Implementing DisplayCanvas

The DisplayCanvas class displays the picture captured in the camera view.

The key method in this class is the paint method, which draws the canvas with the image:

    public void paint(Graphics g)
        g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        if(image != null)
            g.drawImage(image, getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2,
                        Graphics.VCENTER | Graphics.HCENTER);
        // In fullscreen mode, drawing exit button
            // Landscape
            exitX = image.getWidth();
            exitY = image.getHeight() - (back_icon.getHeight()+20);

                        (exitX+getWidth())/2, exitY,
                        Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT);

The setImage method is used to turn an array of bytes in to an Image object:

    void setImage(byte pngImage[])
        image = Image.createImage(pngImage, 0, pngImage.length);