Question: My MIDlet crashes with the following error message: "Program: jes-26d-javax.microedition.lcdui1@142125, Reason code: KERN-EXEC, Reason number: 3" What does this mean?
Answer: It means the VM has crashed. The error message emanates from the underlying VM (native) implementation, suggesting an unexpected and unrecoverable state has been encountered. More specifically the Java Event Server (jes) has been panicked by a native thread servicing the lcdui (javax.microedition.lcdui1@142125). In the example shown above the cause of the panic is KERN-EXEC 3, which is raised when an unhandled exception occurs in native code.
Instances of this error message usually represent an underlying defect in the implementation (since the VM should not crash in this manner) and should be reported to the support organisation of the respective phone manufacturer.