This enables remote Bluetooth devices to discover a local service by doing an SDP Agent search. The database also allows a local service to register itself to a local Bluetooth service database.
The Service Discovery Agent API is one of two APIs that enable you to use the Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol. The other, the Bluetooth Service Discovery Database, enables a local service to enter its own properties into a local service database.
CSdpAgent is used to make Symbian platform Bluetooth SDP requests to a remote device. There are two basic queries you can make using it:
Getting the services on the remote device and setting the classes of service for which you want to query using a CSdpSearchPattern object
Getting the attributes for a specific service and setting a list of attributes to be retrieved using a CSdpAttrIdMatchList object
An application using of CSdpAgent must implement
the interface MSdpAgentNotifier
to receive the responses
to queries.
The API also supplies CElementParser, to parse a raw input buffer containing an attribute value into its constituent data elements.
The following tutorials will help get you started using the Bluetooth SDP Service Discovery Agent.