect()); CFileStore* store = CDirectFileStore::ReplaceLC(fsSession, KTestExternalizeDateTime, EFileWrite); store->SetTypeL(KDirectFileStoreLayoutUid); RStoreWriteStream writeStream; TStreamId id = writeStream.CreateLC(*store);
TDateTime myDateTime(1999, ENovember, 29, 11, 04, 00, 00); TTime myTime(myDateTime); writeStream << myTime.Int64(); writeStream.CommitL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // writeStream store->SetRootL(id); store->CommitL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // store
store = CDirectFileStore::OpenLC(fsSession, KTestExternalizeDateTime, EFileRead); RStoreReadStream readStream; readStream.OpenLC(*store, store->Root());
TInt64 myInt64RepresentingDateTime; readStream >> myInt64RepresentingDateTime; CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //store + stream fsSession.Close(); TTime myTimeFromInt64(myInt64RepresentingDateTime); TDateTime myRestoredDateTime = myTimeFromInt64.DateTime(); |