Using the Purchase Ticket Verification (PTV) API, a back-end server can check with Nokia Store that an in-app purchase was made by a consumer, before delivering the purchased item to the consumer's device.
The verification process is a simple two-way communication:
Back-end server:
Sends a PurchaseVerificationRequest
to Nokia Store,
identifying the purchased transaction, consumer, and device.
Nokia Store:
Responds with a PurchaseVerificationResponse
to the back-end
server, indicating whether or not the purchase was successful.
For an illustration of the data exchange between a device,back-end server, and Nokia Store, see this purchase flow .
To use the PTV API, you create a script that sends an XML purchase verification request over an HTTPS connection.
The HTTP request contains the following:
Set these fields:
: Set to POST
. Do not
use GET
for this field.
: Set to
. Use the GET
method here, not POST
: Set to either HTTP/1.1
or HTTP/1.0
: Set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
. The form
indicates that the Entity-Body
contains form data. The UTF-8
identifies the character set being used in the request.
: Provide form data consisting
of the form parameter content
equated to the XML
request. The body must contain characters in the UTF-8 set only.
To verify that an in-app
purchase was successful, your script sends a PurchaseVerificationRequest
to Nokia Store. In the request, you can use either of these
XML elements:
element This uses plain text
to identify a single purchase transaction, using the XML attributes
in the table below.
element: This is a base64
encoding of the PurchaseTicket
value. This means
you must replace characters such as +
, /
, and =
with their corresponding percent-escaped
hexadecimal sequences: %2B
, %2F
and %3D
. You can make the required character replacements
through a URL-encoding function call. For example, in Python:
body = urllib.urlencode({'content': validationRequest})
When a consumer makes an in-app purchase, Nokia Store processes
the payment and sends a PurchaseCompleted
back to the application on the device. The signal includes a base64
encoding of a PurchaseTicket
, with all the information in the table below. The application sends
this purchase ticket your script on the back-end server, which can
then independently verify the purchase with Nokia Store before delivering
the purchased item to the device. (See this illustration of the purchase
You can use the Binary
XML element
to encapsulate the entire PurchaseTicket
as-is, without
modification, to send to Nokia Store for verification. If however,
you want to check values within the PurchaseTicket
, you can decode the ticket into its components.
The PurchaseTicket
element has the following attributes:
Attribute |
Data type |
Description |
Uniquely identifies the purchase transaction. |
Identifies the date and time of the purchase. |
Identifies the type of in-app purchase. Nokia Publish generates
this value when you identify the
in-app purchase items. A device application can also use the in-app purchase
API method |
Identifies the application. |
A hashed value of the user's account ID. An application
can also use the in-app purchase API method |
A hashed value of the user's IMEI. An application can also
use the in-app purchase API method |
A hashed value of the user's IMSI. An application can also
use the in-app purchase API method |
Verifies data integrity. The value is a hexadecimal string
presentation of an SHA–1 hash. The hash is calculated over a string
that is derived by concatenating the other |
The PurchaseTicket
attributes use the
following data types:
Data type | Description |
A string value, with a length between 1 and 128 characters. |
A time in the UTC time zone, for example |
A string value, with a length of 128 characters. |
A string value, with a length of 40 characters. |
The possible XML elements and attributes as well as their data types are also defined in the PTV API XML schema.
Example of the PurchaseTicket
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <PurchaseVerificationRequest xmlns=""> <PurchaseTicket transactionId="203491061159" transactionTime="2011-09-30T22:22:04.000Z" productId="675193" applicationId="675199" accountId="70a956379cf106702bc1704f682fd38775f101d4cfe5c95e66669f4cb3dab20ccb2b0c9c9aa87925aa962ce9710649bd2b42acf4c389967e036f1596c4c8d4da" imei="da770ec91053e736bc1c4af77551d57a915d7f46ca504df2ca1e06d4246d6102e228694096f809bc664986b93ed0e635c295bd1c9b214947387ba28672a7b6f1" imsi="da4d9c98a784b9f5f35a4584e68f7a9f01ff993d5256975cfbe209346104fd78cd8e3af072f3d41a490600d5cc4aaf140e3cb82650e3c5756255c296953eabe4" signature="7bd5cd30576996a90cdac1c61a9f4e43d59242c1"/> </PurchaseVerificationRequest>
In the example above the signature is calculated as SHA1("2034910611592011-09-30T22:22:04.000Z67519367519970a956379cf106702bc1704f682fd38775f101d4cfe5c95e66669f4cb3dab20ccb2b0c9c9aa87925aa962ce9710649bd2b42acf4c389967e036f1596c4c8d4dada770ec91053e736bc1c4af77551d57a915d7f46ca504df2ca1e06d4246d6102e228694096f809bc664986b93ed0e635c295bd1c9b214947387ba28672a7b6f1")
Note: The signature shown above as well as the Binary
element shown below both have long values that might not wrap in
a browser. If the value is truncated, try scrolling the display right
or copying the all text inside the frame to a text editor.
Example of the Binary
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <PurchaseVerificationRequest xmlns=""> <Binary>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 </Binary> </PurchaseVerificationRequest>
Nokia Store responds to your HTTP request by sending an HTTP response containing the following:
, a Status-Code
indicates the result of the HTTP request, using standard HTTP codes:200
: The HTTP request succeeded. For Purchase
Ticket Verifications, the Entity-Body
contains an
XML response document.
: The HTTP request
failed. The Reason-Phrase
describes the error. An
error you might encounter is400 Bad Request
, which
can indicate one of the following types of HTTP syntax errors:Invalid HTTP method, for example, using GET
instead of POST
in the HTTP Request-Line Method
Invalid character that is not in the UTF-8 character set, for example, using curly quotes (also called smart quotes) “ ” instead of straight quotes " " to enclose an XML attribute value
Missing content=
in the Entity-Body
of the HTTP request
Adding a content=
where it is not required,
in the Entity-Body
of the HTTP response
If the HTTP Status-Code
is OK, the Entity-Body
contains an XML PurchaseVerificationResponse
element with a result
attribute indicating the result of the specified in-app purchase
Value |
Description |
The payment succeeded. |
The payment failed. |
The payment was refunded. |
The |
Example of a purchase verification response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <PurchaseVerificationResponse result="OK" xmlns=""/>
For a complete PHP script showing how to encode both
a PurchaseVerificationRequest
, see the server-side
script ptvManager.php
for the BuyAndDownloadExample.