For information about the design and functionality of the MIDlet, see section Design.
Note: Since all the element modules are implemented in the same
way, this implementation example only covers the ListDemoModule
To implement the ListDemoModule
Create the
class file.
Import the required classes.
import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
Set ListDemoModule
to implement DemoModule
and SelectionListener
. MIDlets use the SelectionListener
interface to receive events when a selection
occurs in a Control
public class ListDemoModule implements DemoModule, SelectionListener {
Create the required
variables and the ListDemoModule
class constructor.
private Shell demoShell; private Shell parent; private Composite demoComposite; private List demoList; private Command backCommand; private Command addCommand; private Command removeCommand; private static final String[] originalContent = new String[] { "Apples", "Oranges", "Grapefruit", "Milk" }; public ListDemoModule() { }
The DemoModule
interface requires the class to implement three
returns a simple description
of the module.
public String getDescription() { return "Demonstrates the List component"; }
returns the title of the module.
public String getTitle() { return "Shopping List"; }
runs the demonstration of the module.
For the ListDemoModule
, the method sets up the demonstration
and the selection listeners.
public void runDemo(Shell parent) { this.parent = parent; demoShell = new Shell(SWT.MAX); demoShell.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.VERTICAL)); demoShell.setText("Shopping List"); demoComposite = new Composite(demoShell, SWT.NONE); demoComposite.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.VERTICAL)); demoShell.layout(); backCommand = new Command(demoShell, Command.EXIT, 0); backCommand.setText("Back"); backCommand.addSelectionListener(this); addCommand = new Command(demoShell, Command.SELECT, 1); addCommand.setText("Add"); addCommand.addSelectionListener(this); removeCommand = new Command(demoShell, Command.SELECT, 1); removeCommand.setText("Remove"); removeCommand.addSelectionListener(this); //first we create a multiple selection list demoList = new List(demoComposite, SWT.MULTI); demoList.addSelectionListener(this); //then we set the original content demoList.setItems(originalContent); demoComposite.layout();; demoShell.setActive(); }
The element
module classes can use some helper methods. The ListDemoModule
class uses the following helper methods:
and widgetDefaultSelected
handle selections in the Control
. The user can
add and remove list items, and exit the list.
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { if(e.widget.equals(backCommand)) { back(); } else if(e.widget.equals(addCommand)) { add(); } else if(e.widget.equals(removeCommand)) { remove(); } } public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e) { }
closes the list view and returns to the
previous view in the MIDlet.
private void back() { demoShell.dispose(); demoShell = null; parent.getShell().setActive(); }
is used to add a new item to the list.
private void add() { //here we first create a dialog to ask the user for a new item QueryDialog dialog = new QueryDialog(demoShell, QueryDialog.STANDARD); dialog.setPromptText("I should also remember:", ""); String itemToAdd =; //check whether the user pressed the cancel button or is trying to add //a duplicate item if(itemToAdd == null) { return; } else if(demoList.indexOf(itemToAdd) != -1) { showMessage("One entry of " + itemToAdd + " should be enough for you to remember..."); return; } //add the item to the list demoList.add(itemToAdd); }
is used to remove an existing item
from the list.
private void remove() { //if the user hasn't selected anything if(demoList.getSelectionCount() == 0) { showMessage("Please mark the items you want to remove first!"); return; } //remove the selections from the list demoList.remove(demoList.getSelectionIndices()); }
is used to display messages from
the add
and remove
helper methods.
private void showMessage(String message) { TimedMessageBox box = new TimedMessageBox(demoShell, SWT.ICON_ERROR); box.setMessage(message);; } }