This example MIDlet demonstrates the use and functionality of the Advanced Multimedia Supplements API (AMMS API). The MIDlet implements a game in which a Walker explores the different rooms of a Mansion. Each room has its own reverb settings and one or more moving sound sources.
Figure: Opening view
You need the following to develop and test this MIDlet:
Series 40 5th Edition FP1 or S60 3rd Edition FP1 SDK or newer
Series 40 5th Edition FP1 or S60 3rd Edition FP1 device or newer
Note: For the environmental audio to work in the emulator, you need an EAX™ compatible sound card.
For instructions on how to set up the Java ME development environment, see section Setting up the development environment.
For more information about the MIDlet, see:
Design for information about the design and functionality of the MIDlet
Implementation for information about implementing the MIDlet
You can download the project files for the MIDlet from the download page.