Implementing the MIDlet main class

The MIDlet main class implements the required utilities and displays the main view of the MIDlet.

The MIDlet main class creates the following UI:

Figure: SystemProperties opening view (Series 40)

To implement the MIDlet main class:

  1. Create the class file.

  2. Import the required classes.

    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
  3. Set SystemProperties to extend MIDlet and implement CommandListener. MIDlets use the CommandListener interface to receive high-level UI events from the platform.

    public class SystemProperties extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
  4. Create an array for each system property you want to include in the MIDlet. The properties are expressed as strings.

        protected static final String[] SYSPROPLISTS = {
            "CLDC&MIDP", "Optional packages", "MMAPI (JSR-135)", "Bluetooth API (JSR-82)", "FileConnection API (JSR-75)",
            "WMA (JSR-120/205)", "SATSA API (JSR-177)", "Web Services API (JSR-172)", "AMMS API (JSR-234)",
            "Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API (JSR-226)", "Mobile 3D Graphics API (JSR-184)",
            "Nokia-specific (network)", "Nokia-specific (system)", "Nokia-specific (UI)",
            "Nokia-specific (Canvas UI)", "Nokia-specific (protected)", "Nokia-specific (dual-SIM)", "S40 full touch APIs"
        protected static final String[] CLDC_MIDPPROPS = {
            "microedition.profiles", "microedition.configuration", "microedition.locale", "microedition.platform",
            "microedition.encoding", "microedition.commports", "microedition.hostname", "microedition.jtwi.version",
        protected static final String[] OPT_SYSPROPS = {
            "", "microedition.pim.version", "microedition.m3g.version", "microedition.location.version",
            "bluetooth.api.version", "", "",
            "microedition.chapi.version", "microedition.sip.version", "wireless.messaging.version", "microedition.amms.version",
            "microedition.m2g.version", "microedition.payment.version", "microedition.contactless.version", "microedition.sensor.version",
            "obex.api.version", "microedition.broadcast.version", ""
        protected static final String[] MMAPI_SYSPROPS = {
            "supports.mixing", "", "", "supports.recording", "audio.encodings",
            "video.encodings", "video.snapshot.encodings", "streamable.contents"
        protected static final String[] BT_SYSPROPS = {
            "bluetooth.l2cap.receiveMTU.max", "bluetooth.connected.devices.max", "bluetooth.connected.inquiry",
            "", "bluetooth.connected.inquiry.scan", "",
            "bluetooth.master.switch", "", ""
        protected static final String[] FILE_API_SYSPROPS = {
            "", "", "fileconn.dir.videos", "", "",
            "", "fileconn.dir.tones", "","", "",
            "fileconn.dir.recordings", "", "fileconn.dir.landmarks", "",
            "fileconn.dir.memorycard", "", "fileconn.dir.private", "",
            "fileconn.dir.themes", "", "fileconn.dir.received", "",
            "fileconn.dir.roots.names", "file.separator", "fileconn.dir.cache", "fileconn.dir.bookmarks", "fileconn.dir.applications.bookmarks",
        protected static final String[] WMA_SYSPROPS = {
            "wireless.messaging.sms.smsc", "wireless.messaging.mms.mmsc"
        protected static final String[] SATSA_SYSPROPS = {
            "microedition.satsa.crypto.version", "microedition.satsa.apdu.version", "microedition.satsa.pki.version",
        protected static final String[] WEB_SERVICES_SYSPROPS = {
            "xml.jaxp.subset.version", "xml.rpc.subset.version"
        protected static final String[] AMMS_SYSPROPS = {
            "tuner.modulations", "audio.samplerates", "audio3d.simultaneouslocations", "camera.orientations",
            "camera.resolutions", "supports.mediacapabilities"
        protected static final String[] M2G_SYSPROPS = {
            "microedition.m2g.svg.baseProfile", "microedition.m2g.svg.version"
        protected static final String[] M3G_SYSPROPS = {
            "supportAntialiasing", "supportTrueColor", "supportDithering", "supportMipmapping",
            "supportPerspectiveCorrection", "supportLocalCameraLighting", "maxLights",
            "maxViewportWidth", "maxViewportHeight", "maxViewportDimension", "maxTextureDimension",
            "m3gRelease", "maxSpriteCropDimension", "numTextureUnits", "maxTransformsPerVertex"
        protected static final String[] NOKIA_NETWORK = {
            "", "", "",
            "", "", ""
        protected static final String[] NOKIA_SYSTEM = {
            "", "", "", "",
            "", "", "",
            "", "", "", "",
            "", "param1"
        protected static final String[] NOKIA_UI = {
            "", "", "",
            "", "", "", "",
            "", "", "",
            "", "", ""
        protected static final String[] NOKIA_CANVAS_UI = {
            "", "",
            "", "", "",
            "", ""
        protected static final String[] NOKIA_PROTECTED = {
            "", "Cell-ID", "", "", "", "",
            "", "", "", "", "",
            "", ""
        protected static final String[] NOKIA_DUAL_SIM = {
            "", "", "", "",
            "", "", "",
            "", "", "",
            "", "", "",
        protected static final String[] S40_FT_SYSPROPS = {
            "", "",
            "", "", "",
            "", ""
  5. Create the required variables and the SystemProperties class constructor.

        private List list;
        private SysPropForm form;
        private Command exitCommand;
        private Command memCommand;
        protected int index;
        protected boolean bt = false;
        protected boolean m3g = false;
        public SystemProperties() {
            list = new List("System properties", List.IMPLICIT, SYSPROPLISTS, null);
            form = new SysPropForm(SYSPROPLISTS[0], this, CLDC_MIDPPROPS);
            memCommand = new Command("Memory status", Command.SCREEN, 2);
            exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
  6. Define the mandatory lifecycle methods for starting, pausing, and destroying the MIDlet.

        protected void startApp() {
        protected void pauseApp() {
        protected void destroyApp(boolean p1) {
  7. Use the commandAction method to move to the correct screen when the user chooses to view the details of a system property.

        public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d) {
            if (c == List.SELECT_COMMAND) {
                index = list.getSelectedIndex();
                if (index == 0) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[0], CLDC_MIDPPROPS);
                if (index == 1) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[1], OPT_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 2) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[2], MMAPI_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 3) {
                    bt = true;
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[3], BT_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 4) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[4], FILE_API_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 5) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[5], WMA_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 6) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[6], SATSA_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 7) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[7], WEB_SERVICES_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 8) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[8], AMMS_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 9) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[9], M2G_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 10) {
                    m3g = true;
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[10], M3G_SYSPROPS);
                if (index == 11) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[11], NOKIA_NETWORK);
                if (index == 12) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[12], NOKIA_SYSTEM);
                if (index == 13) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[13], NOKIA_UI);
                if (index == 14) {
                    SysPropFullCanvas canvas = new SysPropFullCanvas(this);
                else if (index == 15) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[15], NOKIA_PROTECTED);
                else if (index == 16) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[16], NOKIA_DUAL_SIM);
                else if (index == 17) {
                    form.update(SYSPROPLISTS[16], S40_FT_SYSPROPS);
            if (c == memCommand) {
            if (c == exitCommand) {
  8. Create a method for displaying the opening view of the MIDlet.

        protected void showList() {
  9. Create a method for displaying an alert window with the amount of used and available memory.

        private void showMemory() {
            Alert alert = new Alert("Memory status");
            String freemem = "" + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
            String totalmem = "" + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory();
            alert.setString("Free memory/Total memory: " + freemem + "/" + totalmem);
            Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(alert, list);

Now that you have implemented the MIDlet main class, implement the full screen display of property details.