Multimedia - VideoOverlayMIDlet

This example MIDlet shows you how to create graphical overlay controls for video playback. The video can be the stream from the device camera or a video file stored on the device.

Figure: Video playback with overlay controls in full screen mode

For a tutorial that shows you how to create this MIDlet, see section Example: Creating a video overlay.


This MIDlet is compatible with Java Runtime 2.2 for Symbian devices and newer (some devices require the Symbian Anna update installed).

This MIDlet has been tested on the following devices:

  • Nokia C7-00 (Symbian Anna with Java Runtime 2.2 for Symbian)

MIDlet project

The MIDlet project files are packaged as a zip file. To download the zip file, click the following link:

Download VideoOverlayMIDlet

Table: MIDlet details

MIDlet version


Creation date

20 January 2012


Eclipse and NetBeans


Symbian^3 SDK 1.0 for Nokia devices

MIDlet classes

The MIDlet consists of the following classes (click to view the full source code):