Implementing ControlBar

The ControlBar class draws the video controls that are displayed on top of the canvas.

The drawControlBar method is called from the VideoCanvas class when it wants to draw the controls on top of the canvas. The method first draws the box for the icons, and then checks which buttons it should draw and calls for the drawIconButton method for each icon.

    public void drawControlBar(Graphics g) {
        dg = DirectUtils.getDirectGraphics(g);

        button_width = (width / 3) - W_GAP;
        button_height = (height) - 2 * H_GAP;

        first_button_x = x + W_GAP;
        first_button_y = y + H_GAP;
        second_button_x = first_button_x + button_width + W_GAP;
        second_button_y = y + H_GAP;
        third_button_x = second_button_x + button_width + W_GAP;
        third_button_y = y + H_GAP;

        // The whole ControlBar area
        g.drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height, 30, 30);

        // First button: Camera takes snapshot, video toggles play/stop
        if (parent.getType() == VideoOverlayMIDlet.CAMERA) {
            if (this.button_type == VideoOverlayMIDlet.ICON
                    && snap_icon != null) {
                this.drawIconButton(g, first_button_x, first_button_y,
                        button_width, button_height, snap_icon);
        } else {
            if (parent.getPlayerState() == Player.PREFETCHED) {
                if (this.button_type == VideoOverlayMIDlet.ICON
                        && play_icon != null) {
                    this.drawIconButton(g, first_button_x, first_button_y,
                            button_width, button_height, play_icon);
            } else {
                if (this.button_type == VideoOverlayMIDlet.ICON
                        && pause_icon != null) {
                    this.drawIconButton(g, first_button_x, first_button_y,
                            button_width, button_height, pause_icon);

        // Second button: Toggles full screen mode

        if (parent.isFullScreen()) {
            if (this.button_type == VideoOverlayMIDlet.ICON
                    && normalScreen_icon != null) {
                this.drawIconButton(g, second_button_x, second_button_y,
                        button_width, button_height, normalScreen_icon);
        } else {
            if (this.button_type == VideoOverlayMIDlet.ICON
                    && fullScreen_icon != null) {
                this.drawIconButton(g, second_button_x, second_button_y,
                        button_width, button_height, fullScreen_icon);
        // Third button: Hides ControlBar

        if (this.button_type == VideoOverlayMIDlet.ICON
                && hide_icon != null) {
            this.drawIconButton(g, third_button_x, third_button_y,
                    button_width, button_height, hide_icon);

The drawIconButton method draws the individual icon for the control bar:

    private void drawIconButton(Graphics g, int x, int y,
            int width, int height, Image icon) {
        g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
                x + (width / 2),
                y + (height / 2),
                Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.HCENTER);