
The MIDlet UI is designed to scale across a range of Series 40 and Symbian devices. The UI graphics are available in two sizes and have been tested to work on the following screen resolutions:

  • 128 x 160

  • 240 x 320

  • 320 x 240

  • 240 x 400

  • 400 x 240

  • 360 x 640

  • 640 x 360

  • 640 x 480

The MIDlet includes a view for checking the weather and a number of subviews for settings.

Figure: Weather view on a Series 40 touch and type device

The MIDlet uses the fastest available positioning method, starting with cell ID positioning. If cell ID positioning cannot be used, the MIDlet tries to retrieve the location using GPS. If GPS is not available either, the user can enter the location manually through the location search. The location search supports auto-complete. The MIDlet has been designed so that missing location APIs do not cause any errors: even if the device supports no location APIs, the MIDlet still runs gracefully.

Figure: Location search view

The MIDlet uses World Weather Online APIs for retrieving both weather forecast data and location search data. Due to licensing terms, the World Weather Online API key is not published in the source code of the MIDlet. If you compile the MIDlet from the source code, either include your own API key in the class file or run the MIDlet in test mode. To enable test mode, set the TestMode JAD attribute to on:

TestMode: on

In test mode, the MIDlet uses static example forecast data instead of real forecast data.

The Series 40 full touch version of the MIDlet uses the Orientation API to detect display orientation changes and adjust its UI orientation accordingly.

For information about implementing the MIDlet, see section Implementation.