Appendix D. Future items

During the development of this specification version 1.0 some of the items originally planned to be included were left out from the specification. This specification provides Java API for the features defined by the NFC Forum. And as some of the specifications needed in this Java API were not finalized in the NFC Forum during the development of this specification, these features were left out to be included in the later version. These features to be later included into the JSR 257 specification include:

NFC Forum peer-to-peer communication allows exchanging data between two NFC enabled devices. The protocol for this half-duplex communication is defined in the NFC Forum.

The NFC Forum mandates the support for NDEF mapping to few physical tag types. In addition to this mapping, the NFC Forum also publishes a set of commands that can be used to access the manufacturer specific parts and data structures in the physical tags. The intent for this Java API is to provide standardized connection interfaces for these manufacturer specific parts. The finalization of the public command sets was ongoing when this version 1.0 of this specification was finalized.