The LoginView
, NewPostView
, and NewCommentView
classes utilize the canvas text editor control
(the TextEditor
class), which provides a customizable
appearance and full text editing features with the QWERTY keyboard.
The Canvas
-based text editor is very useful in applications
with a custom UI, since the QWERTY keyboard eases the use of applications
that depend on entering large amounts of text, and the text editor
is easy to use since the canvas QWERTY input support requires no extra
The following figure shows the class diagram related to the text editor features of the MIDlet.
Figure: Text editor classes
The following step list shows how to implement the text editor
in the LoginView
class, which displays the login
view of the MIDlet. The implementation for the NewPostView
and NewCommentView
classes is similar.
Figure: Login view
To implement the text editor in the LoginView
Create the
class file.
Import the required classes.
import; import; import; import; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField;
Set LoginView
to extend BaseView
and implement TextEditorListener
. MIDlets use the TextEditorListener
interface to receive notifications of
content changes and other editor events from the TextEditor
objects. Define three text editors for the login view.
public class LoginView extends BaseView implements TextEditorListener { private TextEditor usernameEditor; private TextEditor passwordEditor; private TextEditor blogUrlEditor; private Font font = Visual.SMALL_FONT; private int fontHeight = font.getHeight();
In the class
constructor, set up the text editors for getting the login information.
When creating a text editor, you must define various visual settings.
The most important one is the setParent
method call,
which makes the editor appear on the canvas and therefore the screen.
In this case, the ViewMaster
class represents the
LoginView(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) { super(g, ViewMaster.VIEW_LOGIN, x, y, width, height); haveTabs = false; int border = 2; int editorWidth = width - 2 * border; // Reserve three rows at the top for text int yPosition = fontHeight * 3; usernameEditor = TextEditor.createTextEditor(32, TextField.ANY, editorWidth, 1); usernameEditor.setFont(font); usernameEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); usernameEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); usernameEditor.setContent(data.getLoginUsername()); usernameEditor.setParent(viewMaster); usernameEditor.setPosition(border, yPosition); usernameEditor.setVisible(false); usernameEditor.setTextEditorListener(this); // Reserve some space for text for draw() yPosition += fontHeight + usernameEditor.getHeight(); passwordEditor = TextEditor.createTextEditor(32, TextField.ANY, editorWidth, 1); passwordEditor.setFont(font); passwordEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); passwordEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); passwordEditor.setContent(data.getLoginPassword()); passwordEditor.setParent(viewMaster); passwordEditor.setPosition(border, yPosition); passwordEditor.setVisible(false); passwordEditor.setTextEditorListener(this); yPosition += fontHeight + usernameEditor.getHeight(); blogUrlEditor = TextEditor.createTextEditor(200, TextField.ANY, editorWidth, 3); blogUrlEditor.setFont(font); blogUrlEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); blogUrlEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); blogUrlEditor.setContent(data.getBlogUrl()); blogUrlEditor.setParent(viewMaster); blogUrlEditor.setPosition(border, yPosition); blogUrlEditor.setVisible(false); blogUrlEditor.setTextEditorListener(this);
At the end of the class constructor, add an options menu with an exit option, and labels for the three soft keys.
// Create options menu menu = new OptionsMenu(width, height) { { addExitItem(); } }; softkey1Label = "Options"; softkey2Label = "Login"; softkey3Label = "Exit"; }
When the login
view becomes active, the activate
method makes the
text editors visible and gives the focus to the first one, which receives
the subsequent key events.
public void activate() { System.out.println("login activate"); super.activate(); usernameEditor.setVisible(true); usernameEditor.setFocus(true); passwordEditor.setVisible(true); passwordEditor.setFocus(false); blogUrlEditor.setVisible(true); blogUrlEditor.setFocus(false); }
The deactivate
method hides the text editors.
The draw
method is used to draw UI text between the
text editors.
public void deactivate() { System.out.println("login deactivate"); usernameEditor.setVisible(false); passwordEditor.setVisible(false); blogUrlEditor.setVisible(false); } public void draw(int x, int y, int width, int height) { System.out.println("login render"); if (menu.isVisible()) { menu.draw(g); return; } viewMaster.drawBackground(g, x, y, width, height, false); // Draw some text between the text editors. g.setColor(Visual.LIST_PRIMARY_COLOR); g.setFont(Visual.SMALL_BOLD_FONT); g.drawString("Wordpress login", width / 2, 0, g.TOP | g.HCENTER); g.setFont(Visual.SMALL_FONT); g.setColor(Visual.LOGIN_MESSAGE_COLOR); // This may contain an error message from the previous logging attempt. g.drawString(data.getLoginMessage(), width / 2, fontHeight, g.TOP | g.HCENTER); g.setColor(Visual.LIST_PRIMARY_COLOR); g.drawString("Username:", width / 2, usernameEditor.getPositionY() - fontHeight, g.TOP | g.HCENTER); g.drawString("Password:", width / 2, passwordEditor.getPositionY() - fontHeight, g.TOP | g.HCENTER); g.drawString("Blog URL:", width / 2, blogUrlEditor.getPositionY() - fontHeight, g.TOP | g.HCENTER); drawSoftkeys(); }
When the user
has entered the required information, the Selection Key press is checked
in the keyReleased
method. The MIDlet reads the editor
content with the getContent
method, and passes it
to an application data object. Finally, since the login phase is done,
the view is changed to the loader view.
public void keyReleased(int keyCode) { if (menu != null && menu.notifyKeyEvents(keyCode)) { // menu used this keycode, let's not use for anything else. viewMaster.draw(); return; } switch (keyCode) { case KeyCodes.MIDDLE_SOFTKEY: data.setLoginUsername(usernameEditor.getContent()); data.setLoginPassword(passwordEditor.getContent()); data.setBlogUrl(blogUrlEditor.getContent()); viewMaster.setView(ViewMaster.VIEW_LOADER); break; case KeyCodes.RIGHT_SOFTKEY: midlet.commandExit(); break; default: break; } }
The TextEditorListener.inputAction
method determines which of
the three editors receives the focus by checking for the ACTION_TRAVERSE_NEXT
actions. Depending
on the current action, the correct editor receives the focus and the
others lose it. Similarly, the editor background colors are modified
to indicate the active editor to the user.
public void inputAction(TextEditor editor, int actions) { // Set focus to a correct editor. if ((actions & TextEditorListener.ACTION_TRAVERSE_NEXT) != 0) { if (editor == usernameEditor) { usernameEditor.setFocus(false); passwordEditor.setFocus(true); } if (editor == passwordEditor) { passwordEditor.setFocus(false); blogUrlEditor.setFocus(true); } } if ((actions & TextEditorListener.ACTION_TRAVERSE_PREVIOUS) != 0) { if (editor == blogUrlEditor) { passwordEditor.setFocus(true); blogUrlEditor.setFocus(false); } if (editor == passwordEditor) { usernameEditor.setFocus(true); passwordEditor.setFocus(false); } } // Set colors to indicate active and passives states. if (usernameEditor.hasFocus()) { usernameEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); usernameEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); } else { usernameEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); usernameEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); } if (passwordEditor.hasFocus()) { passwordEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); passwordEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); } else { passwordEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); passwordEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); } if (blogUrlEditor.hasFocus()) { blogUrlEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); blogUrlEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_ACTIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); } else { blogUrlEditor.setBackgroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR); blogUrlEditor.setForegroundColor(Visual.EDITOR_PASSIVE_FOREGROUND_COLOR); } } }