package; /* * Copyright © 2011 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. * Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. * Oracle and Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its * affiliates. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks * or trade names of their respective owners. * See LICENSE.TXT for license information. */ import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; import; import; import; /** * This class implements CanvasTextBox control with label, text editing area * decorations and a keyboard indicator. * * CanvasTextBox is based on CanvasGraphicsItem, on which label and text editor * borders are drawn. On Symbian platform, the keyboard indicator will be relocated * from its default position. Also a very simple scrollbar is drawn to indicate * position in case CanvasTextBox is constructed as multiline. * * CanvasTextBox can have normal, focused or dimmed (disabled) state. State is * encapsulated in TextBoxState objects (class TextBoxState is implemented in * this file). */ public class CanvasTextBox extends CanvasGraphicsItem implements TextEditorListener { private Font labelFont = null; private String label; private TextEditor textEditor; private TextBoxState normalState; private TextBoxState focusedState; private TextBoxState dimmedState; private TextBoxState currentState; private boolean enabled = true; private boolean focused = false; private TextEditorListener listener; private int controlWidth = 200; private int textLimit; private boolean multiline; private Scrollbar scrollbar; private Controls controls; private boolean showIndicator; // Default control's margin private final int margin = 3; // Margin applied around text editor and its border private final int textEditorBorderMargin = 9; // Margin applied on text editor it self private final int textEditorMargin = 12; public CanvasTextBox(Canvas parent, String label, int type, int textLimit, boolean multiline) { super(1, 1); this.setParent(parent); this.label = label; this.textLimit = textLimit; this.multiline = multiline; // By default indicator is displayed this.showIndicator = true; String platform = System.getProperty("microedition.platform"); if (platform != null) { // Disable indicator on JRT versions 2.2 and newer, since the // virtual keyboard contains indicator already. this.showIndicator = platform.indexOf("java_build_version=2.1") != -1; } this.labelFont = Font.getFont(Font.FACE_PROPORTIONAL, Font.STYLE_PLAIN, Font.SIZE_LARGE); this.initializeTextEditor(parent, type); this.createStates(); this.setAutomaticSize(); } public CanvasTextBox(Canvas parent, String label, int type, int textLimit) { // Construct single line text box with default width this(parent, label, type, textLimit, false); } public String getText() { return textEditor.getContent(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return textEditor.size() == 0; } public void clearChar() { int caret = textEditor.getCaretPosition() - 1; if (caret >= 0) { textEditor.delete(textEditor.getCaretPosition() - 1, 1); repaint(); } } public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); textEditor.setVisible(visible); } /** * Sets the control position. * * Repositions are also nested TextEditor and indicator (if supported). */ public void setPosition(int x, int y) { // Set position of the underlying CanvasGraphicsItem super.setPosition(x, y); // Calculate and sed position of TextEditor int editorX = x + (this.controlWidth - this.editorWidth()) / 2; int editorY = y + labelFont.getHeight() + 2 * this.margin + (this.currentState.height - this.textEditor.getHeight()) / 2; this.textEditor.setPosition(editorX, editorY); // Where supported, re-position also keyboard indicator if (this.textEditor instanceof { s60Editor = ( this.textEditor; s60Editor.setIndicatorLocation(editorX, y + labelFont.getHeight() + this.currentState.getHeight() + 3 * this.margin); s60Editor.setIndicatorVisibility(this.focused && this.showIndicator); } } /** * Sets size of the CanvasTextBox. * * This method re-layouts nested TextEditor and indicator (if supported). */ public void setSize(int w, int h) { // Set size of underlying CanvasGraphicsItem super.setSize(w, h); // Calculate the size of TextEditor. this.controlWidth = w; int editorHeight = h - labelFont.getHeight() - 3 * this.margin - 2 * this.textEditorBorderMargin; if (this.textEditor instanceof { // If the indicator is available, reduce size of the editor s60Editor = ( this.textEditor; editorHeight -= s60Editor.getIndicatorSize()[1] + this.margin; } this.textEditor.setSize(this.controlWidth - 2 * this.textEditorMargin - (this.scrollbar != null ? Scrollbar.width : 0), editorHeight); // States need to be re-created to reflect change in editor's size this.createStates(); // This call updates indicator position this.setPosition(this.getPositionX(), this.getPositionY()); } /** * Sets TextEditorListener. Events from TextEditor are forwarded to * given listener. */ public void setTextEditorListener(TextEditorListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } /** * Enables or disables control. */ public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (this.enabled == enabled) { return; } this.enabled = enabled; this.updateState(); this.repaint(); } public boolean isEnabled() { return this.enabled; } /** * Sets focus of the CanvasTextBox. Focus is forwarded to TextEditor, and * when control loses focus, it hides indicator (where it is supported). */ public void setFocused(boolean focused) { if (this.focused == focused) { //return; } this.focused = focused; this.updateState(); if (this.textEditor.hasFocus() != this.focused) { this.textEditor.setFocus(this.focused); } if (this.textEditor instanceof { s60Editor = ( this.textEditor; s60Editor.setIndicatorVisibility(this.focused && this.showIndicator); } this.repaint(); } public boolean isFocused() { return this.focused; } /** * This is very basic pointer event handling. It expects pointer pressed * events. * * CanvasGraphicsItem does not receive any pointer events, they are delivered * to parent Canvas, so this method needs to be called from * Canvas.pointerPressed() override. */ public void handlePointerPressed(int x, int y) { if (this.isVisible() && this.enabled) { if (this.hitTest(x, y)) { this.setFocused(true); if (this.scrollbar != null) { this.scrollbar.handlePointerPressed(x, y); this.repaint(); } if (this.controls != null) { this.controls.handlePointerPressed(x - this.getPositionX(), y - this.getPositionY()); this.repaint(); } } else { this.setFocused(false); } } } /** * This is very basic pointer event handling for pointer released * events. */ public void handlePointerReleased(int x, int y) { if (this.isVisible() && this.controls != null) { this.controls.handlePointerReleased(x - this.getPositionX(), y - this.getPositionY()); this.repaint(); } } /** * Checks whether given point belongs to the control. Coordinates are * relative to parent Canvas. */ public boolean hitTest(int x, int y) { return x >= this.getPositionX() && x < (this.getPositionX() + this.getWidth()) && y >= this.getPositionY() && y < (this.getPositionY() + this.getHeight()); } /** * Before exiting MIDlet, it is necessary to set parents of both TextEditor * and the base CanvasGraphics item to null. */ public void dispose() { this.textEditor.setParent(null); this.setParent(null); } /** * Paints the label, currentState and scrollbar. */ public void paint(Graphics gfx) { gfx.setColor(this.currentState.labelColor); gfx.drawString(this.label, this.margin, this.margin, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT); int textEditorY = this.labelFont.getHeight() + 2 * this.margin; this.currentState.paint(gfx, (this.controlWidth - this.currentState.width) / 2, textEditorY); if (this.scrollbar != null) { this.scrollbar.paint(gfx, this.textEditor.getWidth() + this.textEditorMargin, textEditorY + this.textEditorBorderMargin); } if (this.controls != null && this.isFocused()) { this.controls.paint(gfx, (this.controlWidth - this.currentState.width) / 2 + this.currentState.width, textEditorY); } } /** * Handles some of the TextEditor events to support scrollbar and forwards * events to external listener (if there is any). */ public void inputAction(TextEditor source, int type) { if (source != this.textEditor) { return; } if ((type & (TextEditorListener.ACTION_SCROLLBAR_CHANGED | TextEditorListener.ACTION_CARET_MOVE)) != 0) { if (this.scrollbar != null) { this.repaint(); } } if (this.listener != null) { this.listener.inputAction(source, type); } } /** * Creates TextEditor instance and sets its properties. */ private void initializeTextEditor(Canvas parent, int type) { this.textEditor = TextEditor.createTextEditor(this.textLimit, type, this.controlWidth - 2 * this.textEditorMargin, this.multiline ? 2 : 1); this.textEditor.setParent(parent); if (this.multiline) { this.textEditor.setMultiline(true); if (this.textEditor instanceof { this.textEditor.setSize(this.textEditor.getWidth() - Scrollbar.width, this.textEditor.getHeight()); this.scrollbar = new Scrollbar(this.textEditor, 0xaaaaaa, 0x101010); } } if (!(this.textEditor instanceof { this.controls = new Controls(this.textEditor, 0x101010, 0xaaaaaa, 0xffffff); } this.textEditor.setTextEditorListener(this); this.setZPosition(1); this.textEditor.setZPosition(2); } /** * Sets CanvasTextBox initial size. */ private void setAutomaticSize() { // Calculate height so all part of the CanvasTextBox fit int height = labelFont.getHeight() + this.normalState.getHeight() + 3 * this.margin; if (this.textEditor instanceof { s60Editor = ( this.textEditor; height += s60Editor.getIndicatorSize()[1] + this.margin; } super.setSize(this.controlWidth + 2 * this.margin, height); } /** * Updates currentState based on state flags. */ private void updateState() { if (this.enabled) { if (this.focused) { this.currentState = this.focusedState; } else { this.currentState = this.normalState; } } else { this.currentState = this.dimmedState; } this.textEditor.setForegroundColor(this.currentState.textColor); } /** * Creates CanvasTextBox states. */ private void createStates() { int width = this.editorWidth() + 2 * this.textEditorBorderMargin; int height = this.textEditor.getHeight() + 2 * this.textEditorBorderMargin; this.normalState = new TextBoxState(width, height, 0xffffff, 0xff000000, 0xe0e0e0); this.focusedState = new TextBoxState(width, height, 0xffffff, 0xff000000, 0xffffff); this.dimmedState = new TextBoxState(width, height, 0xc5c5c5, 0xff313131, 0xa0a0a0); this.updateState(); } /** * Calculates space needed for TextEditor. Scrollbar width is taken into * account. */ private int editorWidth() { return this.textEditor.getWidth() + (this.scrollbar != null ? Scrollbar.width : 0); } /** * Encapsulates CanvasTextBox visual appearance. * * TextBoxState allows to specify label, text and background colors. * * When the size of the owning CanvasTextEditor changes, TextBoxStates need to * be recreated since their width and height can only be set in the constructor. */ class TextBoxState { public int backgroundColor; public int labelColor; public int textColor; private int width; private int height; private final int cornersDiameter = 10; private final int borderColor = 0x000000; public TextBoxState(int width, int height, int labelColor, int textColor, int backgroundColor) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.labelColor = labelColor; this.textColor = textColor; this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } public int getHeight() { return this.height; } public int getWidth() { return this.width; } /** * Draws background and border. This method should be called from * CanvasTextBox paint method. */ public void paint(Graphics gfx, int x, int y) { gfx.setColor(this.backgroundColor); gfx.fillRoundRect(x, y, this.width, this.height, this.cornersDiameter, this.cornersDiameter); gfx.setColor(this.borderColor); gfx.drawRoundRect(x, y, this.width, this.height, this.cornersDiameter, this.cornersDiameter); } } }