
The Toolbar occupies the bottom part of the screen (in portrait and landscape mode) and displays the softkeys with icons. The toolbar buttons are located between the softkeys, and it is recommended to use two toolbar icons between the softkeys.

There is no need to duplicate Toolbar button commands in the Options menu.

Figure: Toolbar with softkeys and two Toolbar buttons

Note: In landscape orientation, a part of the status pane (the clock and indicator pane) is inside the control pane.

Using the control pane in applications

The APIs to use for the control pane are the Buttons API for the softkeys and the Options menu API for the menus.

For implementation information on using the softkeys, see Using the Buttons API. For implementation information on the menus, see Using the Options menu API.

The Symbian platform uses MENU_BAR resources to create the Options menu, when a mobile device user selects the Options softkey. The options that appear above the softkeys are determined by CBA resources. The MENU_BAR resources map the text that appears in the Options menu with commands that are collected by the event loop of the application framework and delivered to your application for command handling.