Example: Using multipoint touch events 1

This example MIDlet shows you how to implement multipoint touch interaction using the basic Canvas pointer methods together with pointer numbers. When you drag your fingers on the screen, the MIDlet displays a worm-like animation at every touch point simultaneously.

Figure: Multipoint touch events on a Symbian device

For a more advanced example of using multipoint touch events on Symbian devices, see Example: Using multipoint touch events 2.


You need the following to develop and test this MIDlet:

  • Nokia SDK 2.0 for Java or Symbian^3 SDK for Nokia devices or newer

  • Java Runtime 2.0.0 for Series 40 or Java Runtime 2.2 for Symbian device or newer (some Symbian devices require the Symbian Anna update installed)

For instructions on how to set up the Java ME development environment, see section Setting up the development environment.


For more information about the MIDlet, see:

  • Design for information about the design and functionality of the MIDlet

  • Implementation for information about implementing the MIDlet

You can download the project files for the MIDlet from the download page.