
The MIDlet consists of three views, each of which contains a Form for a specific purpose:

  • EventCreationForm creates a new event at a specific time and sends the event information to recipients.

  • ContactListForm lists and selects contacts from the device's contacts list.

  • IncomingEventForm listens to incoming events and displays the event information.

When the MIDlet is run, it starts in the EventCreationForm, which offers the option to launch the ContactListForm to search contacts from the device's contact list and add them as event recipients. When the MIDlet detects an incoming event message, it launches the IncomingEventForm and displays the event information in it.

The events are created and stored as vCalendar entries. They contain fields for event title, duration, time, and date. Event messages are sent through an SMS connection, using the port 6553.

For instructions on how to implement the MIDlet, see section Implementation.