Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0657 How do I implement Context Sensitive Help in my application?

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Classification: C++ Category: Context Sensitive Help
Created: 06/20/2000 Modified: 09/01/2004
Number: FAQ-0657
Platform: Symbian OS v6.0, Symbian OS v6.1

As the author of a Symbian OS C++ application, how do I implement hooks in my application so that context sentsitive help can be used?
Note that there is more information on this topic available in the 6.0 and 6.1 SDKs.

1. Identify the dialogs and views for which you wish to have context sensitivity.
2. Using the context sensitive help compiler, cshlpcmp, compile a framework help file that contains the topic titles and context sensitive hooks.

A header file is produced containing descriptors created from the contexts defined by the help author and a comment, e.g.:

_LIT(KMAI_HLP_VIEW_MAIN_EDITOR,"MAI HLP VIEW MAIN EDITOR"); //the main view of the Mail Editor application

3. #include header file in app
4. For each context, identify whether it is a dialog or a view.
5. If the context is on the control stack (i.e. a dialog) implement GetHelpContext() - override the virtual function in class CCoeControl in Cone, e.g. :

void CMsgMailSendOptionsDialog::GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext)
aContext.iMajor = KUidMsgMailEditorApp; //Uid of app
                          //Context string from header file

Use switch cases for multipage dialogs with different contexts, e.g.:

switch (ActivePageId())
case EDlgPageOne:
case EDlgPageTwo
//other cases....

Note that high priority invisible controls and FEPs are not suitable to be given contexts.

6. If the context is not on the control stack (i.e. a view) implement HelpContextL() - override the virtual function in class CCoeAppUi in Cone:

CArrayFix* CWordAppUi::HelpContextL() const
      CArrayFix* r = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat(1);
r->AppendL(TCoeHelpContext(KUidWordAppValue, KTXT_HLP_VIEW_MAIN()));
CleanupStack::Pop(); // r
return r;