Symbian OS Library

FAQ-0977 What are the protected API calls in the Mobile Media API (JSR 135)?

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Classification: Java Category: J2ME Mobile Media API
Created: 02/12/2004 Modified: 02/12/2004
Number: FAQ-0977
Platform: Symbian OS v7.0s

The MIDP 2.0 security model classes certain API calls as protected. What are the protected API calls in the Mobile Media API?

For reasons of privacy the following Mobile Media API calls are protected (see Mobile Media API Specification 1.1 Maintenance Release;

    RecordControl.setRecordLocation(String locator)
    RecordControl.setRecordStream(OutputStream stream)
    VideoControl.getSnapshot(String type)

Under the MIDP 2.0 security model a signed MIDlet suite which contains MIDlets which make use of these APIs must explicitly request the appropriate permission in its MIDlet-Permissions attribute. The required MIDlet-Permissions attribute entries in the application descriptor (JAD) file or manifest are as follows.


Current MIDP 2.0 devices such as the Symbian OS v7.0s based Nokia 6600, support both audio recording and capturing snapshots. A signed MIDlet (suite) requiring to access this functionality must request the appropriate permission(s) in order for it to be successfully installed and bound to a trusted protection domain.

The security policy for the untrusted domain on this device allows untrusted MIDlets to access these APIs with User permission (explicit permission required from the user). On the Nokia 6600 the user may change the default User permission from oneshot ("Ask every time") to session ("Ask first time") in the following manner:

1. navigate to the main Menu
2. select the application Manager
3. highlight the appropriate MIDlet from the list of applications
4. select Options -> Settings -> Multimedia
5. select "Ask first time".