
MIDlet architecture

In the TouristRoute MIDlet, all the UI layer classes are included in the package. Model layer classes and interfaces can be found from the package. Only the model layer classes use the Location API. To get acquainted with the Location API, the model layer classes are the most interesting ones to look at. The UI layer classes only contain the UI implementation and command controller logic of the MIDlet and therefore do not help in learning how to use the Location API. The following figure shows the classes and their relationships in the MIDlet.

Figure: TouristRoute MIDlet class diagram

The model layer classes and interfaces implement the following tasks:

  • ControlPoints handles all operations related to the landmark store.

  • TouristData listens for events through LocationListener and ProximityListener and handles data updates to the TouristUI viewer class.

  • ProviderStatusListener is an interface that is used to deliver the location provider selection notification. In addition, this interface is used to deliver the information that LocationProvider has successfully started to receive location updates (for example, from a GPS module). The MIDlet listens for events through this interface.

  • ConfigurationProvider handles LocationProvider selection during the MIDlet startup stage. After a location provider is selected, a notification event is sent back to MIDlet through the ProviderSelectedListener interface. In addition, ConfigurationProvider checks for orientation detection support and provides access to the Orientation class of the Location API.

MIDlet startup sequence

The MIDlet startup performs an automatic location provider search. The MIDlet use can begin after the location provider is found and the MIDlet is capable of receiving location update events.

The use of a network-based location provider may require the user to pay a fee. The MIDlet first tries to find a free location provider from a set of predefined location providers. If a free location provider (for example, a GPS module over a Bluetooth connection) is found, the location provider search ends. If no free location providers are found, the MIDlet prompts the user whether they want to use a non-free location provider service. If the user allows this, the MIDlet continues the search with non-free providers. The MIDlet uses predefined cost Criteria in searching for non-free location providers. When a location provider is found and selected, the MIDlet receives a providerSelectedEvent.

At this point, the MIDlet registers to listen for events from the selected location provider. The first position calculation may take a while, especially when using a GPS module as the location provider. This is why it may take some time for the first locationUpdated event to arrive in the TouristData class. When the first locationUpdated event arrives, a firstLocationUpdateEvent is sent to the TouristMIDlet class and the MIDlet UI (TouristUI) is set to visible.

Note: Some location modules may take longer to start than others and the states of the module can differ between module manufacturers. This means that you need take into account that the first location fix can take some time to retrieve due to the module startup time and satellite signal strengths.

The following sequence diagram shows how the MIDlet searches for location providers during startup.

Figure: MIDlet startup sequence


After startup, when a connection to a location provider is available, the MIDlet switches to the route view (TouristUI) and begins updating the device location information.

Figure: Route view

By selecting Editor in the route view, the user can switch to the landmark editor view. In this view, the user can edit address information for the current device location. By selecting Save in the landmark editor view, the address information is saved to the device's landmark store. Selecting List switches the landmark editor view to the landmarks list view without saving the landmark. The landmarks list view contains all the saved landmarks. Selecting Save in the landmark editor view also switches the view to the landmarks list view.

Devices and emulators that support orientation detection have the extra Compass command available in the route view. Selecting Compass switches the route view to the compass view, which shows compass information.

Figure: Compass view

Selecting Pitch and Roll in the compass view switches the current view to the pitch and roll view. The pitch and roll view displays the device's pitch (tilt) and roll (rotation in degrees around the device's own longitudinal axis).

Figure: Pitch and roll view

From a code point of view, the use of the MIDlet begins from the TouristUI canvas class, which implements the route view. From the TouristUI, the user can switch either to the LandMarkEditorUI, which implements the landmark editor view, or to the CompassUI, which implements the compass view. Note that switching to the CompassUI is possible only if the device or emulator supports orientation detection. The CompassUI allows the user to switch to the PitchRollUI, which implements the pitch and roll view. All the UI classes allow the user to switch back to the previous view. The following figure shows the navigation between the UI views implemented by the classes.

Figure: UI view changes

The UI classes perform the following tasks:

  • The LandmarkEditorUI lists stored landmarks. It also allows the user to create new landmarks and remove existing landmarks.

  • The TouristUI displays information about the device's current location, for example, latitude and longitude coordinates, moving speed, and distance.

  • The CompassUI draws a compass on the screen. It also provides information about the compass type.

  • The PitchRollUI displays pitch and roll information about the device's orientation if the device has a 3D compass sensor.


For instructions on how to implement the MIDlet, see section Implementation.