
CategoryBar is a Series 40 full touch UI element typically used for switching between different views within the same MIDlet. It allows for easy and intuitive navigation between related functionalities. It is visualized as a set of user-selectable elements, each represented by an icon and a text label provided by the MIDlet. If there are more elements than can fit in a single row on the screen, the device can hide the excess elements and provide an option for the user to temporarily expand the CategoryBar to view and access the full set of elements. (The exact behavior depends on the device, and the MIDlet cannot affect it.)

Figure: CategoryBar with four application-defined elements and the mandatory Back button

The MIDlet is responsible for populating the CategoryBar with elements and controlling the visibility of the CategoryBar. By default, the CategoryBar is hidden. The MIDlet must also respond to selected elements, that is, implement the actions associated with selecting an element, typically a switch from one view to another within the MIDlet, although other uses are also possible. One element always has the appearance of a selected element. The MIDlet can provide an additional icon per element to be used when the element is selected. If the MIDlet does not provide the additional icon, the platform uses default highlighting for the selected element.

The CategoryBar always contains a mandatory platform-provided Back button, mainly for hiding the CategoryBar. As a rule, when the user selects this element, the ElementListener registered for the CategoryBar receives a notification with ElementListener.BACK as the index value of the selected element. The MIDlet is responsible for actually hiding the CategoryBar. For more information about handling the CategoryBar, see step 5 in Creating a CategoryBar and Hiding and showing a CategoryBar. In certain situations, the CommandListener of the current Displayable is called instead of the ElementListener; for more information about which situations, see the ElementListener class reference.

Only one CategoryBar can be active at a time. The active CategoryBar is the one that was last set visible. Setting a CategoryBar visible therefore causes it to become the active CategoryBar, replacing and hiding any existing active CategoryBar.

The CategoryBar automatically adapts to the orientation of the MIDlet UI. However, the MIDlet must use the Orientation API to first set the orientation.

For additional information about category bars, see the Series 40 Full Touch Design Guidelines on Nokia Developer.

Device compatibility

CategoryBar is supported on Series 40 full touch devices with Java Runtime 2.0.0 for Series 40 or newer.

Creating a CategoryBar

To create a new CategoryBar:

  1. Check the most suitable dimensions for an icon and, if you are using one, a background image using the static CategoryBar.getBestImageHeight and CategoryBar.getBestImageWidth methods. These methods return the most suitable dimensions for the current device. Use the returned values to optimize the use of icons and background image in the new CategoryBar.

    Note: Setting a background image for a CategoryBar is only available to a MIDlet running in the manufacturer or operator domain.

    The following code snippet retrieves the most suitable dimensions for a CategoryBar icon.

    int bestWidth;
    int bestHeight;
    try {
        bestWidth = CategoryBar.getBestImageWidth(CategoryBar.IMAGE_TYPE_ICON);
        bestHeight = CategoryBar.getBestImageHeight(CategoryBar.IMAGE_TYPE_ICON);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        // Handle IllegalArgumentException from CategoryBar.getBestImageWidth() or
        // CategoryBar.getBestImageHeight()
  2. Check the maximum number of elements allowed in a CategoryBar using the static CategoryBar.getMaxElements method. This method returns the maximum number of elements that can be displayed in a CategoryBar on the current device. Make sure your MIDlet can dynamically adjust the number of elements in the new CategoryBar to comply with the maximum value if necessary. If you try to add more elements than the maximum number, the excess elements are not displayed. (No Exception is thrown in this case.)

    The following code snippet retrieves the maximum number of CategoryBar elements allowed on the device.

    int maxElements = CategoryBar.getMaxElements();
  3. Create a new CategoryBar object. Use the constructor parameters to define the icons and labels for the elements with which to populate the CategoryBar. You can either define the icons and labels separately or use an IconCommand array to provide the icon and label data. For more information about the IconCommand class, see section IconCommand. Defining separate icons for selected elements is optional.

    The following code snippet creates a new CategoryBar with three elements using separately defined icons and labels.

    CategoryBar categoryBar;
    try {
        // Define the icons and labels for the CategoryBar elements
        Image[] unselectedIcons = {
        Image[] selectedIcons = {
        String[] labels = { "Label 1", "Label 2", "Label 3" };
        // Create the CategoryBar
        categoryBar = new CategoryBar(unselectedIcons, selectedIcons, labels);
    } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        // Handle NullPointerException from Image.createImage()
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // Handle IOException from Image.createImage()
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        // Handle IllegalArgumentException from CategoryBar()
  4. Configure the CategoryBar using the appropriate CategoryBar methods. You can set the following additional properties not set by the constructor:

    You can set the above properties at any point during the lifetime of the CategoryBar, not just when you first create it.

    The following code snippet sets a background image for the new CategoryBar and sets the second element (at index 1) as the selected element.

    try {
    } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        // Handle NullPointerException from Image.createImage()
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        // Handle IOException from Image.createImage()
    } catch (SecurityException se) {
        // Handle SecurityException from categoryBar.setBackgroundImage()
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        /// Handle IllegalArgumentException from categoryBar.setSelectedIndex()
  5. Register an ElementListener for the CategoryBar. The ElementListener is notified whenever an element is selected. Only one ElementListener can be associated with a given CategoryBar at a time.

    The following code snippet registers the current class as an ElementListener for the new CategoryBar.

  6. Implement the ElementListener registered for the CategoryBar. The ElementListener.notifyElementSelected method is called every time the user selects an element from the CategoryBar. Use this method to handle the selection action for each element, for example a switch to the corresponding MIDlet view.

    The following code snippet implements a notifyElementSelected method that triggers the correct action for each element in the new CategoryBar. (The implementation of the switchToView and toggleVisibility methods is not part of this example.)

    public void notifyElementSelected(CategoryBar bar, int selectedIndex) {
        // Switch to the MIDlet view corresponding to the selected element
        // or hide the CategoryBar if the Back button was selected
        switch (selectedIndex) {
            case 0: switchToView(bar, 0);
            case 1: switchToView(bar, 1);
            case 2: switchToView(bar, 2);
            case ElementListener.BACK: toggleVisibility(bar, false);
  7. After you have created and configured the CategoryBar and set up an ElementListener for it, show the CategoryBar in the MIDlet UI so that the user can access it. Use the setVisibility method as follows:


You have now created the CategoryBar.

Retrieving the properties of a CategoryBar

You can retrieve the following properties from an existing CategoryBar:

Setting the properties of a CategoryBar element

You can set the following properties for an element of an existing CategoryBar:

  • Unselected icon

  • Selected icon

  • Label

Typically, you set the above properties before displaying the CategoryBar for the first time, but you can also set the properties at any time.

You can either define the icons and labels separately or use an IconCommand object to provide the icon and label data.

Note: Setting the above properties overrides any values already set for the properties.

Hiding and showing a CategoryBar

If you need to hide the CategoryBar at some point in the MIDlet UI flow, call categoryBar.setVisibility(false). This removes the CategoryBar from the MIDlet UI, making it inaccessible to the user. When you want to show it again, call categoryBar.setVisibility(true) and the CategoryBar is again displayed in the MIDlet UI.

Note: MIDlets can modify the visibility of a CategoryBar only when running in the foreground. If a MIDlet attempts to modify the visibility when in the background, the request is ignored. Similarly, if the MIDlet UI is partially or completely hidden by a native UI, any attempt to show the CategoryBar is cached until the MIDlet is brought back to the foreground.