CCoePlainTextDrawer Class Reference

#include <mw/coetextdrawer.h>

class CCoePlainTextDrawer : public CCoeTextDrawerBase

Inherits from

Detailed Description

This is a basic text drawer without any text effects. The default text drawer that can be used if no other (device specific) text drawers has been added to the system.

Member Function Documentation

MopSupplyObject ( TTypeUid )

IMPORT_C TTypeUid::PtrMopSupplyObject(TTypeUidaId)[protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from MObjectProvider::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid)

This function is defined by the MObjectProvider class. It allows the actual type of text drawer to be identified.

See also: MObjectProvider

aIdThe type of the desired object.
Return Value
A pointer to an object.

SetTextColor ( TRgb )

IMPORT_C voidSetTextColor(TRgbaTextColor)[virtual]

Reimplemented from CCoeTextDrawerBase::SetTextColor(TRgb)

TextColor ( )

DECLARE_TYPE_ID(0x1020831A) public IMPORT_C TRgbTextColor()const [virtual]