The MIDlet (Listing B.3.1) shows a simplified example of originating side UA in SIP session. The example handles only the SIP signaling in a sequence and does not handle any error cases.
The MIDlet implements following things:
Opens a SipConnectionNotifier for incoming requests like BYE and sets itself as a listener
Opens outbound SipClientConnection to the user specified in the MIDlet UI.
Initializes and sends INVITE with attached SDP content
Receives provisional responses 100, 180 until final 200 OK response
(The INVITE can be cancelled by sending CANCEL before the 200 OK has been received.)
Reads SDP content from 200 OK response
Saves the SipDialog information after 200 OK response
Initializes and sends ACK -> session established
Gets new SipClientConnection from SipDialog object
Initializes BYE request and sends it
Receives 200 OK for BYE -> session terminated
This MIDlet (Listing B.3.2) shows an example of terminating side UA in SIP session. The example handles only the SIP signaling in a sequence and does not handle any error cases.
The MIDlet does following steps:
Opens inbound SipConnectionNotifier for incoming requests on "sip:5070"
Receives INVITE request and reads the SDP content
Initializes and sends responses 180 and 200 OK, with own SDP content
(The INVITE can be rejected by sending 486 Buzy Here after the 180 Ringing has been sent.)
Waits for other side to send ACK -> session established
Waits for other side to send BYE -> session terminated
This MIDlet (Listing B.3.3) shows a simplified example of subscribing for presence info.
The MIDlet does following things:
Opens inbound SipConnectionNotifier for incoming requests on "sip:5060"
Sets the MIDlet as a listener for events from SipConnectionNotifier
Initializes and sends SUBSCRIBE with additional header information: Expires, Event and Accept
Waits for 200 OK response
Waits 10 seconds before sending un-SUBSCRIBE with "Expires: 0" header
Receives 200 OK for un-SUBSCRIBE in notifyResponse() method
The listener method notifyResponse() handles all NOTIFY requests
/* * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia. * This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, * is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All rights are reserved. * Copying, including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, * any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of Nokia. * This material also contains confidential information, which may not be * disclosed to others without the prior written consent of Nokia. * ============================================================================ */ package examples; import*; import*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.sip.*; public class OriginatingINVITE extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, SipClientConnectionListener, SipServerConnectionListener { private Display display; private long startTime; private Form form; private TextField address; private Command startCmd; private Command restartCmd; private Command byeCmd; private Command exitCmd; private SipDialog dialog; private StringItem str; private final short S_OFFLINE = 0; private final short S_CALLING = 1; private final short S_RINGING = 2; private final short S_ONLINE = 3; private short state = S_OFFLINE; private SipClientConnection scc = null; // using static SDP content as an example private String sdp = "v=0\no=sippy 2890844730 2890844732 IN IP4" + " \ns=example code\nc=IN " + "IP4\nt=0 0\nm=message" + " 54344 SIP/TCP\na=user:sippy"; public OriginatingINVITE() { // Initialize MIDlet display display = Display.getDisplay(this); // create a Form for progess info printings form = new Form("Session example"); address = new TextField("INVITE:", "sip:[email protected]:5070", 40, TextField.LAYOUT_LEFT); form.append(address); byeCmd = new Command("Hang-up", Command.CANCEL, 1); restartCmd = new Command("Restart", Command.OK, 1); startCmd = new Command("Call...", Command.OK, 1); form.addCommand(startCmd); exitCmd = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); form.addCommand(exitCmd); form.setCommandListener(this); } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == startCmd) { form.deleteAll(); form.removeCommand(startCmd); form.addCommand(byeCmd); state = S_CALLING; Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { startSession(); } }; t.start(); // startSession(); return; } else if (c == exitCmd) { destroyApp(true); return; } else if (c == byeCmd) { if (state == S_RINGING) { sendCANCEL(); } else { sendBYE(); } form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); return; } else if (c == restartCmd) { stopListener(); form.removeCommand(restartCmd); form.addCommand(startCmd); form.deleteAll(); form.append(address); return; } } public void startApp() { display.setCurrent(form); } private void startSession() { try { state = S_CALLING; // start a listener for incoming requests startListener(); // open SIP connection with remote user scc = (SipClientConnection); scc.setListener(this); // initialize INVITE request scc.initRequest("INVITE", null); // We have dedicated SipConnectionNotifier so we, need // to set the From and Contact headers scc.setHeader("From", "sip:[email protected]"); // scc.setHeader("Accept-Contact", "*;type=\"app/chess\""); scc.setHeader("Contact", "sip:user@" + scn.getLocalAddress() + ":" + scn.getLocalPort()); scc.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + sdp.length()); scc.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/sdp"); OutputStream os = scc.openContentOutputStream(); os.write(sdp.getBytes()); os.close(); // close and send str = new StringItem("Inviting... ", scc.getHeader("To")); form.append(str); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // handle IOException } } /** * Handle incoming response here */ public void notifyResponse(SipClientConnection scc) { int statusCode = 0; boolean received = false; try { scc.receive(0); // fetch resent response statusCode = scc.getStatusCode(); str = new StringItem("Response: ", statusCode + " " + scc.getReasonPhrase()); form.append(str); if (statusCode < 200) { if (statusCode == 180) state = S_RINGING; dialog = scc.getDialog(); form.append("Early-Dialog state: " + dialog.getState() + "\n"); form.append("RINGING...\n"); } if (statusCode == 200) { String contentType = scc.getHeader("Content-Type"); String contentLength = scc.getHeader("Content-Length"); int length = Integer.parseInt(contentLength); if (contentType.equals("application/sdp")) { // handle SDP here } dialog = scc.getDialog(); // save dialog info form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()); scc.initAck(); // initialize and send ACK scc.send(); str = new StringItem("Session established: ", scc .getHeader("Call-ID")); form.append(str); scc.close(); state = S_OFFLINE; } else if (statusCode >= 300) { str = new StringItem("Session failed: ", scc .getHeader("Call-ID")); form.append(str); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); scc.close(); state = S_OFFLINE; } } catch (IOException ioe) { // handle e.g. transaction timeout here str = new StringItem("No answer: ", ioe.getMessage()); form.append(str); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); } } /** * end session with BYE */ private void sendBYE() { if (dialog != null) { try { SipClientConnection sc = dialog.getNewClientConnection("BYE"); sc.send(); str = new StringItem("user hang-up: ", "BYE sent..."); form.append(str); boolean gotit = sc.receive(10000); if (gotit) { if (sc.getStatusCode() == 200) { form.append("Session closed successfully..."); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()); } else form.append("Error: " + sc.getReasonPhrase()); } sc.close(); state = S_OFFLINE; } catch (IOException iox) { form.append("Exception: " + iox.getMessage()); } } else { form.append("No dialog information!"); } } private void sendCANCEL() { if (scc != null) { try { SipClientConnection cancel = scc.initCancel(); cancel.send(); if (cancel.receive(30000)) { str = new StringItem("Session canceled: ", cancel .getReasonPhrase()); form.append(str); state = S_OFFLINE; } else { form.append("Error canceling the call..."); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } public void pauseApp() { // pause } public void destroyApp(boolean b) { notifyDestroyed(); } public void shutdown() { destroyApp(false); } private SipConnectionNotifier scn; private SipServerConnection ssc = null; public void notifyRequest(SipConnectionNotifier sn) { try { ssc = scn.acceptAndOpen(); // blocking if (ssc.getMethod().equals("BYE")) { // respond 200 OK to BYE ssc.initResponse(200); ssc.send(); str = new StringItem("Other side hang-up!", ""); form.append(str); form.append("Closing notifier..."); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); scn.close(); state = S_OFFLINE; } else { if (ssc.getMethod().equals("PRACK")) { ssc.initResponse(200); ssc.send(); } else { // 405 Method Not Allowed ssc.initResponse(405); ssc.send(); } } } catch (IOException ex) { // handle IOException } } private void startListener() { try { if (scn != null) scn.close(); // listen to requests on port 5060 scn = (SipConnectionNotifier)"sip:5090"); scn.setListener(this); } catch (IOException ex) { // handle IOException } } private void stopListener() { try { if (scn != null) scn.close(); scn = null; } catch (IOException ex) { // handle IOException } } }
/* * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia. * This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, * is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All rights are reserved. * Copying, including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, * any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of Nokia. * This material also contains confidential information, which may not be * disclosed to others without the prior written consent of Nokia. * ============================================================================ */ package examples; import*; import*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.sip.*; public class TerminatingINVITE extends MIDlet implements CommandListener, SipServerConnectionListener { private Display display; private long startTime; private Form form; private TextField receivePort; private Command startCmd; private Command restartCmd; private Command byeCmd; private Command answerCmd; private Command cancelCmd; private Command exitCmd; private boolean active = false; private SipDialog dialog; private StringItem str; private SipServerConnection ssc = null; // latest request private SipServerConnection origSSC = null; // original request private final short S_OFFLINE = 0; private final short S_CALLING = 1; private final short S_RINGING = 2; private final short S_ONLINE = 3; private short state = S_OFFLINE; // using static SDP as an example private String sdp = "v=0\no=sippy 2890844730 2890844732 IN IP4 " + "\ns=example code\nc=IN IP4" + "\nt=0 0\nm=message 54344 " + "SIP/TCP\na=user:sippy"; SipConnectionNotifier scn = null; public TerminatingINVITE() { // Initialize MIDlet display display = Display.getDisplay(this); form = new Form("Session example"); receivePort = new TextField("SipConnectionNotifier on port:", "sip:5070", 30, TextField.LAYOUT_LEFT); form.append(receivePort); answerCmd = new Command("Answer", Command.OK, 1); byeCmd = new Command("Hang-up", Command.CANCEL, 1); restartCmd = new Command("Restart", Command.OK, 1); startCmd = new Command("Online", Command.OK, 1); form.addCommand(startCmd); exitCmd = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 2); form.addCommand(exitCmd); form.setCommandListener(this); } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == startCmd) { form.deleteAll(); form.removeCommand(startCmd); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { startListener(); } }; t.start(); return; } else if (c == exitCmd) { if (scn != null) { try { scn.close(); } catch (IOException iox) { } } destroyApp(true); return; } else if (c == byeCmd) { if (state == S_RINGING) { try { ssc.initResponse(486); // Busy here ssc.send(); str = new StringItem("Session closed: ", "Busy here!"); form.append(str); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else { sendBYE(); } form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); state = S_OFFLINE; } else if (c == answerCmd) { form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(byeCmd); try { ssc.initResponse(200); ssc.setHeader("Content-Length", "" + sdp.length()); ssc.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/sdp"); OutputStream os = ssc.openContentOutputStream(); os.write(sdp.getBytes()); os.close(); // close and send // save Dialog dialog = ssc.getDialog(); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState() + "\n"); // Wait for otherside to ACK form.append("Waiting for ACK..."); ssc.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } else if (c == restartCmd) { if (scn != null) { try { scn.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } form.removeCommand(restartCmd); form.addCommand(startCmd); form.deleteAll(); form.append(receivePort); return; } } public void startApp() { display.setCurrent(form); } private void startListener() { try { if (scn != null) scn.close(); // start a listener for incoming request scn = (SipConnectionNotifier) .getString()); scn.setListener(this); form.append("Listening on port: " + scn.getLocalPort()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // handle IOException } } /** * Handle incoming Requests */ public void notifyRequest(SipConnectionNotifier scn) { try { ssc = scn.acceptAndOpen(); // blocking if (ssc.getMethod().equals("INVITE")) { origSSC = ssc; state = S_CALLING; // handle content String contentType = ssc.getHeader("Content-Type"); String contentLength = ssc.getHeader("Content-Length"); int length = Integer.parseInt(contentLength); if (contentType.equals("application/sdp")) { InputStream is = ssc.openContentInputStream(); byte content[] = new byte[length];; String sc = new String(content); // parse m= line from SDP, as an example int m = sc.indexOf("m="); String media = sc.substring(m, sc.indexOf('\n', m)); str = new StringItem("media is: ", media); form.append(str); // handle media here // initialize and send 180 response ssc.initResponse(180); ssc.send(); // save Dialog dialog = ssc.getDialog(); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState() + "\n"); form.addCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(byeCmd); // inform user about the session here... form.append("RINGING!!!\n"); state = S_RINGING; return; } } else if (ssc.getMethod().equals("ACK")) { str = new StringItem("Session established: ", ssc .getHeader("Call-ID")); state = S_ONLINE; form.append(str); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState() + "\n"); // Wait for otherside to send BYE form.append("Waiting for BYE..."); ssc.close(); } else if (ssc.getMethod().equals("BYE")) { ssc.initResponse(200); ssc.send(); state = S_OFFLINE; str = new StringItem("Session closed: ", ssc .getHeader("Call-ID")); form.append(str); form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()); ssc.close(); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); } else if (ssc.getMethod().equals("CANCEL")) { ssc.initResponse(200); ssc.send(); origSSC.initResponse(487); origSSC.send(); state = S_OFFLINE; str = new StringItem("Session canceled: ", ssc .getHeader("Call-ID")); form.append(str); ssc.close(); form.removeCommand(byeCmd); form.removeCommand(answerCmd); form.addCommand(restartCmd); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // handle IOException } } private void sendBYE() { if (dialog != null) { try { SipClientConnection sc = dialog.getNewClientConnection("BYE"); sc.send(); str = new StringItem("user hang-up: ", "BYE sent..."); form.append(str); boolean gotit = sc.receive(10000); if (gotit) { if (sc.getStatusCode() == 200) { form.append("Session closed successfully..."); state = S_OFFLINE; } else form.append("Error: " + sc.getReasonPhrase()); } form.append("Dialog state: " + dialog.getState()); sc.close(); } catch (IOException iox) { form.append("Exception: " + iox.getMessage()); } } else { form.append("No dialog information!"); } } public void pauseApp() { // pause } public void destroyApp(boolean b) { notifyDestroyed(); } }
/* * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia. * This material, including documentation and any related computer programs, * is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All rights are reserved. * Copying, including reproducing, storing, adapting or translating, * any or all of this material requires the prior written consent of Nokia. * This material also contains confidential information, which may not be * disclosed to others without the prior written consent of Nokia. * ============================================================================ */ package examples; import*; import*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.sip.*; public class Subscribe extends MIDlet implements SipClientConnectionListener, SipServerConnectionListener, CommandListener { private Display display; private SipDialog dialog; private Form form; private TextField userAddr; private Command sendCmd; private Command exitCmd; public Subscribe() { display = Display.getDisplay(this); form = new Form("SUBSCRIBE from server"); display.setCurrent(form); userAddr = new TextField("Subscribe To:", "sip:[email protected]", 40, TextField.LAYOUT_LEFT); form.append(userAddr); sendCmd = new Command("Subscribe", Command.ITEM, 1); form.addCommand(sendCmd); exitCmd = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1); form.addCommand(exitCmd); form.setCommandListener(this); } public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) { if (c == sendCmd) { Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { subscribe(); } }; t.start(); } if (c == exitCmd) { destroyApp(true); } } public void startApp() { } private void subscribe() { form.append("Subscribing...\n"); try { SipConnectionNotifier scn = null; SipServerConnection ssc = null; // Start notifier on port 5060 scn = (SipConnectionNotifier)"sip:5088"); scn.setListener(this); // Open outbound SIP connection to sippy.tester SipClientConnection scc = (SipClientConnection) Connector .open(userAddr.getString()); // Initialize and send SUBSCRIBE for 'presence' events scc.initRequest("SUBSCRIBE", scn); scc.setHeader("From", "sip:[email protected]"); scc.setHeader("Contact", "sip:user@" + scn.getLocalAddress() + ":" + scn.getLocalPort()); scc.setHeader("Expires", "930"); scc.setHeader("Event", "presence"); scc.addHeader("Accept", "application/xpidf+xml"); scc.send(); scc.receive(5000); // blocking receive form.append("Response: " + scc.getStatusCode()); dialog = scc.getDialog(); scc.close(); form.append("Wait 10 secs before unsubscribing..."); synchronized (this) { try { wait(3000); } catch (Exception ee) { } } // Initialize and send un-SUBSCRIBE, with Expires: 0 scc = dialog.getNewClientConnection("SUBSCRIBE"); // for example handle response in a listener scc.setListener(this); scc.setHeader("Expires", "0"); scc.setHeader("Event", "presence"); scc.send(); scc.receive(5000); // blocking receive form.append("Response: " + scc.getStatusCode()); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); // handle IOException } } /** * listener method for incoming responses */ public void notifyResponse(SipClientConnection scc) { try { scc.receive(0); // non-blocking receive form.append("Response: " + scc.getStatusCode()); // handle response here scc.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { // handle IOException } } /** * listener method for incoming requests */ public void notifyRequest(SipConnectionNotifier scn) { SipServerConnection ssc; try { ssc = scn.acceptAndOpen(); // non-blocking form.append("Message: " + ssc.getMethod() + " received"); // check if the received request is NOTIFY and it belongs to our // dialog if (ssc.getMethod().equals("NOTIFY") && dialog.isSameDialog(ssc)) { String contentType = ssc.getHeader("Content-Type"); String contentLength = ssc.getHeader("Content-Length"); int length = Integer.parseInt(contentLength); if (contentType.equals("application/xpidf+xml")) { InputStream is = ssc.openContentInputStream(); byte buf[] = new byte[length]; int i =; String tmp = new String(buf, 0, i); form.append("NOTIFY info:" + tmp); ssc.initResponse(200); ssc.send(); // handle presence info } } else { // send 481 "Subscription does not exist" ssc.initResponse(481); ssc.send(); } ssc.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } public void pauseApp() { } public void destroyApp(boolean b) { notifyDestroyed(); } public void shutdown() { destroyApp(false); } }