This topic explains how to search in a DOM tree using an XPath expression.
XPath is a simple query language for XML. An XPath expression describes a subset of an XML tree, such as all the elements with a specified name, or all the children of a specific node. Evaluating an XPath expression means searching in the XML tree for matching nodes or content: clients of the XML Engine use it to explore XML data.
The following steps show how to make an XPath query with the XML Engine.
Before you start, you must:
understand XPath syntax and the concept of Document Object Model (DOM).
understand the architecture and classes of the XML Engine component.
have created an [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'XML']]]RXmlEngDocument (called myDoc
in this
example), either by parsing an XML file (as indicated in the XML
DOM Parsing Tutorial) or by adding nodes to a new DOM tree.
Create an instance of [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'XML']]]RXmlEngXPathExpression by calling the [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'XML']]]TXmlEngXpathEvaluator::CreateExpressionL() method.
RXmlEngXPathExpression expr = TXmlEngXpathEvaluator::CreateExpressionL( "@*" );
RXmlEngXPathResult searchResult = expr.EvaluateL( myDoc );
variable contains a tree of [[[ERROR: [NOKX000E] Unable to find definition for key reference 'XML']]]TXmlEngAttr objects. This tree is a subset of the DOM
RXMLEngNodeSet set = result.AsNodeSet(); if( for TInt i = 0; i < set.Length(); i++ ) { TXmlEngNode resultNode = set[i]; /* [...] do something with the result */ }