The Font and Bitmap Server (FBServ) provides a memory efficient way of using bitmaps and fonts. It stores a single instance of each bitmap in either a shared heap or in eXecute In Place (XIP) ROM and provides clients with read and (when appropriate) write access.
RAM-based fonts and bitmaps are reference counted and retained in RAM while they are being used. When they are no longer required they are automatically deleted.
A two-dimensional (2D) buffer (in memory) that contains the
color values for individual pixels and is encapsulated by the CFbsBitmap
A bitmap that contains data compressed using proprietary formats.
A data structure representing a rectangular grid of pixels. Scaling raster images usually leads to a loss of quality.
The use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves and polygons to represent an image. Vector images can be scaled without loss of quality.
The process of converting vector image drawing instructions into a raster image that can be displayed on the screen.
A row of pixels in a raster image. This use of the term is derived from its original use in a raster scanning pattern, such as a video line on the cathode ray tube (CRT) display of a television.
For font-related terms, see Font and Text Services Collection Overview.
The Font and Bitmap Server is tightly integrated with the BitGDI and Window Server components. It provides client-side classes for fonts, bitmaps and the typeface store.
In use
the Font and Bitmap Server is largely transparent. When a client of
the Window Server opens a Window Server session, that session silently
creates an RFbsSession
and stores it in Thread
Local Storage (TLS). Client-side font and bitmap classes such as CFbsFont
and CFbsBitmap
find the session in TLS when they are constructed. (These are client-side
objects that refer to objects in the server. Because they are heap-based
classes, they have names beginning with C.)
The Font and Bitmap
Server contains the font store, which is a separate DLL provided by
the Font Store
(FntStore) component. Client-side access to the font store
is through CFbsTypefaceStore
The Font and Bitmap Server is a singleton process that owns fonts
and bitmaps. CFbsFont
and CFbsBitmap
objects are actually client-side handles to the font and bitmap
objects, which are stored on a globally accessible heap while they
are in use. Bitmap data is stored separately in a globally accessible
disconnected chunk.
When the reference count of clients using a font or bitmap that is resident in RAM falls to zero, the server can delete it and free the memory. XIP ROM based bitmaps are accessed in place, not copied into RAM.
Open fonts, which are stored in font files as vector data, must be rasterized into the Font and Bitmap Server's shared heap. Rasterizers are plug-ins to the Font Store component. There is a performance overhead to rasterizing an open font and a memory overhead for storing it.
The Font and Bitmap Server presents a conventional
client API through RFbsSession
, which represents
the handle to a server-side session. The classes CFbsFont
and CFbsBitmap
are client-side representations
of font and bitmap classes.
The CFbsFont
class represents fonts managed by the Font and
Bitmap Server, both bitmap fonts and OpenType fonts.
The CFbsBitmap
class represents bitmaps managed by the Font
and Bitmap Server, both RAM and XIP ROM-based bitmaps. For RAM-based
bitmaps, this class provides facilities for creating, loading, saving,
and resizing bitmaps. RAM-based bitmaps are commonly loaded from a
multi-bitmap file (.mbm
) file or created as off-screen
bitmaps, and then blitted to a window. For XIP ROM-based bitmaps, CFbsBitmap
provides facilities for accessing the data.
The Font and Bitmap Server is unusual in that the RFbsSession
is stored in client-side thread local storage
(TLS). The constructors for CFbsFont
and CFbsBitmap
find this session handle automatically: the client
program does not have to pass it as a parameter. Therefore, to most
client programs, the client/server nature of using fonts and bitmaps
is hidden from the API.
The RFbsSession
created for clients by the Window Server’s client-side API when a
Window Server session, RWsSession
, is constructed.
A Window Server client is therefore also a client of the Font and
Bitmap Server.
When a client calls, for example, the CWindowGc::DrawBitmap()
function, the handle number of
the bitmap is passed to the Window Server through inter-process communication
(IPC). Like all CWindowGc
drawing commands, the
handle number is stored in a client-side command buffer, which by
default is flushed to the server side only when it is full. Once flushed
to the server-side, the command buffer is processed by the Window Server rendering
loop. Consider the scenario where an application calls CWindowGc::DrawBitmap()
and then closes the bitmap before
the client-side buffer is flushed. There needs to be some mechanism
to prevent the bitmap’s reference count from reaching zero and hence
being deleted before the Window Server can render it. For this reason, RFbsSession
has a callback, which is invoked whenever a
client closes a bitmap handle. The callback causes an immediate flush
of the Window Server client-side command buffer. The Window Server
then creates on the server side a duplicate CFbsBitmap
for the bitmap. This increases the bitmap's reference count and
therefore prevents it from being deleted before the Window Server
attempts to render it. The same mechanism applies to font handles.
This mechanism is transparent to clients of the Window Server.