Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0875 How does the new multimedia framework in Symbian OS v7.0s affect multimedia code written for older versions?

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Classification: C++ Category: Multimedia
Created: 05/12/2003 Modified: 05/12/2003
Number: FAQ-0875
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0s

I understand the multimedia framework introduced in Symbian OS v7.0s is different from the media server providing similar functionality in v7.0 and earlier. Does this mean I have to rewrite my multimedia applications to get them to run on the new OS version?

The public client API provided by the media server in Symbian OS v7.0 and previously is preserved in v7.0s with the following exceptions:
      1. A few utility classes handling Symbian-specific .wve files have been withdrawn.
      2. Some new capabilites have been added, most notably for playing and recording video and for handling audio input streams. The APIs for the latter capability have been backported for UIQ 2.0 (SymbianOS v7.0) and Series 60 (Symbian OS v6.1). All the necessary code can be downloaded from the Symbian Developer Network Web site.
    The details of these differences are fully documented in the v7.0s Symbian Developer Library. No rewriting of code is necessary.