Determining the Java Runtime for Symbian version

The Java Runtime for Symbian version is part of the return string from the system property microedition.platform. To retrieve the version value, you need to separate the java_build_version value from the rest of the return string.

The JRT version value is a three-digit version number (x.y.z), in which the first two numbers indicate the major and minor versions, while the third number indicates the internal revision, or build. For example, a device with Java Runtime 1.3 for S60 can return the string 1.3.4.

The following example method determines the JRT version and returns its value as a String object:

public String getJavaVersion() {
    String platformString = System.getProperty("microedition.platform");
    String version = "";
    int index = 0;
    index = platformString.toLowerCase().indexOf("java_build_version");
    if (index != 0) {
        version = platformString.substring(index + 19);
    } else {
        version = "N/A";
    return version;

For a full example MIDlet, see article How to retrieve version number of Java Runtime for S60 in the Nokia Developer Wiki.

For more information about the version scheme, see article Naming and versioning of Java Runtime for Symbian in the Nokia Developer Wiki.