This section suggests possible new sources of information that could be useful for new developers.
For information on the basic structure of a MIDlet, see the following:
Start familiarizing yourself with the different APIs. The easiest and most logical place to start is the Mobile Information Device 2.0 (JSR-118) specification.
The developer's guide sections of the Java Developer's Library, for example section UI and graphics, contain example applications and step-by-step- instructions for creating them. The most basic example tutorials, which allow you to familiarize yourself with basic Java programming, include:
SimpleTest—This example MIDlet shows you how to use a high-level LCDUI class
) and implement a low-level LCDUI class (Canvas
Creating a file access system—The purpose of the example is to demonstrate how to access files and navigate the file system.
Battle Tank—This example MIDlet shows you how to use the Game API to create a simple Java game.
Multimedia applications—This MIDP application demonstrates the usage of the Mobile Media API (JSR-135) by playing audio and video clips.
The Implementation Notes list the differences between an implementation of an API and a Java™ specification. They also give essential information about changes in the implementation between platform releases.
For information on Java technology in general, see:
The Nokia Developer website contain a wealth of information about developing MIDlets. For example: