Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0828 Why does my MIDlet running on the Nokia 7650 fail when it attempts to open a HttpConnection?

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Classification: Java Category: General
Created: 10/24/2002 Modified: 04/23/2003
Number: FAQ-0828
Platform: Symbian OS v6.1

I have installed a MIDlet on the Nokia 7650. The MIDlet fails when it attempts to open a HttpConnection to a remote server? Why is this?

There are a number of issues relating to HttpConnection on early versions of the Nokia 7650 firmware (v3.12 and v3.16) causing HTTPConnections to hang. Listed below are known issues and suggestions for work-arounds where possible.
    • For some non English localisations the "HTTP 1.1" header (German, Spanish, Finish) gets transmitted as "HTTP 1,1". A workaround is to use an English localisation. Navigate to Tools | Settings | Phone | General | Phone language | English.
    • A "Post" request gets transmitted as a "Get" request (firmware version 3.12).
    • It is advisable to launch the HttpConnection in a separate "non-blocking" thread.

    These limitations have been fixed as of firmware version 4.39.

    A more general point is to make sure you have configured an Internet (ie TCP/IP) access point on the phone and your MIDlet uses this for networking. Navigate to Tools | Settings | Connection | Access Points and create a new Internet access point (your network operator can advise of the correct settings). Now go to Tools | Apps and scroll through the list of installed MIDlets until the required one is highlighted. Now select Options | Settings | Settings | Access point and select an Internet access point as the default access point for that MIDlet.