Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0855 What's the difference between the UIQ SDK and the Sony Ericsson P800 Emulator for J2ME MIDP development for the P800?

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Classification: Java Category: Tools
Created: 03/13/2003 Modified: 03/17/2003
Number: FAQ-0855
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0

I wish to develop using J2ME MIDP for the Sony Ericsson P800. The Ericsson Mobility World website offers both the Sony Ericsson P800 emulator and the UIQ SDK. What are the differences and what should I use?

The Sony Ericsson P800 emulator is an emulator plug-in for Sun's Wireless Toolkit tailored to the UIQ user interface.
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    The KVM/CLDC MIDP implementation used by the emulator is that supplied with the Wireless Toolkit.

    The UIQ SDK is a complete development environment for the Symbian OS-based UIQ reference design providing support for native, PersonalJava and J2ME MIDP development including Symbian OS emulation in a Windows environment.
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    The Sony Ericsson P800 is based on the Symbian OS UIQ reference platform. The UIQ SDK as supplied does not currently integrate into the Wireless Toolkit.

    Therefore a reasonable strategy for MIDP development for the P800 would to be use the convenience of the Wireless Toolkit with the Sony Ericsson P800 emulator (possible integated into your favourite IDE) for initial development. However, final testing should be performed using the UIQ SDK since this provides Symbian's implementation of the KVM/CLDC and MIDP and therefore will provide a more accurate emulation of the actual device. For more details on how to do this see FAQ 0845.