Classification: |
General |
Category: |
Development |
Created: |
07/21/2004 |
Modified: |
07/23/2004 |
Number: |
FAQ-1095 |
Platform: |
Symbian OS v7.0s, Symbian OS v8.0, Symbian OS v8.0a, Symbian OS v8.0b |
Question: How can I convert a CommDB CFG file to the XML format? The CFG file is the CommDB configuration file, used as input to the CED utility for the generation of a binary CommDB database file. New Symbian OS versions use the XML format. How can I convert my CFG files to the new format?
In order to convert a CommDB CFG file to the new XML format (available for new releases of Symbian OS Version 7.0s and higher) one has to use the cfg2xml command line utility which comes with the Symbian CommDB Editor package. In detail one has to do the following:
1. Download and install the Symbian CommDB Editor from the Symbian Developer Network web site using the following link:
This will also install the cfg2xml command line utility in directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symbian\Tools\".
2. Open a command prompt on Windows and then issue the following command (assuming that the directory in (1) is in the PATH environment variable of the host computer):
cfg2xml -mode:file 7.0s file.cfg
where "file.cfg" is the CFG file to convert and "7.0s" indicates the Symbian OS Version that this CFG file is designed for. Available Symbian OS version numbers are those found in directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symbian\Tools\commdb-version\". This command will convert "file.cfg" to "file.xml" with the CommDB settings in the XML format.
If the user wants to convert many CFG files stored in a directory structure then the command to issue is the following:
cfg2xml -mode:dir 7.0s somedir\
where "somedir" is the root directory of the location that contains CFG files. The cfg2xml tool will then convert all CFG files under this directory as well as its subdirectories to the XML format. |