List layouts

In general, List items can are more complex (contain more elements) than grid items. Certain layout rules apply to all lists:

  • All items in a list have equal height on the screen (forms do not follow this rule in the Edit state, see Forms).

  • The column structure of all items in a list must be similar. For example, it is not possible to combine single-column items with a three-column item list (however, it is possible to use different item types that have the same general appearance). For more information, see Column structure of lists .

In landscape layout, all two row lists can be stretched to be displayed in one row. This enables displaying more items in the list. In list stretching, the second row is moved next to the first row. List stretching is ON by default, but application can decide to disable it.

Figure: Two-row list in stretched mode in landscape layout

Using list layouts in applications

The API to use for lists is the Lists API. For implementation information, see Using the Lists API.

For grids, the APIs to use are the Grids API and the Lists API. For implementation information, see Using the Grids API and Using the Lists API.