Launching applications with parameters

You can launch MIDlets or native Symbian applications from other MIDlets or native Symbian applications with additional command line arguments. The command line arguments can determine settings such as MIDlet orientation or sound muting. The ability to launch MIDlets with command line arguments is supported from Java Runtime 2.1 for Symbian onwards.

Note: The Series 40 platform allows MIDlets to launch other MIDlets with the Content Handler API (JSR-211). Native Symbian application interaction is not supported in Series 40.

Launching MIDlets and native applications is handled with the platformRequest method.

The URI scheme localapp:// is available for both Series 40 and Symbian. The localapp:// scheme is used for launching native applications, and also can be used for launching MIDlets with the URI prefix localapp://jam/launch?.

In Symbian, also the following URI schemes are available for launching MIDlets and native applications with command line arguments:

  • javaapp: - for launching other MIDlets

  • nativeapp: - for launching native applications

The command line arguments are entered as additional parameters inside the platformRequest method. With native applications, these parameters depend on the application being launched. With MIDlets, you can name the arguments freely and then retrieve their values using system properties, provided they are declared with JAD/JAR manifest parameter Nokia-MIDlet-Launch-Params. The full command line is available through system property

There is one proprietary command line argument, PromptAppStartup. When it is set, the runtime checks the auto invocation permission of the MIDlet before launching it.

For more specific examples, see the following sections: