Example: Using 3D audio in application development

This example MIDlet demonstrates the use and functionality of the Advanced Multimedia Supplements API (AMMS API). The MIDlet implements a game in which a Walker explores the different rooms of a Mansion. Each room has its own reverb settings and one or more moving sound sources.

Figure: Opening view


You need the following to develop and test this MIDlet:

  • Series 40 5th Edition FP1 or S60 3rd Edition FP1 SDK or newer

  • Series 40 5th Edition FP1 or S60 3rd Edition FP1 device or newer

Note: For the environmental audio to work in the emulator, you need an EAX™ compatible sound card.

For instructions on how to set up the Java ME development environment, see section Setting up the development environment.


For more information about the MIDlet, see:

  • Design for information about the design and functionality of the MIDlet

  • Implementation for information about implementing the MIDlet

You can download the project files for the MIDlet from the download page.