Classification: |
C++ |
Category: |
Threads & Processes |
Created: |
06/23/2000 |
Modified: |
01/16/2002 |
Number: |
FAQ-0499 |
Platform: |
ER5, Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1 |
Question: How can I launch an application and wait until it's finished to do something?
Answer: This can be done via a simple Active Object. Consider this class:
// // CThreadLogon // class CEikBusyMsgWin; class CExampleAppUi; class CThreadLogon : public CActivepublic:CThreadLogon(CExampleAppUi& aAppUi); ~CThreadLogon(); void ConstructL(); void Request(const TThreadId& aId); private:void DoCancel(); void RunL(); private:RThread iThread; CExampleAppUi& iAppUi; CEikBusyMsgWin* iBusyMsg; HBufC* iBusyText; };
CThreadLogon::CThreadLogon(CExampleAppUi& aAppUi) : CActive(EActivePriorityIpcEventsHigh), iAppUi(aAppUi) { }
CThreadLogon::~CThreadLogon(){ Cancel(); delete iBusyMsg; User::Free(iBusyText); }
void CThreadLogon::ConstructL(){ CEikonEnv* eikonEnv=CEikonEnv::Static(); iBusyMsg=new(ELeave) CEikBusyMsgWin(*eikonEnv); iBusyMsg->ConstructL(eikonEnv->RootWin()); iBusyText=eikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_EXAMPLE_WAITING_FOR_APP); CActiveScheduler::Add(this); }
void CThreadLogon::DoCancel(){ iBusyMsg->CancelDisplay(); iThread.LogonCancel(iStatus); iThread.Close(); }
void CThreadLogon::RunL(){ iBusyMsg->CancelDisplay(); iThread.Close(); iAppUi.LogonCallBackL(); }
void CThreadLogon::Request(const TThreadId& aId){ TInt err=iThread.Open(aId); if (err){ TRequestStatus* pS=&iStatus; User::RequestComplete(pS,err); } elseSetActive(); iBusyMsg->StartDisplay(iBusyText->Des(),EHRightVBottom); }
All you now need to to is add a CThreadLogon* iThreadLogon member to your AppUi, do:
iThreadLogon=new(ELeave) CThreadLogon(*this); iThreadLogon->ConstructL();
in the AppUi's constructor and finally construct a callback procedure in your AppUI. For example, this will bring your application to the foreground and show a simple message:
void CExampleAppUi::LogonCallBackL(){ iEikonEnv->SetBusy(EFalse);
RWsSession& ws = iEikonEnv->WsSession(); RWindowGroup& rw = iEikonEnv->RootWin(); TInt winId = rw.Identifier(); TApaTask tApatsk(ws); tApatsk.SetWgId(winId); tApatsk.BringToForeground();
When launching the app initially, you need to ensure the thread id is passed to the iThreadLogon AO. This could be done as follows:
iThreadLogon->Request(EikDll::StartAppL(*cmdLine)); iEikonEnv->SetBusy(ETrue); |