Multimedia - AudioOutputControl MIDlet


This example MIDlet shows you how to use the AudioOutputControl interface on a Symbian device to manage audio output modes for a variety of media players.

Figure: AudioOutputControl MIDlet

For a tutorial that shows you how to create this MIDlet, see section Example: Managing audio output modes for media players.


This MIDlet is compatible with Series 40 6th Edition FP1 and Java Runtime 2.1 for Symbian devices and newer.

Note: The device must have a minimum of 4 MB of heap memory.

This MIDlet has been tested on the following devices:

  • Nokia N8-00 (Symbian Anna with Java Runtime 2.2 for Symbian)

MIDlet project

The MIDlet project files are packaged as a zip file. To download the zip file, click the following link:

Download AudioOutputControl MIDlet

Table: MIDlet details

MIDlet version


Creation date

03 August 2011


Eclipse and NetBeans


Symbian^3 SDK 1.0 for Nokia devices

MIDlet classes

The MIDlet consists of the following class (click to view the full source code):