Creating an IconCommand

To create an IconCommand:

  1. Create a new IconCommand object. Use the constructor parameters to define the icon image, labels, command type, and priority.
    IconCommand okcommand;
    IconCommand screencommand;
    //Image provided to represent selected icon
    img = Image.createImage("/image/selected.png");
    //Image provided to represent unselected icon
    unselected_img = Image.createImage("/image/unselected.png");
    //Create the IconCommand using system icon ID.
    //Parameters defined are: short label=OK, long label=OK, commandType=4 (Type OK), priority=1, iconId=1 (which is ICON_BACK) 
    okcommand = new IconCommand("OK", "okay", 4, 1, 4);
    //Create the IconCommand using midlet defined images.
    //Parameters defined are: short label=Screen, long label=screen command, commandType=1 (Type SCREEN), priority=2
    screencommand = new IconCommand("Screen", "screen command", unselected_img, img, 1, 2);
  2. Define the action for the IconCommand by using a CommandListener. Like a Command, an IconCommand only encapsulates the semantic information for an action, not the actual action, so you need to implement the action separately through a CommandListener.

For detailed information about the IconCommand constructors and built-in system icon IDs, see the IconCommand class reference.