Creating the in-app purchase resource files

In addition to the regular resource files used by your application, such as image files and other assets, create the following resource files for the in-app purchase feature:


    Create the IAP_VARIANTID.TXT file in the root of the application project's resource folder. Open the file in a text editor, enter "000000" (six zeroes) as its only contents, and save the file.

    Note: Make sure to create this file before you submit the application to Nokia Publish.

    The IAP_VARIANTID.TXT file is used by Nokia Publish to store the application's unique identifier before the application is published to Nokia Store.

  • Resource files to-be-protected with built-in DRM

    If you are using built-in DRM, create and store the resource files that are to be protected in the appropriate subfolders in the application project's resource folder. For more information, see section Protecting content with built-in DRM.

  • Other resource files

    If you are using your own DRM solution, or if your application includes unprotected content, create the corresponding files in the application project's resource folder. Use whatever subfolder structure you like with one exception: Do not use the <project_root>\<resource_folder>\drm\data subfolder, which is reserved for built-in DRM.


    The TEST_MODE.TXT file is required for testing the application on a device. For more information, see section Testing the application.